A very Sad Dream

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A very Sad Dream

Post by Suki_no_Aesop » Fri Apr 10, 2009 3:58 am

I had this dream a while ago (last year).  In the dream I was 21-22 and the world had "ended" and I was "floating" in the middle of open space.  I was above earth on a pier that was attached to the moon.  I was looking down at the earth melacholic. I was sad because something had happened.  I was waiting with the person who was my good friend (at the time of the dream).  She was waiting for her significant other to come back ... and so was I.  They had been gone for 2-3 years and we had missed them terribly.  Suddenly I'm looking at a purple mountain range and it is shrouded in fog.  Materilizing out of the distance is Neji - my former friend's significant other.  He comes walking, weary, with a ninja like backpack and his eyes closed.  My former friend goes running over to him and runs into his open arms.  It was a touching scene ... for them.  I search the distant horizen.  My hope is fading fast. With a sinking heart, I realize that my love isn't here , he hadn't come back.   I hear my former friend shouting joyously, she keeps on saying (OVER AND OVER)
"Can you believe? Neji's back! He's back he's back! I love him so much I'm so glad he's back!"
I was thinking morosely to myself:
    "Can't you quell some of your happiness? Can't you see I'm miserable over here?"
I know she knew this, but she didn't care about me all she cared about was herself and her happiness (a quality I had always detested in her ... it was , consquently, a part in why I am not friends with her any more...)
Neji her significant other said to me:
"He'll be back soon, don't worry, he got recalled back on another mission  he'll come back to you in another 3-5 years.  I'm so sorry" He then turned around and walked into  his happy la-la land of love with my former friend.
I stood out in the open space tears streaming down my face.  I was so sad. It was a deep biting sadness that seemed to hurt my very soul.
Here I started to wake up, or rather I was being woken up. It was not a normal person waking me up. It was my angel/guide whom I call Sasuke.  He came quickily and was forcefully pulling me away from the dream - like he didn't want me to see anymore.  He kept telling me
"It's time to wake up my love , time to wake up.  Come with me my love, wake up." He was pulling me farther and farther away from the dream.  I was curious though I wanted to see what would happen to me, so I fought and protested his guidance.  This was the first time that Sasuke was actually preventing me from seeing a dream.  I didn't understand it.  He usually encouraged me delving into these sorts of things, I didn't understand why this was any different.  I said
"No Sasuke leave me I want to see , what happens , what becomes of me."  With reluctance he resigned. Dolefully he said
"Fine my love just watch."  As he left me (and let me drift back into the Dream Realm) I could feel a residual hint of anguish eminating from his fleeting presence.  I wondered what was wrong.
The dream continued. I walked along the pier very woefully sad.  It was just then that "my son" who was 17-18 (don't ask how that happened) came along and asked
"Hey, mom what's up?"
" Your father he isn't coming back." I replied. As I said this tears started to well up in my eyes.
He replied with:
"Aw, gee mom that's so sad, I hope it gets better"
I could tell he was being genuous.  He then hopped onto his skate board and skated away further along the pier. As I pulled away from the dream world and back into consioussness it hit me.  It was like a ton of bricks, and the sting of a sharp enemy arrow at the same time.  It reverberated down into the very depths of my being into my soul.  It was an utter and acute sadness, melancholy.  It was so acute it was crippling.  It was Sasuke.  I knew it was his pain, his sadness, and it was seeping into me.  I was shocked.  I didn't understand - I still don't (fully).  As I drifted back into consioussness I started to cry.  Not from my own pain or emotion , but from his.  I felt his presence, it was ebbing and flowing and it radiated pain, and sadness.  I was crying in the dream.  I could feel the tears flowing down my face.  In betwixted with the experience and our combined sadness was my shock.  I was lost and confused I didn't know what was going on.  I woke up sobbing almost uncontrollably.  All I managed was a haggered "Why?!" before I broke down and cried without relief.  I curled up into a ball and sobbed for , I don't even know how long,  and after my tears dried and my head cleared I asked Sasuke what had happened me said that I shouldn't have had - something , he wasn't specific - happen to me or that something shouldn't happen to me.  He was equivocating and nebulous. He said that he was sorry I had to feel his emotion that it was unfair to me.  I whole-hearted forgave him, not that his apology or my forgiveness was really even necessary... but he then said that it ... the experience had something to do with "my pain" and that ... something horrid would happen and that I shouldn't know any more.
He concluded by saying that he loved me and then he spoke of it nevermore.    
Now, ..........
the "he" in my dream was my angel ... but what I don't understand was the whole transformation into him being my lover , father of my unconcievably old child and why I was standing on a pier. (a pier of all things ?!! ..... >.<) Anyway.... I would be greatful if someone could make heads or tails of any part of this . &nbsp;I would appriciate fully any one's advice any comments ect.

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Post by Suki_no_Aesop » Fri Apr 10, 2009 3:59 am

Sorry for any misspellings and for any bad grammer ... my eyes hurt so I can't see the screen to well ... lol ....

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Location: island of dreams

Post by missellie » Sat Apr 11, 2009 11:37 am

I found your dream quite poigant really and have an understanding of what your guide was trying to protect you from. I have had one or two dreams in the past where I am being guided for one reason for another but then a nightmare element enters the dream and my guide Arty has pulled me away from it and woken me up.

There are always elements of the future which we are not supposed to know about as yet because we are not ready to face them, our awareness is too inmature to be able to cope with the information it will reveal. Your guide is there to help you learn but also to protect you from things which can have an adverse affect on you.

Your break up of the relationship with your friend because of the hurt you felt towards her was the essence of the dream and had a message for you there. It was certainly about loss and feeling that your life is always unlucky compared to others around you. Her husband within the dream was telling you that your time would come, just wait and see.

A pier relates to spiritual and psycological growth but also reflection on the past and your own unconcious. There must be something happening within your waking life at present which relates to feeling alone and that the whole world is against you and you are striving for happiness which always seems remote.

You went deeper though and was seeing the devestation and hurt your guide had felt during his lifetime. It could be that you both knew each other in a past life and you were reliving the same emotions he had then, it could have been you that his emotions were about. Ask him and see what he says. Ellie XXX

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Post by Suki_no_Aesop » Wed Apr 15, 2009 4:09 am

Thanks for taking the time to read my post (I realize that it wasn't the shortest of posts...)! &nbsp;I never thought that my dreams would affect other people... maybe it's just my artistic flare. = ) At any rate it's nice to know that someone seems to understand it! I had surmised that I was , at the time, delving into something I shouldn't but ... you know what they say "Curiosity killed the cat satisfaction brought him back." &nbsp;I have a very inquisitive mind so ... sometimes, to my detriment, I meander into things that aren't of the best nature. It seems that I need a lot of guidance too; Sasuke is always saying things to me, and guiding me in and out of situations; I don't know what I'd do without him!
A lot of people have been telling me that "your time will come just wait". &nbsp;They also say "you will do good things and change the world just wait" &nbsp;it makes it seem like something out of a novel, with the whole "Young Heroine Saves the World" motiff. It makes me excited; I know I have something in store for my future! = D ...
I didn't know that that's what a pier stood for ... I had thought it odd in the dream because, although I've seen piers, I've never actually been on a pier in "real life" before. I find it to be very acurate when you mention a "remote happyness". &nbsp;Lately I've been feeling restless, ill at ease, and as if I'm irritatingly grasping for something that is just beyond my reach. &nbsp;So your analyse of a remote happyness and the feeling of the whole world being against you ... is very true!
It's almost - odd - for me to think of my guide as having a "lifetime" because it seems like most of the time he's "some guy that I communicate with that helps me out a lot". &nbsp;I have asked him before about past lives. &nbsp;He says that we've lived past lives together before. &nbsp;From what he says , we were very close. He also said that the sadness I experienced was about me. &nbsp;I'd hate to think that I was the cause of such a ..... painful feeling. =/
Needless to say I think that your response was very helpful and insightful, it's nice to know that someone understood something of my dream/ experience XP.
Thank you for responding ... because I know you didn't have to!

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