The Restaurant, The Intruder and The Ghost

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The Restaurant, The Intruder and The Ghost

Post by Southern_Sky » Tue May 13, 2008 7:04 pm

To tell about these, I have to tell about what I did before that might trigger such dream/nightmares or apparitions. I remembered that I went to bed a little hungry about 11:45PM. I lay on my back as usual and started to pray alone with cleaning my chakras. However, what I did this time after cleaning my chakras was to connect with the Universal mass consciousness through visualization. I don't know if this have something to do with my after worth experience but I counted it just in case. The differences among this cleansing was that my body felt paralyzed the whole time. I was conscious the whole time as well. I finished my cleansing and rolled on my side as usual before falling asleep.

I started to dream one of my vivid dreams. I saw myself wearing my police uniform and inside this recently open dinner run by Mexicans. While everyone was served first, no one came with my order of one miserable pizza roll and bottle of water. I standard up and went and talked to one of the waitress, he told me it will come right up. The brought me a smashed pizza roll into a brown bag and a bottle of water that was half empty with what appeared to be that someone spitted into it. I saw that and I demanded to talk to the owner. I told the owner "What kind of business you run here? did you know that with this service all I have to do, its call health department and shot you down until you get it right?" He looked at me like he didn't care and with no emotions he took my pizza roll, water and walked away. He didn't come back with either the money or a replacement. I told one of the waitress to let him know that I will be back to shot him down. I woke up with my mouth dry and upset because of this. Went back to sleep....

I saw myself sleeping in a different house with my husband, when suddenly I heard noises coming from the kitchen and foot steps. Husband and I sat down on the bed, he told me to get between the bed and wall while he was getting his gun. Husband started to walk toward the hall while I was behind him. We saw that the light of the kitchen was turn off and the footsteps was coming toward us. Through the dark, all I saw was this big man with a white shirt with red leaves, like a Hawaiian shirt. My husband kept shooting until we saw the guy going down on the ground. The intruder shot at us few times, hitting my husband on one of his legs. I woke up with my adrenaline high. When I woke up my husband was staring at me, asking me what was wrong. I told him that I just got a nightmare of a intruder inside the house and that he shot it. Husband got concern and told me, "You know, this is the 3rd time you dream about this, it must mean something or its going to happen". I tried to calm myself down and pray while asking for the protection light of God to cover me and protect the house as well.

I was between half awake and sleep when I heard steps coming from the hallway, heavy steps. I saw husband asleep. Then suddenly, I started to see pictures on my head at high speed of this big man silhouette coming toward the bedroom. He was big, wearing a hat and a t-shirt of horizontal red and white strips with black pants. I saw him coming as a video clip flashing on my brain and then suddenly he stood up at the frame of the door. I turned myself toward him to see him and I saw him so clear, I started to scream, thinking that finally my dream of a intruder inside the house came through. Husband woke up and asked me what the hell is wrong with you?. I stared at the door and saw the man disappear in thin air while I heard a very clear deep man's voice saying "Thank you". I couldn't sleep after that...husband was mad for my screaming and I was upset to see a ghost for the second time into one year and 2 months of spiritual awareness.

Don't get me wrong, I have no problem seeing ghost but when they come after a nightmare, trust me it's not my cup of tee for sure. Who knows?

PS: I am a hispanic female police officer, just in case you wonder.

Love and Light Everyone!

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Post by Beowulf » Thu May 15, 2008 2:03 pm

Maybe these questions can help, questions I have reading this

1) Why are you wearing uniform to dinner ( do you take your work with you? )
2) all others seem to get their order and served right, now this can imply that either its a deliberate attempt to make you pissed, b) you just feel left out c) you get easily mad or enerved for little
3) waitress is telling you will be right there( she seems friendly up untill then)
4)But then there seems to be negative feelings towards you cause you they even spit on your foot . Again does this mean that they really don't like you or just that you have that impression. f.e. Do you feel people treat you different because you are a police officer and especialy maybe a female police officer? Or do you boss around people in non-working time and do they dislike you for that.
5)The next scene shows that you are acting very tough and misusing your power maybe even cause you threaten to shot them down and even shoot him? I am not making assumptions on whether its justified or not here;) just trying to help you figure out. maybe again misusing masculing energies (agression, power) or not being under control of your emotions? on the other hand if they spit on yur food maybe you are right to stand up for yourself. The boss doesn't seem to be impressed with your threat and acts very apathic and cool to what you say. Question is maybe how long later then the rest did they bring you the order and was it deliberate or just small mistake, and was your reaction to fast , exagerated or justified:-)depend also on your temperament in real life and if yu get angry easily.

second part of dream seems contradictory to first one. In first dream you act tough but on the second part your security seems to depend on your husband. Do you rely on him to feel safe or does he make a part of yur comfort zone? Kitchen for me represents warm part of the house, the family core place(worries about something? ). Is someone or something threatening this place? Could be something else too. A gun is that a symbol for protection and empowerment for you? If you are officer why don't you go after bad guy?  Gun for me also shows aggresion? Or maybe the gun is a methafor for the male sexual reproductive organ or aka penis lol. You want your man to be in charge and taking the blows for you? He stands up for your inner demons maybe? But looks like thats still not enough cause freddy kruger comes back for you in part 3 lol

third part you act tough again :D claiming you don't fear ghost but that its different in nightmare ha ha ha If yu saw one in real life I bet you pissed your pants lol Only way to not fear ghosts is to make yur inside as strong as your outside and your outside a mirror of yur inside. If you don't fear them , they will then fear you in stead. It was just a projection of your mind anyway , because of fear:-) your focus determines your reality.

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Post by Southern_Sky » Thu May 15, 2008 5:03 pm

Thank you Beowulf, very interesting analizys.  Yes, I am a female doing male jobs. I have being in the Army for 19 years and still counting and I am a police officer for the past 4 and still counting. In my job, I am compassionate and the only time I get mean is when compassion doesn't work with the individual's attitude or behavior. I guess some people just born evil to begin with and been loving and compassionate just piss them off even more. At work, I don't get recognize for my accomplishment, for the fact that most cops believe that chassing on foot and wooping someone is a real cops work instead of resolving problems in other ways through talking. It takes alot to get me angry but when it does, I come with the Law statues and drop on anyone everything I can charge with. No fights, no pepper spray, no bullets, no exchange of words, just law. When I am off work, I am more easy going than usual and its for the fact that I don't carry guns when I am off work compare to other officers that wear them 24/7. Everyone knows me in this town and no one have being nasty with me in restaurants how so ever, (knock on wood, LOL) perphaps listening to others cop's stories might affect my subconcious about it, therefore I have that dream about the restaurant, who knows. Honestly, I am burn out at my work and it shows in my dreams for which I am looking for other avenues of income since I am aware that stress can kill me as well as a bullet.

About husband, perphaps I expect more from him that he can deliver, despite that in real life he could be a violent man as well. Since I have been marrying to him, he is the one that at the moment of hearing every strange noise, he grab his gun and go with the intentions to kill who ever he found. Neverless, since I work mostly graveyard shift, he almost killed me one night, thinking I was the intruder when I just came home from work. I believe his fears has passed through me about intruders in the house. He being a business man, me a cop and we live into a population of thugs and thiefs, I guess you do the math.

About the ghost, all my life I have seeing ghost, since childhood and more of them scared me then, as they have scared me now. Yes, I have my pissing pants episodes as well LOL.  I guess is the way they come about or appear. I believe this ghost in particular, only wanted acknowledgement from my part, since apparead to be around for quite a while and its the second time he showed up. At one time, a ghost saved my life from dying on a car wreck that I was about to be involve, while on graveyard shift and on my patrol car but that is another story of how I came about to believe that there is life after death after all. Perphaps, my impression of how spirits show up, its totally wrong since its not a Hollywood thing after all, perphaps I need to get use to the way they show up, who knows. I believe there is a reason for everything and what you post its just more reasons to think about of why of my dreams and I am grateful you took the time to answer my post :D I am very sure, I will find my answers soon after, as with all my dreams and experiences with ghosts. :) Thank you Beowulf :)

Love and Light! :D

Posts: 86
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Post by Beowulf » Thu May 15, 2008 8:32 pm

maybe its simple and just showing you that you want a sense of safety and peace. Maybe you had an upsetting or traumatising experience that gave you a scare, what would be logical as police officer. Maybe the stress and fear of work and neighbourhood is translating itself in your personal life where you are more easily aggrevated and on guard for danger everywhere. One of my believes is that there is a lightside and a darkside and only compassion and love can help you and protect the people yu love against evil. This does not mean you have to run away from evil or just let it hit you like ghandi (When evil people lose their compassion , they become less human every day and they are just tools working for an evil brain directing them (like a sithlord:-)) You say... It takes long for you to get angry but when you do you go beserk... Your loss of control over yur emotions causes you to act in anger ( forgetting compassion and love and thus the scum you are fighting get what they deserve, but it goes with a cost for yourself because you do it with anger, fear, stress... And then that evil brain is taking over control instead of yourself.

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