Not Sure

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Not Sure

Post by oHONEYo » Mon Mar 16, 2009 11:01 am

I dream a lot, and it’s not about everyday stuff…

1. I’ve dreamt that I was sitting on a field, looking over a rugby field, where everyone was dead, my brother was sitting next to me, and he kept telling me everyone is dead. His best friends spirit ‘climbed’ into me and asked me to write my brother a letter, (not that freaky) but I woke up, sitting in my bed, writing in the air, my arm was numb of all the writing. (That freaked me out)

2. I dreamt of 3 moons 3 angels and water rising, I can’t remember what they were all doing but I remember the moons the angel and the water.

Are these types of dreams messages?

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Post by Rook » Tue Mar 17, 2009 5:31 am

Heya Honey

What dreams are I can't tell you definately for sure, but from my experience I believe they are messages from an unconscious source, like our unconscious speaking to us.  Thing is the unconscious doesn't speak in words, it uses symbols.  How we interpret these symbols only the dreamer can really tell as they are subjective (ie can be interpreted in many ways).  This is why different people will 'read' the dream in different ways.  What is the right way, I think only the dreamer can tell, and often the dream can even seem to reference numerous levels of applicability.  A lot of the symbols come from the 'collective unconscious' and can be applied universally across all people, hence the similarities in symbols of primitive myths and legends, and why guidance can be sought to a certain degree outside of one's self.

For the first dream, I would be interested in seeing another interpretation.  I often dream of sports, and associate this symbol with the physical aspect of my life.  It usually relates to how active I am.  If I dreamt that everyone was dead, it would suggest to me that I am not doing any physical activity at all.  Don't know how that fits into your dream though, it doesn't sit that well to be honest, and sometimes doesnt' fit that well within my own dreams, hence my interest in another interpretation on that.

As for the second dream, the ocean or water is often a symbol of either emotion or the unconscious, the water rising could symbolise aspects of yourself disappearing into the unconscious.  The moon is a feminine symbol, and a symbol of cycles (it causes tides, hence the rising of the water?).  What specifically it is referencing in that dream is hard to tell without more detail.  Angels are a very spiritual symbol, and usually represent your higher positive self or spiritual nature.  They can also represent helping hands that seem to come from nowhere.  The number 3 is also prominent in this dream.  It is said to signify that something is nearly but not quite complete; or that what is lacking in you can be supplied only by some part of your unconscious self that you find too frightening to acknowledge and use.  It may also be linked in some way to the holy trinity, but I have not studied Christianity that deep so I can't really impart any knowledge there.

If you can put the pieces together the dream may give valuable insights into both your inner and outer life.

Best of luck,

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Post by firetopaz » Tue Mar 17, 2009 7:09 am

Okay, I have stated before I am not that knowledgeable on dream interpretation, BUT....I "feel" the first dream has a lot to do with the pain you are watching your brother suffer and your desire to do something to help him.  My husband often does plumbing in his sleep and won't stop till I wake it is common to physically act out a dream when something is bothering you.  People have been known to go into a trance and auto-write, but I get more it was your strong desire to help your brother.  If your brother is in too much pain from the loss of his friend he might be blocking his friend out and because you were open to it, his friend came to speak with you.  I hope you told your brother about this dream.  Do you remember anything you talked about?  Most dream "visits" are remembered very clearly, where if it's fuzzy it was you trying to deal with watching your brother mourn.  Either way, it would be good to tell your bro about the dream cuz he will either know his friend is still thinking of him, or that you care enough about him to hurt too.  While he "knows" you are there for him, it does help to hear it.  As for you seeing people dead I think it's cuz you are trying so hard to see how he feels, you were just sympathizing with him.  

The second dream is lost on me...I know it is significant that there were 3 of each.   I am thinking past, future and present.  I think the angel means help from  an unknown source, or can represent feminine energy, or represent your spiritual nature..  Now the moon and rising water...the moon controls the tides.  It  can also represent earthly passions..been linked to mental illness, or can represent the sense of completeness of the soul.

Looking at the fact that you don't remember anything but 3 of each and water rising I conclude that this dream has to do with the state of your spiritual awareness with the angel representing your spiritual nature, the moon representing the state of your soul. The water rising means that your spirituallity is rising.  The 3 of each has to do with past, future and basically you were just checking in on the state of your spirituallity and were reassured it is growing and you are more aware of it.  Long explanation for a simple, beautiful thing.  Does this explanation "feel" right to you?  If not keep looking.

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Post by oHONEYo » Wed Mar 25, 2009 12:06 pm

Thanks a lot, you both helped alot,

It's kinda weird 'cause the dream of my brother, was just after he left for the army, we don't speak much, and i guess he sees a lot of death at the moment.

The explanations given makes a great deal of sense


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