Dreaming vs Calling

Learn to analyse and understand the meaning of your dreams.

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Dreaming vs Calling

Post by methinks » Sat Oct 06, 2007 2:04 am

With dreams being really one's subconcious processing, is it possible that your reoccuring dream is really a calling?

Lately, I have had reoccuring dreams of a particular city. I have never visited this city nor do I have the intention of moving there. There are career possbilites for me but I just do not see my self there on a regular basis.



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Post by eye_of_tiger » Sat Oct 06, 2007 2:36 am

Not all dreams are only the result of one's subconscious processing, although some obviously are. :smt017  

I am not quite clear as to the meaning you intended by the use of the word "calling". Did you mean to ask whether these types of dreams can be a way of calling you to go to a city you have never visited in the past, or that by going to such a place you might discover your true calling or purpose in life with special reference to choosing a career which is right for you?

Or did you actually mean a bit of both?

Whichever of the two possibilities is true, dreams contain messages from our unconscious minds (of which our subconscious is only a small part) in order to provide us with both guidance and comfort. Recurring dreams suggest that you are either not yet understanding the important messages contained within these dreams, and/or you are not applying those which you have already learned in your daily waking life.

I consequently feel that at least these particular recurring dreams have a special meaning to you that goes well beyond random subconscious processing.

Do you not see yourself in such a city and/or career, because you do not feel that you deserve the valuable opportunities for growth it would offer you, or are you allowing your fears of taking the risks involved in moving there to get this job get the better of you? The answers to these questions and many more I can think of are entirely your business. I am only mentioning them here in order to make you think more deeply as to the most likely meanings hidden within your recurring dreams.

Be your own best friend,

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Post by methinks » Sat Oct 06, 2007 10:37 pm

Thanks eye.

"Did you mean to ask whether these types of dreams can be a way of calling you to go to a city you have never visited in the past, or that by going to such a place you might discover your true calling or purpose in life with special reference to choosing a career which is right for you? "

What I mean by calling is that by going to the city it could open a door of possiblites for me but I would need to be asked to be there for there is no other reason(unless for vacation but there other cities I would go to first).

"Do you not see yourself in such a city and/or career, because you do not feel that you deserve the valuable opportunities for growth it would offer you, or are you allowing your fears of taking the risks involved in moving there to get this job get the better of you? "

There is no fear that is why I am asking. Again, I just don't feel the need to be there any time soon for the vaulable opportunities that are avilable to me can be had from any other city.


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Post by eye_of_tiger » Sun Oct 07, 2007 2:41 am

Again, I just don't feel the need to be there any time soon for the valuable opportunities that are available to me can be had from any other city.

Of course the question still arises as to just why your dreaming mind chose this particular city out of all the other possible ones which would have also provided you with similar opportunities.

I would need to be asked to be there

You could potentially be waiting for the rest of your life for someone to ask you to move there to work for them. What MIGHT be holding you back from applying for a position there is that if you continue to largely take a wait and see attitude and expect an employer to first seek you out, then you may not need to look outside of your local area and support network in pursuing your career ambitions.

There are many types of fears (many of them currently hidden from our conscious minds), both including a fear of failure as well as surprisingly a fear of success. When we are unusually successful at anything, people continue to expect us to achieve more and more, and having more expected from us than we can ever hope to deliver frankly terrifies most of us.

Please do not take the above as a criticism of yourself, as I am merely attempting to uncover hidden messages contained within your dream, based on what you have told me. Our dreaming mind often presents us with uncomfortable truths in a way which we will find more acceptable, and therefore be more willing to take notice of.

Our nightly adventures are consequently often referred to as the royal road to our unconscious minds, giving us privileged access to information which cannot be easily obtained by any other means.

Your's sincerely,

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Post by methinks » Mon Oct 08, 2007 10:22 pm

"Please do not take the above as a criticism of yourself, as I am merely attempting to uncover hidden messages contained within your dream, based on what you have told me. Our dreaming mind often presents us with uncomfortable truths in a way which we will find more acceptable, and therefore be more willing to take notice of."

No offense taken eye. I appreciate your insights as well as your honesty.

To be honest with you, this dream is just one of many pieces in a puzzle that are vivid and intense such as this one, that essentially deal with the same issue.  Your explanation has now made me wonder if it is a fear I am trying to deal with instead of a calling.


methinks :)

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Tue Oct 09, 2007 1:45 am

Your explanation has now made me wonder if it is a fear I am trying to deal with instead of a calling.

I am tending to agree with you about this, but only up to a point. But then it could be that this fear is an unavoidable part of your calling. It may be that you are being called to do something important in your life, but that you first will need to come more fully to terms with the fears which are a part of the total package deal.

I alluded to this possibility when I talked about the fear of having so much success in other people's eyes that they now expect more and more of you in future. You might then spend most of your life attempting not to disappoint them, and in so doing forget who you truly are? By constantly wanting to be a people pleaser, you could be in danger of losing yourself?

Does this make the meaning of your dream any clearer? It could both be a calling as well as the fears that following this calling could produce in your own subconscious mind, whose main function is to ensure your survival on many different levels at the same time (not only your physical survival, but your psychological survival as well).

Don't allow these fears to defeat you, and to turn you away from your calling. We are with you all the way in providing you with whatever support you feel that you need, in order to more effectively with these fears, as well as in following your own unique spiritual path. We are amongst your biggest fans!

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Post by methinks » Wed Oct 10, 2007 9:36 pm

Much clearer and again much appreciated.



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Post by carte_blanche » Sun Oct 21, 2007 3:03 pm

could it be a city you have wtached on tv? in a movie or on travel channel? and sub conciously you want to go there?

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Post by schitzo_girl333 » Sun Oct 21, 2007 9:02 pm

ok i have a question about some of my dreams i keep on having  3 common themes that go on in my dreams. one is that im always back in highschool. two is that im always dreaming about water and snow. third is i keep dreaming that i walk long distances to get some where.  if any of u could help id really be thankful

thanks a bunch

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Post by methinks » Sat Oct 27, 2007 2:06 am

carte_blanche wrote:could it be a city you have wtached on tv? in a movie or on travel channel? and sub conciously you want to go there?
It's actually New York. A city that you see everywhere.


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