dreaming of my deceased mother

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dreaming of my deceased mother

Post by courtney13 » Wed Aug 13, 2008 5:55 pm

Almost every week, I have the same dream or a different dream about my deceased mother (passed away 3 yrs 3 months ago).  It's starting to upset me and I just want to know why I'm having these dreams.  The first dream (which I have often) is of her in a room and either someone is hiding her or she is sleeping... and I try to find her in my dream to where she is hiding.. but I can't.  I'm not sure if she is trying to tell me something... but I really want to figure this out.  One of my other dreams she was telling me that she had to tell me something important... never had that same dream after that.  Another one (that I just had last night) she was actually talking to me and whatever she was saying made me upset.. I really can't remember what it was about.
Can someone help me to why I'm having these dreams and to maybe help me interpret them so it can stop bothering me everyday?  If you guys could, that would be very helpful. thanks for your help !!!

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eidhneán ini
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Post by eidhneán ini » Mon Aug 18, 2008 12:03 pm

I am so sorry to hear about the passing of your mother Courtney.  

I am not sure what these dreams mean.  In my family, to dream of one family member always denotes that something is going to happen to another family member.  It makes no sense.

Maybe your mother is trying to warn you of something but does not know how to express these worries to you.  Maybe she didn't know how to tell you when she was still here.  :(    Maybe it is just so that you know she is still watching over you, even if it does not always make sense to you.  I am not sure entirely.

Do you feel you had unfinished business with her?  Maybe there is something there?

I hope that helps a bit, though I can't be sure.  :(

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