Interpretation Please

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Interpretation Please

Post by Prakaash » Mon Jan 08, 2007 10:45 am

Ok, I had this dream a few weeks ago.

I was dressed up in a Black Vest, had multiple pockets in it and seemed like it contained something and black cargo pants. I was also wearing a Black skull cap and a bag on my back. As I moved up hill, I could notice smoke from the other side and could hear loud blasts from there. It seemed as if I was moving towards the battlefield (which was on the other side), infact I was struggling to move up. Then suddenly I hear voices of females from my back which said something like "Help Him! Help Him! He is hurt" and I continue to move (without even bothering to look back) and the noise getting louder and louder. I almost reached the top when those voices again say “Help Him! Help Him! He is your Friend, don't befriend him! He's Hurt, He can't move, don't befriend him!” Then I paused as I turn back wondering were the voices came from I could see no one except a man, dressed like me, except that his dress was completely in Brown. He was at the bottom of the hill, crawling on his right side dragging his body. Then he looks at me and then I realise it's Vishwas (the very same site admin of the board and yes a friend of mine for 10 years now). He was shot in the left  leg (b/w the ankle and the knee cap)and was desperately trying to follow me. Then as I felt like going down and helping him out, I have a flashback of something that happened early.

I see people (from both genders) dressed in the similar way, but in different colours like Brown, Dark Blue ...etc. They actually are standing in rows based on their colour (of uniform).There was a slightly elevated platform on top which I stood and all these people looked at me and I was saying something to them (Though don't remember much of it).But I do remember saying “Our Mission has to be accomplished at any cost”, “There would be moments were you may feel like quitting or returning back, but just remember that You may be the only one who could end this (the war)”.Then I speak to the leader of each of these groups, one of whom is Vishwas, I say something to them(but don't remember).

As I return back (from the flash back) I see 5 women, they seemed very tired. One of looked like Jennie (A friend of Vishwas, never met her but have seen here photo). Jennie had red hair and others were blonde (they had taken off their skull caps), a moderately strong wind blew from their left to their right & their hair was blowing to their right side.  They are the ones who were saying “Help Him! Help Him! He is your Friend, don't befriend him! He's Hurt, He can't move, don't befriend him!”, then I turn towards Vishwas, I surely want to help him but I can't (read the flash back). Then I look at Vishwas, I say (within myself) “Sorry Vishwas I want to help you, I am confused" "What Should I do?”. In reply Vishwas just blinked his eyes slowly in a manner which seemed to say “You Move on, I'll be ok”, I was staring at him for a moment. Then I hear a loud Blast from the other side of the mountain which gets my attention and continue to move up. I reach the top of the hill. To my shock I see battlefield, blood every where, burnt bodies, smoke from craters. Then I see a something that I feel is "what I was looking for" .Then as I move towards the battlefield..................I WOKE UP.

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Post by Vishwas » Tue Jan 09, 2007 8:01 pm

Anyone can interpret this??

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Post by Omjit_23 » Sat Jan 13, 2007 2:15 pm

I guess u r too hard to reach to the stage "Mission Accomplished" but in the end  u realised this is all a futile exercise and in the process u lost so many friends and near and dear ones that now u r regretting.

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Post by Vishwas » Sat Jan 13, 2007 6:51 pm

Anymore interprtations plz. I think there is something more to it than what omjit has said, I will agree that Prakaash has always rejected anyone who have done anything unethical or wrong. He has lost a lot of friends & near & dear ones in the process, but still there is something more to this dream that just what Omjit said. He is trying to remember what else about the dream, & has recalled somethings that happened between the "Then as I move towards the battlefield..................I WOKE UP.". I mean he has recalled part of the "..................", which I hope he will post soon.

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Post by Tish » Mon Jan 15, 2007 7:36 pm

:smt006 Hi, Prakaash!

Here is my interpretation of your dream.  I have spoken to Vishwas, and he has clarified for me that when you say "befriend", which means "to make friends with", that what was meant was to "abandon a friend"; so that they are saying: "Don't hurt him, don't abandon him."

I think that the battle itself is simply the struggles of life, in which you see yourself as "fighting on", still having the will and strength, but your friend of many years as having been very wounded (though not killed - he has not given up or been totally overwhelmed).  I think it is your observations of the damage he has taken through various associations and circumstances in his life, which I think you are aware of.  Of the 5 women you mention, one you recognise (from the photo) as someone who has given Vishwas support (emotionally, as a friend) - I think the others represent "other foreign women" (friends online) in a general sense, identified as "foreign" by their blonde hair.

They urge you (and themselves?) not to abandon Vishwas because he is hurt and needs help.

I think that this dream indicates concern for your friend, who you see as emotionally or mentally "wounded", to the extent that he may be unable to "fight on" in life.  Although the women themselves urge "don't hurt him, don't abandon him", I think it may be they themselves who you recognise are at risk of doing exactly this, through over-reliance.  (Are you concerned that over-attachment to women "at a distance" may prevent an actual loving relationship?  That although the women themselves are saying, "Don't abandon him", the risk is that they will do exactly that?)

Or, it may be, that you see these "foreign women" as the ones who are supporting him, in his time of need.  You would help him, but you feel unable to.  (Don't know how?)

Hope this helps.

Best wishes,

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Post by mysticangel » Tue Jan 16, 2007 7:44 am

To me this dream shows that Vishwas although still wounded from a tragedy is trying to struggle to accomplish a feat that only he can make if he was not wounded.  Vishwas, you have to heal all wounds within you to be able to climb to the success point you want.  For Prakaash to hesitate and not going back to help you is an indication that this is a road towards your own spirituality that you must make on your own.  How strong you are physically, emotionally, and spiritually depends on you whether you are to make up this hill to victory or not. The battle you are involved with is the battle you have within yourself.  You want to conquer a quest quickly yet your wounds are preventing you from moving foward at the speed you want to move. This is telling you that although Prakaash wants to help you through your journey he must not interfere, for you need this hard journey to find who you are and what you really stand for. The road towards spirituality is a road we all must take on our own. You must show that you will perservere despite the struggles of life and the struggles you are going through inside your soul. This is telling you to slow down and tread each step carefully for if not, you will do more damage to the wounded soul than you want to. For if  you do not go slowly, the wounds you have will fester and get worse and then your journey will be even more prolonged for you. All the other females surrounding you are preventing you of moving forward. You must not think about the distractions around you during your struggle climb. Don't allow any temptation to get in your way for they are there to test your struggles up this hill.


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Post by Prakaash » Tue Jan 16, 2007 5:37 pm

Hello to Tish & mysticangel. Thank you very much for the Reading.

I must admit that Vishwas and me individually and as Friends has been going through a lot of trouble.

But in Reality I Have been there withe Vishwas all the way through. Just months ago I finished my Degree and my Parents did want me to find a job and settle down (like all parents). But Vishwas needed me and though never asked it but I was there by his side.

But off late Vishwas has been not that good to me he is been acting real crazy with me and lots of time has taken out his anger of someone else on me. But I have no intention of leaving him, but I have the fear of being left alone by him. He seems to be lost somewhere doesn't speak to me properly even though I am right there next to him. I Fear talking to him when His mood seems off (fear of being shouted upon and thus making his mood even more worse).

One thing that really worries me is that he might loose the foot hold of earth, while trying to reach for the sky.


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Post by britishfish » Thu Jan 18, 2007 9:31 pm

I agree tottally with everything said before so I think that you should wory about your friendship ending, please contact me prakasha if you have any questions!

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Post by moon shadow » Sat May 24, 2008 7:58 pm

This topic was post one year ago but because of some reasons brought to actuality.
I read all the posts before i agree to some, not giving much details on that now, but i would like to share my personal opinion.

It seems to be a nightmare, a recall from a past life. I feel  Prakaash is still feeling guilty for leaving a friend in need, maybe that friend was the person called in this life time Vishwas. This dream refers to Prakaash and his relationship to his friend  and it is obviously, but as long as this was the dream of Prakaash it makes references and is trying to alert him , he may committed a mistake.
Prakaas described some events only but i didn't noticed any feeling. Feelings we have during the dream time may give indications on the significance of the dream.
Fortunately we have other tools to check a relationship between two persons and one of this is Astrology. I would really like to check their charts too see is my presumptions will be confirmed.

moon shadow

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