Dreaming of beloved dead persons

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Dreaming of beloved dead persons

Post by LivingDeadGirl » Wed Jan 16, 2008 9:36 pm

I often dream about my ex boyfriend who died while ago.And he is very alive in that dreams.Some say it is not good sign when smb.dreams of a dead person often.Others say its the good sign.
I know a lot about psychology and its interpretation of those dreams.
But I feel there is something more there,something beyond psychological explanation.

Does anyone know are those dreams good or bad?

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Dream Interpretation

Post by Catnip_Tee » Thu Jan 17, 2008 8:13 pm

Hello....At the time of death our soul separates from our physical body.  The physical body returns to dust, the soul is the energy body.  Everything is made of protons and electrons.  Pos. and neg electrical particles; acid-base reactions.  Everything has energy.  

I would have to have more history about your dreams and know the various types of dreams you have.  I would need to know more about your daily life events and all the variables to be able to interpret this.  

However, speaking on simple terms.  There could be some unfinished business he needs to convey to you.  It isn't something to be afraid of.  

At any rate, your energy fields were intermingled and it could take some time for the dreams to stop.  If you fear the dreams you may be blocking the message he is trying to come across with.  

If it is psychologically disturbing for you to accept the dreams, then you might see a metaphysicist and have your polarity balanced and have your aura swept.  Which is just a suggestion as I am not saying it would be an end to all.

sleep well .....  blessings  *!*

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It is only regarded as a bad sign when.......

Post by eye_of_tiger » Sun Jan 27, 2008 4:30 am

Some say it is not good sign when smb.dreams of a dead person often.
It is only regarded as a bad sign when it seriously prevents you from getting on with the rest of your life.

Spirit communication within our dreams is often easier at first, not only for the communicating spirit himself, but also because your constantly questioning everyday mind is temporarily out of the way.

This may or may not go on to waking visions of the deceased. I do not know the details of your relationship with your now late ex boyfriend or the way in which he passed over, but my feelings are that a series of such nightly visitations (if indeed they are genuine attempts at spirit communication) may suggest that your ex bf has something important to tell you, and that he is therefore not going to be put off easily from continuing to try getting these important messages across by whatever means are available to him at the time.

I get no sense of him wanting to interfere with what is after all your life to live as you best see fit to do so, and I feel that he only wishes you to be happy in your life without him in it. In other words, he is not out for revenge or to stop you from deciding with whom you want to have a relationship. Instead I feel that he is seeking your forgiveness, in order for him to be able to progress to the next level in the spirit world.

Does this help?

God bless,

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Post by yc01 » Fri Feb 08, 2008 2:26 pm

These dreams can be explaine in many ways. First, you may miss him and especially in your sad times you may need him. In these times it may come to your dreams to show you they share the same feelings or worries. Sometimes they may neeed your care, visiting their graves, pray for their souls etc. Some traditions say that dead comes the alive, ie, a living person or a new thing, even a message you may receive. You should try and see.

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I dream of my husband many times

Post by hope704 » Wed Mar 19, 2008 7:02 pm

I dream of my husband many times. I agree with the others in their predictions. AND sometimes they just want to spend time with you. Many times spirits will not cross over if they don't feel you are going to be alright. I know that before I go to sleep I ask my husband to visit me. He visits me in my dreams. Speak with him during the day. Hope this helps.:)

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Post by MumtazG38 » Wed Mar 19, 2008 10:29 pm

It all really depends on the theme or the "feel" of the dreams. If the dreams feel frightening or in any way unwelcome to you, it may be a bad thing or a possible malevolent being playing games. If the feeling or the sense of the dream is a good one or one you are comfortable with, then all bets are on your ex boyfriend saying hi now and then. And that can only be a good thing.

Also, try thinking about any feelings or sensations you are usually left with after the dreams occur...after waking. If you feel as if there are any misplaced feelings then you may be possibly empathing onto the being/boyfriends current feelings. If not, don't worry about it. Loads of people dream about loved ones that have passed away and it is quite normal for a beloved to contact someone they once loved in their life. They are probably trying to show you how much you meant to them, and how important you still are.

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