My Dreams (A little odd, and twisted)

Learn to analyse and understand the meaning of your dreams.

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My Dreams (A little odd, and twisted)

Post by landofshadows » Fri Feb 20, 2009 3:31 pm

Hi All,

As far back as I can remember I have had strange dreams of things I can only describe as twisted.

I have know idea of how they got into my head or for how much longer I will continue to have them, hence why I am writing them down.

I had a normal child hood and the dreams… I don’t think are related to any thing I have come across or experienced first hand or through any form of media.

My first real odd dream was around the age of four, I had just started school.  I dreamt I was in my bath my fingers had gone all wrinkled they looked like little old people with face’s on but I was far to busy playing with my soda filled submarine to take much notice.  The water was getting cold and I was going to call for my mum to come and help me out of the bath.  Just at that moment I smelt a smell, it was sweet like candy floss and I could taste it in my mouth and then I heard a gurgling sound coming from the drainage holes between the taps.  My face in the taps looked elongated and strange and I slide myself closer to them.  The gurgling was still going on with a whispering noise like children.  I thought it was from out side, and the smell had changed into what I now know as rotting flesh.  I began making strange faces towards the taps, a cold chill went down my spine and before I had the time to shudder I was thrown against the tiled wall of my bathroom.  I felt a tight pain in my chest and could not scream.  I looked down to see impaled through me was eight rods, metal in appearance with lumps of flesh and skin hanging from them.  The tiles behind me had cracked and my blood ran in them and down my shivering body into the bath water.  It was at that point I woke up, my bottom lip quivering, sobbing and still feeling the cold evil air running down my spine, unable to call for my mum or my dad as my voice failed to pass my throat.  I got my self out of bed feeling shaky and dizzy and found my way to my parent’s room, only to be taken back to my bed and sat with till I fell a sleep again.  It was only in the morning when my parents asked what I had dreamt about.  I didn’t want to tell them, I didn’t know how to word it.

This was one of my odd dreams my scary ones are very different.

For example, a dream I had around the age of twelve.  I am like a fly on the wall or a camera with no control, very despondent from what is going on more of a spectator.

There is a large room made from what looks like sand stone. To the left is a horseshoe shape raised ledge that can be reached by stone steps.  At the top are 3 doors each with strange symbols above. In the centre of the room is a well also made from the same stones the air tastes powdery and moist, and the hole places has a red tint to it from the red candles burning at multiple places from around the room. Above the well suspended from one point by five chains is a rusted iron star in a round surround, like the wicker symbol or the omen.  The iron feature only hanging around three foot from the ceiling and from each point of the five pointed star is a chain each cuffed to a limb of a naked pregnant lady, one to each arm, one to each leg and the other to her neck. She is hanging around two feet above the wells mouth, and it looks like she has been there for some time as she looks half starved and is bleeding from the ankles and wrists.  In the well are a lot of dogs that look a lot like Doberman pincers again half starved and rough looking.  The smell from the dirt that the dogs have made and form the lady above becomes very apparent closer to the well, so much so that staying close is not an option.  A dark figure that I did not see before now as he is dressed in black like a monk and was faced the opposite way walks towards the woman.  He is seven feet at least and thin, with yellow like infected eye’s, gaunt looks and pail skin.  His arms across his stomach and hands tucked into each sleeve of his robe, the lady is asking for his help.  His expressions on his face remain the same like he can’t hear her and move towards her slowly.  He moves his arms so quick and there is a flash of something metal in his hand but then is concealed again inside his robe.  Two seconds later and the woman’s belly splits open, she is still asking for the monks help as her unborn child drops from her wound.  The expression on the ladies face is sheer horror, seeing her now live and kicking fully formed child dangling from her umbilical cord.  The infant is screaming and crying and the dogs are barking and jumping to try and reach child with saliva dripping from their jaws. Above the woman now crying out for her farther and her mother for help.  At this point the age of the lady becomes more noticeable she only looks in her late teens.  Her skin on her face is so pail it’s almost transparent her eyes look so sore and red and her hair is all matted.  A dog tears an arm from the baby, and there is no change in the baby’s cries.  Chains from the above fixture are rattling as the young lady struggles to help her child she struggles to the point that one of her arms breaks and the bone pierces the skin with a spurt of blood.  By the wall behind the well the monk is moving around a lever type thing.  Cogs moving and dust falling from above happens before the fixture is lowered bring the baby into easy reach of the hounds.  Its only second before the baby’s cries have ended, the dogs bloody mothered and licking the lips of each other.  Screams of the lady have changed from screams of help to screams of “God” and “why me”.  Still getting lower to the well the lady soon realises she may be next to be eaten by the savage dogs and again calls for help from her parents, the monk has started to fill the well with a liquid but then stopped only after letting in a few millimetres and shutting it off by pulling another lever.  He then takes a red candle from the wall a throws it in the well, the liquid must have been flammable as flames shoot up from the well and then dye down.  The noise the dogs are making is twice as worse as the cries for help from the girl, almost deafening howls and yelps.  Lowered above the well in reach of the growing flames the girls skin is blistering and the smell of her hair burning is revolting.  Smoke is coming from the metal cuffs as they burn into her flesh. Her head is thrashing around when her eyes burst.  Ears, nose and mouth just look like one shinny mess like melting plastic.  Engulfed in flames her screams come to an end.  The Monk then makes eye contact with me and I awake.  With a sharp jump, my heart pounding with the cries of the dogs and the images of the girls face in my head.

I have read or heard some place that when you awake from a dream with a jump it’s your soul returning to your body.  Could this dream then be that I was some place else where this kind of thing goes on and  happens.  An alternate dimension another country or Hell even ?

I have waking dreams also, mainly I am being held down by a Dark figure and have punches thrust at my face, I can hear wispering getting loud, or I get force fed a pebble with an odd symbol on them, Like a tent with two dots above it by a shadowy figure...

When I fall asleep the 1st thing that happens is I see a rush of face's zooming past me, most looking in pain... (The funny thing is, is some times I swaer I see those people the next day, like in the street... WTF ) Then Some times I see battle grounds (Medievil, swords, knights etc.. or Gallows, Big penudulums or Cogs...)

I know when I am going to have a real odd dream when I see Giant Cogs, and large Concreate like balls... There's loads of levers, and I have to pull them in the right order to control my mind... but I never win... then I can't wake up, and all that happend I am dispondant from my dream like watching... I never feel in danger my-self, but the shere fact I can't turn my head, close my eyes or wake up is a liitle nasty when the things it feels I am forced to watch are so twisted...

Here's the one I had about 2 weeks ago:-

I wake up I can hear muffled voices from the foot of the bed, so I sit forward and slow edge my way to the end, only for the voices to move too the head of the bed... I the notice the voices are coming from my own feet... I can see faces under my toe nails, but I can't hear what they are saying, my nails are in the way, I start to remove them using a pair of Pillars, As I remove the first I am able to hear the voice perfectly (its sounds like some one on Helium, kind of comical) Telling to change my socks more regular, and to not walk on edges of curbs, I proceed removing one after the other, and the voices become overwhelming, some telling me, some one is about to die, if I don't what is asked of me, and another giving directions to some money buried in a near by neighbours garden... Other parts I hardly grasped but I know it one of my toes told me some thing about my Face not being my real face, and I should remove it... The voice keep getting louder and louder... then I awake for real shouting Shut up... and around my bed are dark shadowy figures approximately ten of them muttering and all fixated on me, they dive at me all at once, and I wake up again... I look at the door way to my room that’s open, and I see my self walk past it... I get out of bed and run to the door and look left and right, there is nobody there, I turn to go back to bed and right in front of me almost nose to nose is myself... But I am bright white, like I am dead I Gasp, The other me crumbles... I step back look at the floor nothing is there... Now I am awake for real, standing on my landing, and for some reason my feet are wet... Had I been outside ???

I have a constant feeling of Da-jar-Vou from the faces I see at the start of my dreams... even as I right this now, for some reason it feels like I have written it before...

Any way... I have been to my doctor but the NHS sucks... He said I will grow out of it, that was 16 years ago, I am 28 now.

I still have them... And it makes me wonder, could they be real, but Alternate Dimenssions ?...


All the above is pretty old... I will be turning 30 in Feb.

(Steve aka Landofshadows)

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Please take a look at your other thread on this forum

Post by eye_of_tiger » Wed Mar 04, 2009 4:18 pm

Steve, Image

Please take a look at your other thread on this forum for my response to and further comments about your questions, with reference to both of them at the same time.

"The 13 Rooms that test Humanity" ... hp?t=60817


eye_of_tiger  Image

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Post by Mystic Cadet » Wed Mar 04, 2009 6:31 pm

From seeing Shadows and having these kinds of dreams makes me wonder what path are you following

Maybe it has to do with the Xyolo research your doing, maybe it's leading you in the wrong direction.  Bah what the heck I know   I'm just a noob ..  LOL

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Your latest dream interpreted

Post by CarolynAlt » Wed Mar 04, 2009 8:08 pm

Hi there,

I came across your dreams and want to give you some insight on your lastest one.  Your dreams you are experiencing may get stronger with time.  This is a great thing and not to be viewed as a hinderance. Your experiences might be scary and intense.  Just keep trying to piece it all together.  You have been experiencing "real dreams".  I jotted down some notes that I will give you.
-Pain - of someone, maybe close to you is experiencing it.
-In your dream, you are trying to remove the many layers of madness to get to the answers for yourself.
-Toe nails - they act as a covering or shield.  You need to uncover hidden mysteries.
-Curbs - danger or walking on a fine line.  You need truth.
-Money buried - directing you to relief and that it can be close by.
-The contact is telling you he is or someone close by is in trouble.  He is trying to communicate with you on some level.
-Revelation needs to transpire on some level for yourself.  

I would start by acknowledging the contact.  Voice to him/her that you have deep concerns and are getting troubled over the type of dreams you are having.  I would ask flat out how you can help.  The dreams you are having I believe are simply trying to get your attention to discover the ability that you possess.


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Post by Mystic Cadet » Wed Mar 04, 2009 8:27 pm

Wow... was I ever wrong  hmmm

I guess in my situation, if someone is trying to commune with me, it will have to be obvious..

Always had issue with riddles, puzzles and what not


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Post by landofshadows » Wed Mar 04, 2009 10:05 pm


Thank you, all of what you have said rings true to some extent.

Those dreams are still fairly old, and everything you have said has started to fall into place, I feel I have reached the point that I am using my dreams within my creations, like publications and artwork.

My latest dreams I would say are the normal run of the mill stuff now...

Driving my car and the brakes don't work
Teeth falling out
Swimming without the need of Air
House on fire and I am the fire
Finding Loads of Money
Floating head at the foot of my bed chatting to me all night
Being stuck on a Bus with nothing but Cheerleaders

(The above are over the last month or so).

The last dream I had I was being chased by 3 Black dogs, each only having one eye each right centre of their heads, every time I try to hit them my fists, sticks, stones pass through them, yet if they bite me I bleed... (the last time I had this dream I was very little, and for some reason had it again two nights ago, but it was more intense, in the end I gave up and just let them rip me to bits).

So I feel my dreams are returning to normal...

I am not having any fly on the wall sort of dreams or dreams that make no real sense, or don't feel like they are not my own at the moment.
(For the last 115 days, approx)... I feel this is linked to me researching what my dreams could mean and the word Xoylo.

Mystic Cadet,

There are many paths in my life that I have gone down, the one I am on now I have found the most rewarding, I have learnt so much in so little time... Yet talking to Astral beings/Angels/Daemons does sound a little crazy... Well, not just a little, a fair amount.  At the moment it seems to be helping and I am enjoying having a restful nights sleep... Having dreams that makes you wake up thinking about them so much that you can't sleep again can be a real pain.

Thank you for your concern, but I really don't see nothing bad yet in my experiences.


I had one of the strangest experiences last night, I shut my eyes to go to sleep and my alarm went off on my phone, I opened my eyes turned it off and it was morning... It felt like a just a few seconds had passed... I was that wasted, I have had a day off work to sleep !!

That has NEVER happend to me before ??


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Post by Crow » Thu Mar 05, 2009 12:27 am

"I have read or heard some place that when you awake from a dream with a jump it’s your soul returning to your body.  Could this dream then be that I was some place else where this kind of thing goes on and  happens.  An alternate dimension another country or Hell even ? "

And what happens when you awaken and you are freezing cold? I mean cold to the bone and nervous as heck?  And it isn't because someone has taken all the covers.  Hot baths don't work, you still remain cold.  Do you have those types of dreams? And if so what have you found that helps you?

Is this when spirit is jumping again like what you say when you awaken from a dream in a jump?  Curious to know since this is something very interesting to me. Such vivid dreams you have.  How do you cope?

Safe Journey

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Post by landofshadows » Thu Mar 05, 2009 8:22 am


I have had times I have woken up really cold, I get cramp in my calf muscles and wind up jumping around the bedroom... After the cramp has gone I add another sheet to the bed get back in and go back to sleep... I find it easier to fall asleep when I am cold.

I have had dreams for such a long time that they don't really bother me too much any more. (they used to, in my late teens).

Creating and keeping a dream diary helps, logging the dreams down, that way you can see if you have had the same dream prior, relate the dreams to what's happening in your life at that given time and see what is causing it... if anything...


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Post by firetopaz » Wed Mar 18, 2009 3:15 am

I find  it important that you are dreaming of groups of three...past, present and future.  You running from black dogs.  Black dogs in England are supposed to symbolize the hounds of Hell..or be the omen of death.  Where you had a near death experience..I feel this dream reflects that experience.  
Death is chasing you and no matter what you do you can not escape it forever.

you are definetely worried about dream you find it and the losing teeth usually means that too.

Bet you wish  you had that cheerleader one every night..LOL

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Post by landofshadows » Thu Mar 19, 2009 1:04 am


Thank you for your insight into the Black Dogs... I also looked into the meaning and found a Dog by the name of Cerberus that I found very interesting.

I also found info on Hell hounds and Devil dogs... One story that really caught my eye was of a Ghost dog called Black Shock that only had one eye.

Here is a video I found that mentions the 16th century tale:- ... -video.htm

Here is a site just on Ghost Dogs:- ... ackdog.htm
(The parts on eyes of the dog state sightings of One eyed dogs have been reported).

I think everyone worries about money... If you have loads you worry about loosing it, if you have very little you worry about wanting more... Horrid stuff really... If you know anyone that wants shoot of the nasty stuff I have some pockets I can keep it all in ;0)

The Bus dream... Yeah I love buses... Just need to get all the Pomp pomp waving sex starved crazy girls out !!! LOL


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Post by firetopaz » Thu Mar 19, 2009 2:21 am

I Loved that video all the way down to the priest in the biker leather...good stuff there!  I wonder if Christine and Hazel got to pick out the actresses that played them? LOL Had to watch it twice...oh yeah..the hell hound...hmmm.

Need to check out the other  site.

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