Enigmatic Dream

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Enigmatic Dream

Post by aov28 » Fri Jun 06, 2008 2:46 am

I've just had this dream , this afternoon when I usually never sleep.
I was with i group of people . Most of them unknown . But my couple was with me. We where in some sort rocky labirinth. The entrance had a door made of rock . At some point that rock cracked and everybody freaked out and started running to leave the place . Everyone was able to go out except me. The huge rock and the rocks nearby collapsed leaving me trapped inside that rare place.
I walked and walked and found some people in this same place. I asked some people on how to get out of this place but they never understood me. No one was able to understand what i was asking. Finally a woman appeared and told me there was a way out. I kept walking and i reached a commertial mall , at the beginning it was a crowded place but as more as i walked less people i saw. The mall started to turn into an empty huge place, nice clean , iluminated but empty. I still was walking in that mall till a reached a construction (part of the mall that was my guess). The construction was a little different from the mall structure, and the place seemed diffrenet it was very sunny and there where some sections with grass and a lot of dirt. It was a very dusty place. In that place i saw a wall painted by many kids. With typical drawings of a 5-7 years old kids. In the floor there was a christmas tree painted by the same kids i guess. The tree was made of concrete . But it wasnt an sculture. It was on the floor and it was a concrete embossed tree. (Hard to explain).
I left this place and my couple find me walking . We kept walking and we reached a similar construction site. But in this one there were some people working.
I told to my couple that we had to run and hide between some concrete walls.
We hid in that place and we found a kind fo jeroglific (i posted the drawing in here   http://mysticboard.org/vi ... hp?t=50453). When i saw it i said "All the affirmations or answers turn into questions at the end. I said that to my girlfried and we started to repeat the phrase. We walked out the hidding spot and we reached to a kind of room and there was and old lady writing something in one book. And my girlfriend asked her: Does it happes to you that when you start writing something that you know and you think it's true at the end you have more questions of that thing you thought you knew.
The lady answered: It always happend. And it always will.
After that an old doctor appeared in the same place, and suddenly the room looked like a  doctor examination room. He said hello to us and then a catholic priest entered in the room and he kneeled and took a chalice from the floor , he stand up and took the chalice away. (he didn't noticed we where there).
After that the doctor asked my couple to lay down in the stretcher to examine her.
She laid in the stretcher  and he stated to take her blood pressure. After that the room looked like in a 3rd person view. Like i lost my point of view and i dissapered.
Finally i woke up.

Note if it helps fot an interpretation
I was catholic but i'm not anymore
My girlfriend and i are planning to get married.

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