The Proper Way To Sleep...

Learn to analyse and understand the meaning of your dreams.

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Dj I.C.U.
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The Proper Way To Sleep...

Post by Dj I.C.U. » Tue May 09, 2006 12:38 pm

As with everything else in life, there is a right way and wrong way to go about sleeping in a manner that is productive in dream recall. Relaxation is a must. And following good, steady sleeping habits is also a must. There is a thing called "sleep debt" that occurs when you regularly do not get enough sleep. When you build up your sleep debt, you sleep so deep it is almost impossible to remember your dreams, so follow regular habits. Before you leap into bed, hell bent on remembering your dreams, take a moment and review these preliminary steps:
Relax yourself completely. This can be done with nothing more then peace and quiet. If you choose, use your favorite relaxation tapes, or just some peaceful music. (pre-set to turn off)
Pay attention to the main issues on your mind. As you start to go to sleep, pay attention to the main theme, or train of thought running through your mind. This will give you a clue as to what your dream may end up being based on. Also, by keeping your mind on what you want to dream about is a good way to dream about one particular issue. Don't over concentrate though, or it will keep you awake.
Give yourself a suggestion to remember your dream. You must want to remember your dreams in order to do so. Giving yourself a suggestion is simple. Just keep in mind, and randomly bring to surface a little thought like "I will remember my dream". Don't just think the words like a child reciting "I will not write on the wall", but mean it, and feel the conviction.
Plan on waking up slowly and peacefully. Being rocketed out of bed by a big dog landing in the middle of your chest and licking your face is NOT the stuff that dreams are made of! (I speak from experience) :) Try to wake up naturally. Regardless what anyone may have told you, it is a fact that adult human beings NEED a minimum of eight hours sleep in order to be fully rested. Some, in fact most really need more. Not getting enough sleep is the number one reason for not remembering your dreams! Don't overdo it either, or the reverse will be true. A good rule of thumb is you should wake up naturally without an alarm clock, and without someone (or something) waking you.
Your health is very important! Take your vitamins, and chelated minerals every day! Eat a well balanced diet. Poor nutrition is also an extremely common cause for failure to recall dreams.
Keeping those steps above in mind (and following them) will kick start you to remembering your dreams. These steps are the key to remembering your dreams, if you practice ALL the above, you WILL sooner or later start to remember them. (I am betting "sooner")

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Post by in_the_blue » Wed May 10, 2006 10:25 pm

Great topic..
I am having problems remembering sometimes my dreams.
I will try to follow your advice, but can you tell me what vitamins to take?
Thanks :D

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Post by valchenolf » Tue May 16, 2006 10:40 am

personnaly i find that I get more intense and rememberable dreams if I go to bed when i'm doing something such as watching something on t.v where i fall asleep half way through a film... also if i go to sleep with thoughts deep in my mind.. things on my mind however can make dreams violent and so forth... so it's not always a good thing.

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Post by jyotimirpuri » Tue Dec 05, 2006 1:30 am

dreams are like answers to our subconscious questions so we have to be open to them

Posts: 97
Joined: Mon Oct 23, 2006 4:31 am

Post by jyotimirpuri » Tue Dec 05, 2006 1:32 am

dreams have different meanings then the way we interpret them so we should consult the dream dictionary so our minds are not confused

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