dream about my girlfriend cheating on me with another girl

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dream about my girlfriend cheating on me with another girl

Post by jas25 » Tue Apr 01, 2008 1:06 pm

i just had a dream about me and my girlfriend. we have been going together for over a year. she was married before and has two great boys. i have become their best friend and mentor.
            now my dream starts in a camping trailer. its in some womens yard and my girlfriend is there. the owner of the house leaves and i start asking my girlfriend questions about her. through the answers i start to realize something. my girlfriend has intimate feelings for this other women. we then have a long discussion about this subject that ends with her telling me that she has fallen in love with this other women. thats when i woke up.

this is about the third dream about my girlfriend cheating on me with another women. i am confused. as a man i should be happy but im not. in all the dreams i get the feeling that my girlfriend wants to leave me for this other women. thats when things get real and i wake myself up. every time i have this dream i cant go back to sleep because i am affraid of having the same dream. can anyone help?

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Post by Pollianna » Tue Apr 01, 2008 1:50 pm

Hiya Jas thanks for sharing this.

Do you feel you could approach your girlfriend and tell her about this dream?  or do you think she will freak out at you?  In a relationship if it is strong then she will listen to you and put your fears to rest.  I have had similar dreams and sometimes we pick up on things and don't quite know where they are coming from.  My ex husband used to joke to me saying that I was a closet lesbian and my come back was "you wish!"   lol   but joking aside this is upsetting you and the only way to sort it is to talk about it.

I hope you find peace soon.  Hugs


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Post by MrPhatLips » Tue Apr 01, 2008 3:26 pm

Hey there jas25

I agree with Pollianna.  It's a great idea to talk to your girlfriend about it.  More often then not our dreams are about US solely, trying to tell us things about ourselves.  Rarely are dreams sent as messages to tell us about other people although they do happen on such occassions as well.  

To get a better understanding of the way messages can be sent in dreams, think in terms of the spirit and they way it communicates.    Messages sent to your dreams by spirit guides and the collective unconscious are sent as a protection to you from yourself.  

Thinking in terms of the spirit:

Life is like a school.  Everyday we go to class you have pop quizzes all day.  The chooses we make or answers we select dictate how our lives are going to play out.  You can think of the collective unconscious as the university, the campus, the grounds, the books, the desk, the tables, the boards, etcs.  Spirits guides are like our tudors.  Everyone has tudors, teachers, friends looking out for them from the other side.  It just so happens that situations have occurred within history that makes communication between spirits and humans much more difficult.  So our spirit guides send us messages through our dreams because that's when the majority of us are more receptive to spiritual messages.  

(Spiritual receptivity can be increased in any individual with diligent practice and study.  Also, you subconsciously use your own mind as a tool to send you messages about yourself via your dreams as well in similar ways that spirit guides do.  Regardless, if you are sent messages by spiritual entities or if you are using your own intuition by sending yourself messages through the subconscious, more often then not, the messages are about YOU.)  

Your spirit guides take notes on you and you can think of the messages as cheat sheets about yourself.  They tell you about yourself, why you have the behaviors you do, what fuels your passions, etc.  The discretion of spirit agents does allow spirit agents to divulge personal data of another individual entity unless for an appropriate reason.  If discord does not find you to be in a direct line of fire from perceived danger, in this case, possible lesbianism of your girlfriend, it will most likely not expose any information that is unrelated.

So your reoccuring dream most likely is a satire of an unresolved issue deep down inside you.  It's for you to really look at an analyze under the microscope.  Look at your actions solely and how they are affecting the relationships.  Look at all your actions and REACTIONS to see how you affect the relationships, both the good and bad ways.  And keep an open mind about it.  It could very well turn out that your girlfriend is a lesbian.  If she is then she just is.  You will use the experience of the situation however you chose in order to deal with it.  If it turns out that she is indeed NOT a lesbian, then you will do the exact same thing.  You will use the experience of the situation how you choose in order to deal with it.  

It could very well turn out that the satire of your girlfriend seeking out another feminine energy means that maybe it would be a call for you to more freely express your compassionate, softer, gentler, aspects.  You can provide that softer and more delicate touch just as easily as the other woman in the dreams.  It could mean anything.  It could be preparing you to be more delicate for a new baby.  Possibilities are overwhelming.  My advice.  Sit still and don't try to think about what the dream means.  Try to feel what it means.  It will resonate with you and you may even make a much deeper connection.  

I pray you find the answers you seek.



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