Psychic ability via dreams

Learn to analyse and understand the meaning of your dreams.

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Psychic ability via dreams

Post by Marianne » Tue Apr 08, 2008 9:40 pm

Ever have something happen that you just thought of, or perhaps knew would occur?  How about dreaming the future?  I have dreams that sometiems come true.  Let me know how many of you have them also!  Thanks

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Post by tarni » Tue Apr 08, 2008 11:14 pm

I've been getting precognizant dreams for a number of years now. I didn't even know they had a name until about a year ago :) It's hard to know when they're precog though until they occur, but I've noticed the one's that do occur seem to happen in a series.

With mine the event doesn't happen straight away, it can be months before it occurs. It was through one of them that was the reason for starting my Spiritual quest.

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Post by Sleeping_Titan666 » Thu Apr 10, 2008 2:27 am

I get them all the time, not so sure if it's a gift or a curse. But I have a question, When the event is actually happening.. do you guys feel like your dreaming then? This happens to me every time.
With mine the event doesn't happen straight away, it can be months before it occurs.  
This also happens to me. I've had one that was 6 months old.

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Post by starsign20002000 » Sun Apr 13, 2008 6:28 am

I have had things that I have thought about like something dropping on the floor that I am holding, and next thing something does drop on the floor.  I have had dreams about the future I dreamt that I was going to be late for work once and it did happen.  I have not had one of those dreams for a while now.  

No I do not feel like I am dreaming at the time of the event.

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Post by cocosilk » Tue Apr 22, 2008 5:51 pm

i agree with Tarni
since i was a child i've been having such dreams and wouldn't realise their meaning. sometimes it would take months or years to occur , but then when it occurs i would be taken back to that dream and the meaning becomes apparent.

some of my dreams are like parables which is difficult for me to work out. for example, 2 yrs ago i dreamt that my close friend ( we had fallen out at that time for over a year) was walking by the roadside with a small child of about age 4-5. my friend looked really haggard, unkempt and was wearing a red mini dress. now in real life, my friend would never be caught in a mini because she has really skinny legs.    about a year and a half later, there was a knock on my door. and when i opened the door it was this same friend i had dreamt about. she came with a young child who was a girl. she told me that she fell pregnant after years of wanting a baby, but it was the most difficult pregnancy ever. she was sick almost everyday to the point that she was begging for a termination as she thought she was going to die. she spent a lot of time on admission at the hospital...... this explains why she looked haggard and unkempt in my dream.  further more her daughter who was about to turn one at the time looked like a 3-4 yrs old. in fact only clothes for 4 yr olds fit her..... this explains why she was walking with a 4-5 yr old in my dream.

another time i had a dream that i was travelling, and i had so much hassles at the airport. first i was told that the person in my passort wasn't me, and so the immigration staff took me into a room and questioned me for what seemed like hours and scanned my passport in every possible way. finally i got through but only just managed to catch my flight....... exactly a month later, i travelled to Ghana on business and everything exactly as it appeared in my dream happened at the airport. it was surreal.
although i was a bit stressed, i did manage to remain calm as i already knew what was coming.

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Post by missy » Fri Apr 25, 2008 9:41 am

Hmmm... Not sure I've ever had one of those, but I do have dreams about things/places that I've never heard of before, and they get stuck in my mind until I finally decide to research them and sure enough they exist, and incidently a few months (even years) later I'll be doing those things/going to those places. Although when it happens in real life it doesn't play out the same as it did in my dream.

I hope that makes sense :P

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