Help interpreting please?

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Help interpreting please?

Post by fordasgard » Sat Feb 28, 2009 10:04 am

Hello all,

I don't usually take much stock of my dreams; I used to dream of a land of dinosaurs in my cupboard when I was little but, of course, there was nothing there. But I would like to think I can differentiate between a childhood fantasy like that and a dream imbued with meaning.

Therefore, I would like to share with you all a dream I had around 2 weeks ago and any meaning you can find in it would be most appreciated and gratefully accepted!

This is the dream as I recorded it at the time. When I woke up I wrote it down and sent it to my friend, as they figured prominently in it. When you read 'you' it refers to that friend. I have erased their name because I've decided to post this here but I have no right to include them in any way that might identify them, I hope that makes sense. Anyway:

I was in a Church with you and there were 2 angels there (that was all; nobody else, and I didn’t recognise the Church). Then they looked frightened and hid in the corner; a small, but intensely bright (but it didn’t hurt to look at it), flame appeared behind them and they backed away from it; a smaller angel came out of that flame; it had 6 wings, each one orange and flickering like it was on fire, and it said: “2 to cover the face, 2 to cover the feet.” When it said that it motioned with its wings and 2 covered its face (although the flames on its wings sort of moulded to the shape of its face so you could still see the face underneath, but it was made of flame) and 2 covered its feet. But once it had said that, it uncovered both head and feet and stood on the ground like the other 2 angels; so it seemed to me like the head and feet covering was a sort of announcement or greeting (sort of like a cross between a fanfare and a bow). It was shorter than them; shorter than all of us, but it had an atmosphere of great power and the other angels were clearly in awe of him. It wore a white surplice, which sort of had no beginning and no end as its skin was as white as the fabric (it was difficult to tell where the angel stopped and the surplice began). It didn't have much hair; just short blonde/ginger hair. It wore sandals, as far as I could tell, but we were more fixated on its face as it spoke than looking at its feet!

Me and you went and tried to talk to it (the other angels had calmed down by now). It came and sat down on the edge of the font and was talking to the other angels, then it stopped and looked a bit contemplative. It said that ‘it’ was getting stronger and that ‘it’ was behind him. We all looked but we couldn’t see anything. It pointed to its side, near where the kidneys are and said, ‘there, can you see it?’ and displayed that area like somebody would a wound; you know when somebody gets a scar and says ‘come and look at this’, but we couldn’t see anything. Then the Church started to shake, it looked concerned and it told us to run; so we did. It wasn’t just the Church that was shaking but the whole area. The angels stayed behind and we kept running. I got separated from you somewhere along the line and I was on my own.

Eventually I caught up with you, I was terribly scared. We had ran to another Church. I saw you at the top of the steps amongst other people and I started shouting to you. I was overjoyed to see you again and I ran up to give you a hug. I felt like I had been given a duty to be with you and that by losing you as we were running was in some way a failure. It's difficult to describe that because it's subjective; nobody told me in words that I needed to be with you and look after you but that certainty was with me nonetheless.

The last thing I remember is seeing something like a television news broadcast (although I don’t remember any televisions) in which we saw that the earth-shaking was happening everywhere and we could see an invisible, intangible big black hand stretching out. You and I were safe in that Church, which was all I was concerned about; making sure you were safe. Then I woke up.

When I woke up, as I say, I sent that account to my friend. I decided to do a little research because my picture of angels is that of a tall figure with long blonde hair wearing all white with two feathery white wings; not the short, stocky flaming thing I saw with 6 wings (although the 2 other angels I mentioned matched my usual conception). I found that a quick search on google for 6-winged angels gives you a reference to Isaiah 6, which says:

"Above it stood seraphim; each one had six wings: with two he covered his face, with two he covered his feet, and with two he flew."

It is possible that my subconscious dredged up that particular image, but it is such a short passage in the Bible and I'm not familiar with Isaiah's prophecies at all as I'm only beginning to work through the Old Testament. Still, my scientist friends would not have me discount that possibility!

The friend I mention in the dream is my best friend and I do hope that it will develop into something more than that. I feel, again perhaps my subconscious putting undue emphasis on something, that they were the primary focus for me; I had to get them to safety and I had to stay with them.

That friend, when told about this dream, said that they couldn't see a definite clear message in it or a clear instruction.

I would be grateful for opinions?

Many, many thanks

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Post by Rook » Sun Mar 01, 2009 7:01 am

Hi Fordasgard

I can have a go at helping you determine a meaning from this dream.

The question is what does each element represent.

Firstly the angel.  Your unconscious definitely drew this symbol up from somewhere.  That where is arguable, be it from you personal experience (even an idle reference long forgotten) or the "collective unconscious" (ie an 'archetype') and to be honest, it doesn't really matter.  The question is what does it represent?

I read Isaiah 6 and if you read on beyond that point there are some similarities with the dream, specifically "Such singing it was!  It shook the Temple to the foundations, and suddenly the entire sanctuary was filled with smoke."

From my point of view this appears to be about 'ground shaking' changes in your spiritual side (hence the church / angel symbology).  Perhaps a new perspective on your religion, a new way of reading into the scriptures, a new way of interpreting the symbology?  This may have happened or be about to happen, or I may have misread.  Again this is a theme of the passage Isaiah 6; in "Though you hear my words repeatedly, you won't understand them."  Also this maybe a suggestion to contemplate Isaiah 6.

On with the dream, the angel points to its kidneys, saying it is getting stronger.  What is the function of the kidneys?  They are a filter which takes our fluids, extracts what we need, and passes on the waste (though I am not a doctor, perhaps a little research lol).  Perhaps this is saying that your spiritual 'filter' is getting stronger, you are getting closer to a higher level of understanding?

The thing is that this higher level of understanding sounds like it will cause the 'earthquake' that shakes the 'Temple' to its foundations, and you must then go to a new church (as a symbol of spirit / religion).  This doesn't mean leave your current church, but perhaps look for new meaning, new understanding, you may have to 'rebuild' your beliefs.

Now to your best friend.  What do they represent?  It could be some aspect of that person that is in yourself, but what fits with my reading of the dream is that this person represents your love.  Throughout all that is about to take place, the most important thing is that you must protect your love, be it your loving nature, or that which you love.  Your loving feelings are the thing that you must keep safe.

I think that is the most important point of the dream, keep your love safe.

What counts though is what you think of this dream.  If what I have said does not make sense to you I am wrong (I have a bad habit of jumping too deep into my interpretations with not enough feed back :S).  If this be the case, look back at the dream yourself, figure out what the symbols mean to you, and then put the pieces together.

Best of luck,

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Post by fordasgard » Sun Mar 01, 2009 8:24 am

To Rook,

Thank you for your interpretation. I had been resisting reading too much into Isaiah 6 because, after asking my vicar about it, it is a passage that deals with Isaiah's mission from God; he is given his task to speak God's word even though God tells him that the people will not understand him or heed his words and my friend cautioned me that God giving me a 'mission' is almost certainly not the message of this dream. However, fear of falling into that interpretation stopped me from realising that there are other similarities, as you point out. So, thank you on that count.

The issue of moving to a higher level of understanding; it is interesting that you mention this and it does now seem relevant to me as I have just been coming to terms with the issues that are threatening to tear the Anglican Communion apart and coming to my own understanding of those issues. This interpretation of the kidney area and the meaning you draw from it gives me hope that perhaps my understanding of the issues is at least on the right lines.

Now; my best friend. I do think a major part of that dream is holding onto that love with everything I have; thank you for alerting me to that.

All of this makes sense now, but, with a little more research, the Bible also says that men will have dreams given by the Holy Spirit and Joseph experienced a dream in which an angel spoke to him and told him about Mary's child. I don't want to discount the possibility that this really was a message from God or from some sort of angel; whether I'm holding onto that out of vanity, pride or whatever, I don't know. But it is a nice feeling!

So, thank you so much for your interpretation and you have really opened my eyes to aspects of it that are important and that I hadn't seen before.

God bless,

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Post by CarolynAlt » Thu Mar 05, 2009 12:26 am

Great dream!  You were gifted with a hidden message or offering of some kind.  You possess great internal light and achievement.  The dream is one of joy, satisfaction and internal light.  The reference to Isaiah/6 wings is wisdom.  The earth's movement is in reference to mobility/time.  Your daily movement/acomplishments/dreams/fantasys, etc. are relevant here. Time does not appear to be a hinderance or a tool.  The friend's passage of loosing her was referencing attachment.  Upliftment, great possibilities are present.



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