Crazy winding staircase

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Crazy winding staircase

Post by WhoseLineBabygirl » Thu Mar 27, 2008 1:27 pm

this was actually a pretty funny dream i had this morning, dream starts out with me at work and i go down the stairs and the stairs are very maze like and confusing and I turn back to see my bf who apparently has been following me the entire time and i ask him "do you know where the hell to go?" and he says "yeah follow me!" so i follow him and the twisting staircase gets more confusing and me and him are laughing because now he doesnt even know where to go so i tell him "were lost now arent we?" he refuses to admit it but finally we get to the basement and its the American Idol basement to get to the stage and one door goes into audiance so now we gotta figure out which is which because the signs on the walls are not helping and i keep going back and forth down the hallway saying "i think this is it! no its not crap!" lmao and were still giggling cause we got no clue, finally we stop at this door and I look at my bf who's talking to his other friend about something and i tell him i have to go and he says bye and hugs me and then the dream changes

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Post by MrPhatLips » Thu Mar 27, 2008 6:39 pm

I just wanna take a stab at this.  I just like to read into things for fun.  Don't take me too seriously.

Stairs in the subconscious usually is symbolic for memories.  Going up stairs can symbolize how our memories affect our future, going down symbolizes the past.  Perhaps the fact that you were going down in a maze could mean symbolize that you sometimes get lost in thoughts of your past.  And the fact that your bf was lost too and couldn't help you then means you have to sort things out on your own.  Especially since you allowed him to take the lead and you still ended up being lost because the maze got more confusing.  But it's a good sign that you were both laughing and having fun with it.  There wasn't a scared or nervousness to getting lost.  That could symbolize that there is no need to worry about your past or your current situation because getting lost is no big deal.  It's actually fun to kinda deviate and get lost some times.  New adventures and new things to explore and find.  It should be a happy occasion.  You and your boyfriend may get lost in the waking life too.  Not neccesarily in a physical place but in the relationship and that's ok because that's life.  That's normal.  There is no solid plan for relationships.  Seeing American Idol could be just because it's so prevalent on TV and it was a residual image left over in your mind.  It could be a subconscious want for you to be more popular, more confident, more well known, more famous, etc and that's how your subconscious chose to manifest it.  But I doubt it.  And since you didn't try to sing or be famous on stage, it could mean that you are confident in you and you don't feel the need to seek out the lime light in your waking life.  

Also, depending on how long you were lost in the dream may show that you want to seek out more control in your waking life and don't know how to exactly or that you could be trying to control things that are out of your control and become frustrated by it.

It could also just be a wild and crazy dream with no meaning at all so like I said don't take what I said too serious.  I was just taking a stab.  Whatever you feel the dream means is most likely the true meaning.  I was just entertaining myself is all.  :)

Take care


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Post by WhoseLineBabygirl » Thu Mar 27, 2008 6:50 pm

i hate to admit that parts of what you said are true i'll quote ya and then i'll give you the answer:
Perhaps the fact that you were going down in a maze could mean symbolize that you sometimes get lost in thoughts of your past.
yeah i do, i'm always sometimes thinking about the past and wishing i could have changed things

And the fact that your bf was lost too and couldn't help you then means you have to sort things out on your own.
yeah hes forever telling me that in waking life because i'm always confused and frusterated over something

that could symbolize that there is no need to worry about your past or your current situation because getting lost is no big deal.  It's actually fun to kinda deviate and get lost some times.  New adventures and new things to explore and find.  It should be a happy occasion.
i'm always worried about something even though he tells me not to worry i still do
It could be a subconscious want for you to be more popular, more confident, more well known, more famous, etc and that's how your subconscious chose to manifest it.  But I doubt it.  And since you didn't try to sing or be famous on stage, it could mean that you are confident in you and you don't feel the need to seek out the lime light in your waking life.  
i dont have any confidance in myself at all and i need to get some real soon
Also, depending on how long you were lost in the dream may show that you want to seek out more control in your waking life and don't know how to exactly or that you could be trying to control things that are out of your control and become frustrated by it.
yeah i want him to get his butt over here and without knowing when hes gonna show up stresses me out and i cant control the situation so it gets me frusterated

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Post by MrPhatLips » Thu Mar 27, 2008 7:33 pm

Awww you are just too precious.

Well Dear,

I have one word for you.  Surrender.

There is only one thing in life that you can control...YOU.  

Once you finally ACCEPT that you can't control the WORLD, you will finally start living.

You are in control of yourself and your situations more than you think.  You make choices everyday.  You choose the times you want to dwell over past wishing you could change things and you choose the times you want to live vivaciously in the moment.  You choose when you want to be a state of confusion and when you want to be is a state of awareness.  You choose when to worry and when you want to forget about it and enjoy a romantic dinner with your honey.  You choose the times you want to feel confident when you put on your makeup and that fabulous new dress you bought and you choose when you don't want to be confident when you lounge around in sweats.  You choose when you want to ignore your boyfriends crazy antics and when you want to stress and allow yourself to be frustrated by him.  

In actuality, while you are trying to control events and people around you, they are actually controlling you.  So what do you do?  Take away their power.

Stop being REACTIVE and start being PROACTIVE.  It's all about attitude.  There is nothing more stunning, respecting, powerful, sexy, thrilling, inspiring, and alluring than a woman who chooses to dictate her own emotions by her choice.  You already have the drive, determination, strong will power, vision, ambition, smarts, and the know how inside of you to affect change.  You are just focusing it in the wrong areas.  

Instead of projecting all of that electrically charged energy outward into a void, turn it inward on yourself and watch how the world around you metamorphasizes itself to adjust to you!  Trust me!  You will become the master of the universe without even trying.  It's amazing!!!  Mark my words...the secret is not trying to change the world, the secret is trying to change yourself.  The world then changes itself all because of you!!


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Post by WhoseLineBabygirl » Thu Mar 27, 2008 7:51 pm

i wouldnt say anyone is controlling me more like trying to teach me to be patient thats what i feel coming from him and everybody else around me

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Post by MrPhatLips » Fri Mar 28, 2008 4:50 pm

Exactly!!  it's not people who do the controlling.  It's the thoughts and emotions that we create behind them that do the controlling.  The people around you just want to love you and want you to be happy.  Once you remove the negative thought patterns that fuel negative emotions, you will be free to enjoy the people and world around you without worry.

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Post by WhoseLineBabygirl » Fri Mar 28, 2008 5:03 pm

i know....its really hard to do when the goal i wanna reach is not that far away but still a bit unreachable so it frusterates me from time to time and i end up thinking its never gonna happen and its taking too long because i think that

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Post by MrPhatLips » Fri Mar 28, 2008 5:57 pm

That is how the ego works.  The ego resist change because something new frightens it when it doesn't know what to expect.  The ego also likes to feel important.  It likes to feel useful.  So it will keep telling you to worry and that you cannot change.  In some religions, the ego is synonomous with demonic possession because it seems to act like an outside energy force working against you.  I can see why religions made it as such.  On one hand, it easier for people to put the blame on a third party spiritual entity to take the responsibility out of individual actions.  On the other, it fules in people the desire to fight against a third party force and not let it control them or their lives.  It's all up to individual free will.

But one thing is really clear.  Whether you are fighting yourself or fighting a are FIGHTING.  You are taking initiative to control your own life, your own mind, your own emotions, etc.  And that's what you are doing dear.  I don't think there really is ever a point that you can get to where life is perfect and you can sit down and never have to fight again.  If there is it would get boring pretty quick.  Fight keeps us alive.  It keeps the blood flowing though our toes.  It's good for us.  It lets us know that we can handle anything that comes our way.  And you have proven already time and time again, that you can handle anything!  So give yourself a break.  :)

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Post by WhoseLineBabygirl » Fri Mar 28, 2008 6:26 pm

aha!! thats what tells me things arent gonna happen?? i knew it! i dont know if this has anything to do with it but my mom is a Jehovah's Witness and i was one to make her happy(i'm not anymore!) and whenever i had an opportunity to do stuff with other people that werent Jehovah's Witness's she would never let me do it and everytime she did that i always felt like i was missing an opportunity of a lifetime, i remember hating that feeling so badly and i think that has carried with me now because everytime i wanna do something fun and whatevers about to change now i start feeling guilty like i shouldnt do it and i shouldnt let it happen, because i am ready for this change no matter how much i feel guilty and sometimes may be afraid to want it to happen. I am ready for it!

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Post by MrPhatLips » Mon Mar 31, 2008 3:20 pm

Babygirl, enjoy the rest of your life. :-)



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