can anyone interpret this 3 common dream themes for me?????????

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can anyone interpret this 3 common dream themes for me?????????

Post by schitzo_girl333 » Sun Oct 21, 2007 9:13 pm

can anyone please try to tell me what these 3 common dream themes mean??? first i have dreams about being in high school again. and most of the time i think to myself that i shouldnt be here cause ive already finished high school. second is that i dream about snow and water all the time. third is that i always dream im walking long distances. and most of the time the road i walk is dirt and flat.

so please help!!!!

thanks a bunch

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Dream interpretation is not an exact science?

Post by eye_of_tiger » Mon Oct 22, 2007 12:01 am

You have failed to provide us with anything like the detail we require to be able to interpret your dreams with any reasonable degree of certainty. With due respect it sounds by your question that you are currently in the process of compiling your own general dream dictionary, instead of actually showing an interest in what the symbols in your dreams could mean to your own unconscious mind (which in the end is all that really matters).

What a particular dream element might mean to your mind could be something completely different than if the same thing had appeared in someone else's dream, so I would be extremely careful if I were you in reaching any conclusions on the basis of what little you have told us here. We would need to look at the other dream symbols (as an example) associated with you finding yourself back at high school, long after you had left it in waking life, as well as any strong feelings you had at the time of your dream to see the meaning of a high school in it's proper context, and not as a symbol standing entirely by itself.

The following are therefore only rough guesses as to the possible meanings of these 3 common dream themes.

first i have dreams about being in high school again. and most of the time i think to myself that i shouldnt be here cause ive already finished high school.

Dreams of this type suggest to me that you still have much more to learn about life in general, and especially with regard to your relationships with people who have been an important part of your life over many years. It is also telling me that you do not believe that you should need to go over the same memories from the past over and over again. In other words, you are indignant that you should be expected to re-examine what first appeared to be over some time ago, and you are therefore resisting every one else's efforts to get you to do this. Seeing yourself back in high school might also mean that you are feeling a strong sense of nostalgia for the relative feelings of happiness and security which you felt then, when compared to what you feel now that you are older. You may long to go back to a time when life did not seem so complicated as it is now?

second is that i dream about snow and water all the time.

Water in dreams is generally associated with our current emotions and the state of our emotional health. A still body of water suggests that overall we are fairly calm and at peace with ourselves, while choppy and murky waters would probably indicate that we are experiencing troubled times in our waking lives in an emotional sense. Ice or snow is simply frozen water so snow in your dreams as a common theme may be a symbol telling you that your emotions are similarly stuck or frozen. It may be that your feelings about something or someone as so strong and overpowering that you are presently able to cope with it, so instead of bringing the issue nearer to the surface and learning to deal with it in a mature and more balanced manner, you appear to have chosen instead to lock your feelings away in a frozen form, so that you cannot feel the pain. By insulating yourself from the pain associated with these uncomfortable feelings, you are also unintentionally cutting yourself off from finding a possible solution?

third is that i always dream im walking long distances. and most of the time the road i walk is dirt and flat.

You are walking along your life's path, which seems to stretch on forever towards the distant horizon, and makes you feel that you have little hope of ever reaching your destination. Walking long distances in your dreams possibly represents your feelings of impatience utter frustration that you cannot seem to move any faster.

In the game of life slowly but surely is frequently the most effective way of achieving anything which is worthy of the time and effort you are putting into attaining it. You are also beating up on yourself for not being able to go any faster, which only makes your journey through life appear that much more longer than it would have been otherwise. You are perhaps feeling somewhat dispirited and disappointed in yourself for having to continue to move so slowly but carefully, and this common theme may in fact be just another aspect of the same general idea as represented by your dreams of finding yourself back at high school. You still have many lessons in life left to learn, and some of them will require you to be willing to step outside of your personal comfort zone.

A dirt road itself suggests to me that you badly need to get back to basics, and with dirt being earth it could mean that you need to be more grounded within yourself and take a more practical approach to your problems, instead of continuing to live most of your life always so deep in thought. You may need to simplify many parts of your life and decide what is really important to you, plus be willing to let go of those things or people which (or whom) are presently holding you back from moving forwards with your life once again.

Hoping that some of the above helps you to better understand the most likely interpretations for these 3 common dream themes of your's,

Sweet dreams,

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dream Interpretation help

Post by raven3075 » Mon Oct 22, 2007 12:11 am

Hello Friend,
I may be able to help you some ,But I need some More details.
Please answer the following Question as best you can remember,
1. In this dream ,are you inside yourself or were you like wathching yourself  almost like on a motion picture screen.
2.Was this dream cloudy or foggy, or was it crystal clear ?
Were there any of the following in the dream, steps, animals or any dead relatives or symbols or reminders of the above?
let me know,

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Post by schitzo_girl333 » Mon Oct 22, 2007 8:20 pm

well im always dream like im watching myself im never in my body. when i have dreams about high school there are sometimes my old friends from high school in them and sometimes theres people i dont even know. and with the water most of the time its like a lake or something in my dreams but sometimes there are floods huge floods like 50 or more feet deep when i have those dreams of the floods i usually wake up very scared. and then with the snow im usually walking in the snow or driving in the snow. and also with the walking on a road its usually to see friends. and most of the time im not tired or anything and i think in my dream boy i can walk a long ways now without getting tired. but i mean there isnt anything specfic i can tell u cause i have these dreams so ofter that id be writeing forever here. and when im dreaming the dreams there crystal clear but of course a little while after i thinking about them then they turn foggy in my mind.

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Post by schitzo_girl333 » Mon Oct 22, 2007 8:22 pm

thank u eye_of_tiger for ur help it does make alot of sense what u said. thank u

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Dream Themes

Post by passionatepainter » Fri Oct 26, 2007 12:29 pm

I agree with the tips sent by eye of the tiger. In general water usually represents an emotional state, but it can also represent a spiritual state. We are baptized in water to achieve a spiritual state. Roads usually represent life and where you are on the road of life and how you are traveling down that road. Are you lost? speeding? confused? The dreams of high school are also representing where you are in this school of life. It's a school with a higher purpose "high school"

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