
Learn to analyse and understand the meaning of your dreams.

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Post by 4lyfe » Sat Jan 12, 2008 9:45 pm

Has anyone ever had a dream where you seem to be possessed by an evil force?

I've had maybe about 5 of these dreams in the past 6 years, very random. They are all nearly the same. The only difference being the area im sleeping in (it is the actual location of where I am sleeping), and some minor things that I might yell out. The first one I had had me waking up to a spirit..or evil force trying to control me. I couldn't move, I was immobilized and even though I was trying to scream and yell for help, I couldn't do it because this force was too strong. Then..a very evil sounding voice thundered through my soul and demanded me to speak. When I did this my voice was not my own, but sounded very evil and I can compare it to the voice of the force trying to control me. I listened to the force and instead of words coming out of my mouth, and evil but very soft chant came out. I then woke up, I was never so terrified of anything in my life.

I had one just the other night too..but no voice in this one. I just couldn't move or scream for help, and there was a very, very strong presence with me. I can tell you I did not want it there, and I could feel the evil aura it emitted.

Are these normal dreams that people get? Or is this something else?

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It only seems to be a demonic visitation

Post by eye_of_tiger » Sat Jan 12, 2008 11:32 pm

In my personal opinion these are merely hallucinations caused by you being in a state of sleep paralysis at the time you experienced them. They are not normal dreams, as by definition you are in another state of consciousness other than being truly asleep.


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Post by FireRose » Sun Jan 13, 2008 1:46 am

hello :smt006

First I have to say that when it comes to dreams, nothing seems "normal". so don't worry about it in those terms. Dreams are often very personal and I'm sure we all dream things no one else ever has or ever will. They're just too random. But anyway, there can be similarities between dreams.  

I have had dreams where demons tried to control me. Sometimes they'd enter into me as flies in my ears. I eventually read this as my fear of being lied to or manipulated by peoples words, or maybe a warning that that's what was really happening. Maybe you're afraid not only of being influenced by evil but it actually using you "against your will".

I don't know what your dream means, but I can offer some advice that has been working for me. The last dream I had, I encountered demons that tried to paralyze me and actually blinded me. Though I felt I couldn't physically move and I saw nothing, mentally I just imagined myself fighting and winning, and that somehow scared them off. I think the trick is keeping faith in your strength and not giving in to the demons for a second. Don't focus on the fear. It's probably easier said than done... it's actually taken me a couple years to "fight" well. But never give up and believe you can do it. It's in your mind therefore you do have control.

I hope someone can give you specific insight into your dream as to what it means... and I hope I was helpful.

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Post by 4lyfe » Sun Jan 13, 2008 4:27 pm

I was thinking long and hard about this. Maybe the dream is a sign of loosing control?

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Mon Jan 14, 2008 1:23 am

They are not normal dreams, as by definition you are in another state of consciousness other than being truly asleep.
As these are not normal dreams as such, they cannot be readily interpreted (as the common garden variety are) using unconscious symbols from somebody else's dream dictionary.
Maybe the dream is a sign of loosing control?
If these were indeed dreams, I would interpret them as possibly meaning that you have a deep seated fear of losing control and being possessed by demons, rather than them necessarily meaning that you already are either.

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Post by shasha888 » Fri Jan 18, 2008 3:50 pm

yeah i did! i dreamed that over time my skin would turn a sickly color. then i would screaming and seizuring...its quite a scare!!! :smt120

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Post by BLACKCAT » Fri Jan 18, 2008 4:12 pm

It sounds as if you are having "lucid dreams". Are you aware that you are dreaming?

I'm going to read your dream by the symbols you have made in your telling of the dream. To dream of a evil spirit causing you sorrow, means that you will be cheated out of your ambitions, and that it may be time for a new career. also a strange voice speaking to you in a dream means that a business opposition will leave your position precarious,

given the time span that you have had these dreams, i'm wondering what you career life is like.

there are many symbols in your dream that point to your job or career, sometimes when dreams are scary or eerie things we think of something evil, not always the case. are you in a job you like? Let me know if any of this makes sense to you.


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Post by 4lyfe » Sat Jan 19, 2008 12:05 pm

BLACKCAT wrote:It sounds as if you are having "lucid dreams". Are you aware that you are dreaming?

I'm going to read your dream by the symbols you have made in your telling of the dream. To dream of a evil spirit causing you sorrow, means that you will be cheated out of your ambitions, and that it may be time for a new career. also a strange voice speaking to you in a dream means that a business opposition will leave your position precarious,

given the time span that you have had these dreams, i'm wondering what you career life is like.

there are many symbols in your dream that point to your job or career, sometimes when dreams are scary or eerie things we think of something evil, not always the case. are you in a job you like? Let me know if any of this makes sense to you.

Thanks for the reply Blackcat.

I hate my job. I work in a burger king and I have been for the past 5 or 6 months. And I have been thinking about leaving, but I really need the money and I have alot of secruity with this job because im hard working plus im best friends with a manager's son. I don't really like the people at my job except for one person.

  I really want to go to college, but Im not particularly good at anything, except for helping the few people who come to me for dream interpretation, and I live in Michigan... which has a very bad economy and lots of problems. So theres alot of things holding me back I guess.

But I have had these dreams before I was even working, so there must be more meaning to them.

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