Can anyone understand this dream?

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Can anyone understand this dream?

Post by Rurk61 » Sat Jul 19, 2008 4:12 am

When I was a kid:

I dreamed that I was driving in a "grasshoppermobile". or rather someone was driving me. It was an impossibly sunny day. For some reason we were moving in slow motion. We were moving along a gravel road that really existed- it led to some lake property that my parents owned.

When we got to the first bend I asked the driver " who are those guys?" He said "those are farmers exchanging chickens."

When we got near the top of a hill the car became impossibly long. I looked in the back seat which stretched out about 20 feet, and saw some bums laying there, groaning. I asked the driver who they were. He said " those are drunks rotting" The feel of the dream was pleasant, believe it or not.

So does it mean anything, or did I just have one too many snacks too close to bedtime, or was there a gas leak in my childhood home?

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Post by postalsusie » Thu Aug 07, 2008 1:47 am

I thought only I had wacked out dreams like this *S*

the only thing that comes to me really, is that maybe your life has become to methodical, repetitive, responsible .. with NO FUN... and
your imagination is screaming that you need a vacation *s*

Do you remember the coyote and sheepdog cartoon where the coyote would camouflage himself to try to sneek up on the sheep?

I had a dream where I was walking through wide open green hillsides, towards a large seemingly brand new red barn...
and every once in a while I small round green shrub would tip-toe about 6 feet closer to me.. and it wasnt just one it was three or four *g* So they were all creeping up on me ....Warner-Brothers-Cartoon style.
( my son kicked right over about that one)

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You are your dream

Post by Maryn » Tue Sep 16, 2008 8:27 am

The way I would see any dream about houses or places usually indicate your ownself or your present condition. Any type of vehicle and in your case is a "grasshoppermobile" that turned into a long type of transportation, shows your state of mind. In which case the slowness of the mobile is actually how you feel about your situation - there's something that you would like to get over with. The fact that you are not the driver shows that you are being passive about your circumstance. Then when you asked about the dealer of chicken, can actually apply to your being hesitant about something, in other words, being "chicken" to this place which brings you a feeling of responsiblity with which you have to adjust to (being in a long car). And when you look behind you, meaning you are subconsciously telling yourself that you go ahead and do what needs to be done and seeing the "drunks" in the back seat is your want of moving away from sluggishness to becoming more responsible in life.   :smt002

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