Physically Painful Nightmare, please help.

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Physically Painful Nightmare, please help.

Post by kurukulla » Thu Jan 03, 2008 9:17 am


i am hoping that someone can help me with a reoccurring dream.  i've had this dream off and on for the last 11 years.  the surrounding content usually varies but the end result is the same.  

the dream  starts out normal enough but as it progresses a feeling of fear builds up.  it culminates in me being attacked, for lack of a better way to describe it.  the attacker is invisible and disembodied.  in the dream i always assume it to be a ghost or demon although in waking life i wonder if there is something else going on here.  anyway, the attack is quite painful.  my limbs get very heavy and its very difficult to move.  my entire body feels as though it is on pins and needles.  it is extremely painful.  

i have become a bit more sophisticated in these dreams and will usually recite mantras to make it stop.  on rare occassions it actually works, most of the time though it only succeeds in keeping me calm.  

i often then fight my way to consciousness but often times i'll think i'm awake but then that heavy painful feeling returns and i am forced to endure it till i think i fall back asleep.  

sometimes i will have this sensation too and experience sleep paralysis before i even start dreaming.  there have been a few times too where i have woken up from such dreams hanging head first off the side of my bed.  if i hadn't caught myself on the dresser i would have fallen and received a painful injury as my bed was lofted at the time.  

as i had mentioned this has been going on for the last 11 years.  it's strange because i can go six months and not have any such dreams but then they always come back.  there have been a few times when i had thought that i would not have such dreams again but then they always come back usually stronger than ever.  they usually come in groups too.  like i'll go a long time without having one then have three in as many days.

its been a few months since i have had such a dream and now i am scared because i know it is only a matter of time before they start up again.  

any suggestions or thoughts about what might be going on here?  

i really appreciate your help



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Post by Crow » Thu Jan 03, 2008 1:47 pm

Okay you addressed someone in the begining of the post, and then asked if anyone could help.  So I hope that I am not crossing a line.

My question to you, when this first started happening these painful dreams...were you first waking up spiritually?  
In your posts you describe symptoms I have with Journey's...The feeling of lead being poured into my whole body, and not being able to move.  It can be frightening.  
Through trial and error, I've found what works for me.  Sounds like you are doing the same thing.  
I too dred these dreams...many times being forced to see things that I do not want to see.  This is how it is painfuly physical for me, for you it sounds different.  I too am curious to know how you deal with these types of dreams.  Mantra's how impressive, I do not do those in my dreams...not that I am aware of.  Only when I am awake.  I trust my Spirit, it knows the way. There are things that it knows that this human brain of mine will never understand...LOL. I'm still trying to figure this all out.  Safe Journeys!

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Post by kurukulla » Thu Jan 03, 2008 7:01 pm

thanks for the response Crow.  

the dreams began before i had any real direction spiritually.  the first time i had it,  it occurred five days in a row.  the feeling starts with a sensation that my limbs are losing their ability and then the pain sets in.  it feels like every single one of my nerves is being shattered.  i haven't been able to pin point anything in my waking life that would be a trigger.  it seems to occur at random.  

as for dealing with.  in the dreams i have tried mantras that are suppose to protect or scare away demons.  on rare occasion they have worked but most of the time it doesn't stop anything.  at best it keeps my mind calm during the experience but doesn't stop the pain.  as for dealing with it in waking life there have been times where i would wake after the dream and refuse to go back to sleep because its not only incredibly painful but very scary.  

i have experienced sleep paralysis before but that always seems different from this.  coincidently, these dreams started about six months after i had moved out of a house with some particularly nasty ghosts in it.  i wonder if there is a connection or just coincidence.  

all the best :D


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Post by ReikiMaster108 » Thu Jan 03, 2008 7:06 pm

sounds like ghost problem to me...try to find good preist to do yajna for u.Also do preyers and avoid places with ghost Bhagavad Gita :)

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Post by dhav » Thu Jan 03, 2008 9:16 pm

my sister also experiences something similar.the more stronger the protective force is the more stronger attacks.i will send you a protective energy but it will not be should seek out help from someone expert in your locality itself.
i am thinking how make a stop to this.mentally also you should assume to yourself it cannot touch you.sometimes the more you think of it the more it gets powerful and the attack can be more painful.
the advice reikimaster gave you is right.
most important of all trust in the Almighty.

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Post by MichaelMN » Fri Jan 04, 2008 1:20 am

Just a thought...  Is it possible that a Real Life pain is influencing your dreams?  To take that further, perhaps there is a physical problem, maybe just a small problem, that is being amplified in your dream state.  It could be that your dreams are trying to make you aware of something that is wrong in Reality.

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Post by kurukulla » Fri Jan 04, 2008 6:55 pm

hiya Michael,

this is of course my first thought.  while i haven't been able to pin down a medical reason for this experience nor can i find any type of pattern in my waking life that would cause such dreams, i am still thinking it is some form of painful sleep paralysis but i have yet to find anyone else who has had such experiences.  

part of me thinks as well that this manifestation is some part of me trying to tell me something as i can remember one dream where i actually had talked to it.  its funny because i didn't remember that dream until i read your post.  alas though, nothing ever came of that dream and the nightmares soon returned.  

all the best :)


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Post by kurukulla » Fri Jan 04, 2008 6:59 pm

Hiya Reiki and Dhav,

thank you so much for the suggestions.  I do try to avoid haunted places but they seem to follow my family.  i think we have a genetic predisposition for such things.  coupled that with the fact that ghosts and karmic debters are attracted to people engaging in spiritual activities makes it all that much more difficult.  

Dhav, does your sister experience it frequently?  how does she deal with it?  

all the best :)


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Post by ReikiMaster108 » Fri Jan 04, 2008 8:06 pm

@kurukulla ur right about this statement "ghosts and karmic debters are attracted to people engaging in spiritual activities makes it all that much more difficult" but :)

there is always but :) if u are propery engaged in spiritual activities all reactions of ghost influence will be destroyed or reduced(depends of ur spiritual level :) )
i had experience with some dirty ghost before 10 years..hard time...but if u invoke names of the Lord,chant mantras for protection or doing some devotional service in temple or somthing like that ghosts will go away.Actualy they doing this kind of troubles coz they are weak..they need you to survive coz they cant enjoy earth life in subtle body..somtimes(almost) they are envios to you but u mast know that u can always beat them but powerful prayers!
if ther is one very "strong" (read weak) then u mast aproach to right person to deal with

good luck

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Post by dhav » Fri Jan 04, 2008 9:09 pm

well i have a psychic aunt who has her own way of removing sister(while asleep)sense the dark being creep being her and trying to enter her.she wakes up and tries to push it away but it's always able to enter her and her body burns.but it has been seen that my aura tends to act as a barrier whenever she sleeps into my one time all she could do was to sleep in my room .then after a long period when we sense everything has calm down she again goes back to her room.but recently she has again been attacked.the problem is the source of attack is's not always from same person.we have to find out.the best thing i would suggest you is to go and find someone strong and expert in these matters in your locality.He/she will be able to help you.

i will send you some protection energy accept it but it will not be permanent.are you indian?do you beleive in power of mantra?if you want you can meditate on Durga Maa with her mantra 'Om Dum Durgaye Namaha'. the powerful beings they protect us and they will give signs to you.see the signs.they won't abandon you.Ask for help they will show you the way.take care and hope your days will be better regarding this. ;-)

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Post by kurukulla » Wed Jan 09, 2008 5:56 am

thank you both for the information and suggestions.  i think perhaps i need to increase my mantra practice and possibly do clearing rituals.  thank you also for the good energy.  if this continues or get worse i will have to find someone who can help with it in person.  


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I to have had this same sensation

Post by MRGsMrT » Wed Jan 09, 2008 10:26 am

I to have had this same sensation in a recurrent dream.  When I was much younger and its been about two decades since the last time.  A mantra I used and still use till today is:
“Ya-shu’-a  hala-ma-kee’-ly yama-al-lah hama-fa”
It means:
“Yashua, grant me your protection for I am also your Father’s child”

“Yashua” happens to be the son of my god and my spiritual Father
I hope this helps

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Post by spiritalk » Thu Jan 10, 2008 6:20 pm

All medical conditions stem from our emotional responses in life.  Dreams are about our unresolved emotions from the conscious state.  Even the pain could be a message at present.  Resolve the emotions and you will resolve the physical pain.

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Post by spiritalk » Thu Jan 10, 2008 6:20 pm

All medical conditions stem from our emotional responses in life.  Dreams are about our unresolved emotions from the conscious state.  Even the pain could be a message at present.  Resolve the emotions and you will resolve the physical pain.

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