I've never had a dream like this before...

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I've never had a dream like this before...

Post by Nakoruru » Wed Feb 27, 2008 3:00 am

You see I'm one of the rare few who always dreams in color and I am always 'me' but for once I had a semi- black and white dream and I was someone else. now to start at the beginning:

I was trying to warn me friend Heather (the only one I recognized in this dream) that their was something wrong with the people around her, that everyone around her was being brainwashed (I don't remember how I knew this though). She told me I need to lay off and walked away. Then I remember falling backwards. I see an island but it looks like a nazi prison camp with on lighthouse/guard tower. Suddenly I am in a a room where the room is half wood planks and half sand and looks much like a beach shack except for one wall being made of large smooth stones. I go over to a small glass window with a hole at the bottom and i see my reflection. I am a young girl maybe 7-9, I have sandy pale blond hair that is in a long braid to a inch above my butt, pale with slight freckles, and cold blue on the outside of my eye with specks of green and honey brown in the middle. I am wearing a long white nightshirt that stops in a ruffle at my hand but goes only to above my ankle. I don't know why but I was amused by it and swished my shirt back and forth while standing on my tip toes then suddenly I lost all other colors but black and white, a feel of wrong surrounded me. Then the little girl me shouts out in a high pitched slightly raspy voice, "DAD!" and I remember backing up to the wall and it shaking and a picture that I did not notice before fell off and broke, I had tried to catch it but it broke anyway and i had glass in my hand, it actually hurt me, I was holding my right hand that was bleeding away from me, fearing it would get on my nice white nightshirt I guess,  when he ran in through the white paint pealed door on the stone wall. He shouted something which I do not remember. I instantly thought ,'daddy'. I don't remember what he was wearing  but i do remember though he had no color on his skin his eyes glowed a bright clear lime green and he had red hair in his beard and hair but it looked like it had moving streaks of dark gray and black. In my world of black and white he was the only thing of color anymore. He looked at me but no not me but the wall behind me. "Daddy it hurts." I said not moving and I watched as his eyes got wider and he stepped away and shouted, "what happened". But he still has not looked at me so I turn and look at the wall that holds his attention. On this wall their are pictures...all people I have seen, wither I know them by name or have only seen them in passing. It seemed like their were so many...but when I looked at one picture too long it would begin to shift, to change into that of a wild boar. I remember panicking and glancing at all the pictures as the changes kept getting quicker. Then my eyes land on a large picture of the little girl (me) and watch as it changes into a boar to. I remember screaming.

Then waking up with cold arms, witch is strange because I always sleep with my arms under the blankets. Then it was faint but I swore I heard something rub against my door. I freaked out and jumped for my light it was 3:22 in the morning. Finally around 4 I am able to go back to sleep. I am awaken at 5:22 by my mom asking if I was going to get up soon, my alarm clock had been switched off even though I made sure it was still on at 4 when I went back to sleep.

I wish mom would come on here so you guys can compare the slight things in our dreams to see if their is a connection or something after she had described her dream to me early which is what prompted me to post this on here.

Please help. I know its silly but for some reason this dream stills scares me and I looked over my shoulder and at the door for some reason when I was typing this.

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Post by Deborah » Wed Feb 27, 2008 11:51 am

Last edited by Deborah on Tue Mar 04, 2008 6:34 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by Nakoruru » Wed Feb 27, 2008 11:45 pm


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Post by Deborah » Wed Mar 12, 2008 12:52 pm

I am bumping this thread ...

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