
Learn to analyse and understand the meaning of your dreams.

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Post by Nazrath » Mon Jul 28, 2008 2:11 pm

As much as I have accepted that dreaming is a normal part of people's psyche, and as much as I have researched into dream interpretation from both a spiritual and psychological viewpoint, I have never once dreamt myself.

Yes, I know what you're going to say: "You DO dream, you just don't remember it". Well, that's what I thought to begin with, however, due to the fact that this is not something that has come on due to any type of paradyme shift or use/misuse of drug, people, or circumstances, but instead simply a constant, I'm wondering whether I do at all. If I cannot remembre a single dream, how can one say that I must do so?

Secondly, from a purely empirical point of view, due to the fact that I either do not dream or simply do not "recollect" my dreams, it would beg the question whether others do not actually "dream" so much as "day-dream". This may sound similar, but I mean "dream" in this context to be what is commonly accepted as the result of REM, and "daydream" as simple wandering of the mind around its third eye (Terrible syntax there, I'm aware, this heat is draining my wits somewhat).

Well, I feel I'm making less sense as I continue writing, et ergo I shall leave it here ere I do more damage to my initial argument, but if anyone can decipher what in the Nine Hells I'm going on about and plausibly offer some feedback, 'twould be most appreciated.... :smt005

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Post by WhoseLineBabygirl » Mon Jul 28, 2008 2:36 pm

sometimes your not meant to remember your dreams, if thats the case they werent important for you to remember. how long has this been happening to you?

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Post by squeaky » Tue Jul 29, 2008 3:07 am

lol nazareth,

as to dreaming, the only part of the dream state that i am aware of that can become non existent is the rem state, as a practitioner of meditation and being tested it is found that when meditation is a regular practice and part of that meditation is to resolve ones feelings for the day, the rem state becomes unecessary. most ppl remember only the last dream they had before they woke.

if for you the natural state is to have this last dream fairly early in the night it makes sense that you would not remember. many ppl never remember any dreams and it is this phenomenon not those that remember that prompted sleep studies that target the dream states how the body moves etc during sleep and at certain times.

there are those who are not visual in there memory or creation process, it may be for those that a dream is simply a group of sensations and feelings so there is no visual reference upon waking.

What i know for certain is that your mind does not shut down when you sleep, indeed neither does your brain or your body. the body typically slows down and this is rest, by reposing we give the muscles an opportunity to rest and the cells a chance to replenish. to me a dream state is an ongoing thought and monitoring process that never stops, even in unconscious and comatose ppl the brain wave activity is measured to determine life.

having said all that you are aware already that these dream states are apparently inhibited by certain drugs, i am not so sure. i can say though that while a person takes drugs or alcohol the body must continue to work to eradicate these from the body, so perhaps the mind is sidetracked and that is why these ppl feel more tired than alive when they wake.

hope this helps a bit lol
before you talk yourself around a corner and back

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Post by Nazrath » Tue Jul 29, 2008 1:36 pm

In response to the first question, this hath been the state of affairs since as long as my memory serves me to remember.

In response to the last post, I hath found that meditation is the only way I can calm myself sufficiently to sleep, and perchance there is something of merit in this line of thought. I probably shouldst hath stated earlier that I hath suffered from supremely horrendous insomnia from the age of around ten, et ergo meditation and similar trance-states must needs be utilised as often as possible to make up for this fact. I tend to average two to three hours of sleep a night on a normal week, with "normal" eight-hour sleep only happening after heavy inebriation periods or prolonged lack of sleep, two or three night without sleep as usual occurrences, and at worst a week or two without sleep. However, during any of these states of sleep or non-sleep, I hath never dreamt. I often use my mind's eye for a variety of things, but having researched dreams rather extensively, I fail to see the similarity 'twixt this and the apparently "fully immersive" dreaming of which others describe. Some might say my astral travels to simply be a form of sleep, but these people art, IMFO, either spiritually ignorant or simply spiritually retarded, or sometimes simply o'er-rationalising things due to tertiary upbringings.

Oh, and all these "American English" dictionaries art really testing my patience... :smt011

And lastly, 'tisn't "Nazareth", although I found to my chargrin after constructing this name through careful bastardisation that there is a town near Nazareth called Nazrath, but this was entirely unintentional during the creation, and once one begins an artistic project, one must needs keep his artistic integrity intact...

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Post by kybunker » Tue Jul 29, 2008 3:26 pm

If you are interested in Sleep Studies, There are places that will do a test on you for free
Pull up a local websearch on Sleep Studies in your area,

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I was like that...but not now.*s*

Post by postalsusie » Thu Aug 07, 2008 1:15 am

I knew even before your last post that you were prolly someone who slept less hours per night than you should and /or an early riser that always wakes up and gets out of bed no problem. Like.. you wake up everyday at the same time even though your alarm hasnt gone off?

*Warm smile*
Youre a high pitch, wired, ready for ANYTHING thrown at you.... wound up tight type.
Am I right?You may not show it.. which is a problem too cause you would be keeping it inside *s*

I know~ that most people lose what I call their BASE LINE. That is where you should be comfortable and relaxed throughout your day.
Stuff~ happens, more stuff happens.. each time it does your baseline gets more and more out of wack.
A good drunk brings it down. *s*

Drugs help too... a friend of mine went through a ton of stuff followed by a terrible car accident.. between worrying and pain and etc... she couldnt sleep and when she did she was restless and tossing, and thats not the same.. then you wake up and you have slept but you are not regenerated. She was getting REALLY bad... tempermental and  having more pain cause her muscles were tight. She took three pills in three nights that I gave her. and she found her baseline again and that helped put her back on the path to keeping it there.

You get worn down during the day, you follow that by a restless tossing sleep that does you almost no good , you wake up and start ANOTHER day and pile more tiredness and stress on THAT and it snowballs.. follow?
This is SUPER bad health wise ok ? So fix it. It will effect your immune system and blood pressure etc etc

Options..; tell your doctor and go on some pills for a couple days or a week. I dont like pills, but they have their uses.
Get one of those SLEEP tapes with subliminal or brain wave sounds that will help you to sleep calmly~
If youre not already doing something like meditation.. to slow down your brain and worry and stress.. try something.
Personally I rave about yoga.. it impacts stress levels BIG time and its easy!
Oh and if your rich try body massages!!! Oh man.. BIG time.
Is your bed REALLY comfortable? Get a foam mattress topper ($20)
But think about what will work for you~!

Finally..try to treat yourself to a sleep-in-sunday... now if after you try one of the above.. I will bet~ that you will indeed start remembering your dreams. And you can go to bed and keep telling yourself AS you fall asleep " I am going to dream about .. yachting the Caribbean..." and you will be surprised that it will eventually work. *s*and you will really enjoy it too.

(Take a trip and never leave the farm *S*)

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Teach yourself to dream, your mind is amazing

Post by zelda » Tue Sep 02, 2008 2:50 am

Much of our memorable dreaming takes place during what is known as REM sleep. REM is a sleep stage that is marked by movements of the eye behind the closed eyelids. Accompanied by the appearance of characteristic rhythms in the brain’s electrical activity.

There are 4 stages of REM sleep.  The first stage takes place about 90 minutes after you fall asleep and last for approximately 5 minutes. Three of four further periods of REM sleep occur during the night at intervals of about 90 minutes, each lasting longer than the previous one. The last period of REM sleep usually occurs one hour before you awake

Research indicates we can remember about 80 percent of each dream episode if we are awaked immediately after its completion. But this drops to about 30 percent with in the next eight minutes or so and then rapidly declines to about five percent.

If you think you dont dream keep a notebook by the side of the bed and then write down anything that seemed like a dream. Sweet dreams.

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