to dream of blood

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to dream of blood

Post by seaneen » Fri Apr 03, 2009 9:22 am

Last night I dreamt I was coughing up lots blood I was showing people and thinking to myself that I was dying even though in my dream I was not scared and just saying to myself well its time to go.

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Something or someone is really irritating you, and draining you emotionally

Post by eye_of_tiger » Fri Apr 03, 2009 3:18 pm

Although you seemed to be very accepting of the idea that it meant it was your time to go, I seriously doubt that this unpleasant dream should in any way be regarded as being a premonition of the future. The fact that you seemed so calm in the face of what to most people would be a terribly stressful and frightening experience (coughing up blood in your waking life is never a good sign) only confirms my opinion.

Often in dreams blood can be seen as a symbol for psychic energy, spirit energy, or in many cases your own life-force. Losing blood by any method including coughing it up suggests to me that something (or is it someone who) which is currently happening to you in your daily life is effectively draining you of your emotional energy as well as your motivation to keep going in spite of your many difficulties.

Coughing is a method used by the body to remove something which is irritating your upper respiratory passages and is an attempt to remove it to somewhere where it will no longer do any harm to you.

Also while coughing up blood or anything else for that matter, normal breathing is temporarily suspended as a safety measure to ensure that nothing further can possibly get into where it does not belong. Therefore this is the dream equivalent of choking or at least of temporary suffocation.
Suffocation in a dream may represent intense anxiety associated with being confined or mean the dreamer feels smothered by some situation or relationship.


I would advise you on the basis of this type of dream to look more deeply at your current life circumstances in order to better understand yourself as well as the way in which you are reacting to something or someone from your waking life which or who is really bugging you.

You may feel as though your ideas and opinions as well as your life ambitions are being sacrificed or totally ignored or simply do not matter any more, as if someone other than yourself is felt to be largely in control of what is after all your life to live as you best see fit.

Unfortunately for you I predict that you will continue to experience dreams with a similar unpalatable and unpleasant theme or important message contained within them for you when compared to this one, until whatever this issue is has been adequately resolved.

Be kinder to yourself,

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Thankyou E O T

Post by seaneen » Sat Apr 04, 2009 2:09 pm

Thank you again for your kind words E O T they have been really appreiated and off great comfort at this hard time and I cant put into words how truly grateful I am to you for taking the time and effort responding.

Thank you

Last edited by seaneen on Tue Oct 20, 2009 6:09 pm, edited 3 times in total.

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Sat Apr 04, 2009 3:50 pm

Seaneen, :)

You are always most welcome.

Yes I completely understand what you are trying to tell me, and only wish that I had a magic formula or relatively easy solution which I could offer you with regards to making his and his family's insensitive and yes cruel behaviour towards you and your children at least a little more bearable than it presently is.
Thankyou again for your kind words E O T they have been really appreiated and off great comfort at this hard time and I cant put into words how truly greatful I am to you for taking the time and effort responding.
If I cannot help out a friend who is in need of some urgent assistance and human compassion now and then, then what is my purpose for being here at all? Actually I feel that you have unknowingly already done a far better job of translating your heartfelt feelings of appreciation for my efforts on your behalf into hard copy, than you appear to believe that you have.

I wanted if I may to let you in on a big personal secret of mine, but please do not let too many other people know this as it refers to something which can potentially become quite addictive.

What was originally my full time spiritual work done on these forums has rapidly become for yours truly a true labor of love, which springs out of my burning need to feel that I have made a significant positive difference in someone else's life.

Feeling that I have in some small way helped a valued member and friend gives me a real emotional high, so when people apologize to me that they have nothing of value to offer in return for the favour I have done them, I must confess that I cannot fail but smile deeply inside me.

Oh darn!  :smt012

I have just realized in my enthusiasm that my secret addiction is now common knowledge to anyone who takes the time to read this, after having been posted on this public forum.

Oh well, my secret is out!  

Big deal! :smt005

God bless you and your kids,

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Post by seaneen » Sat Apr 04, 2009 4:21 pm

Thanks for making me smile

I am so happy for you to get alot of pleasure from helping people your truly a gifted and inspiring person. I felt a bit guilty telling all my problems to you as I nomally pretend to be stong to all those who know me but deep inside somethimes im not.

A magic formula would be great lol but I suppose all this will just make me stronger.

An Irish Blessing

May the road rise up to meet you

May the wind always be at your back

May the sun shine warm upon your face

the rains fall soft upon your fields

and until we meet again

May God hold you in the palm of His Hand

Thanks Again


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