Remembering your Dreams.

Learn to analyse and understand the meaning of your dreams.

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Remembering your Dreams.

Post by valchenolf » Tue May 16, 2006 10:45 am

This information is taken directly from my own website

If so here is some information to help you to remember.

Yellow Jade and Lapis help with dream remembering.

You can learn to remember your dreams and even better remember them in detail. The importance of a dream is implanted into your subconscious mind. To forget dreams grows like a habit. One way to help you to stop forgetting is by telling yourself you wan't to remember, just like any other habit it can take a long time to break.

It will take longer time if you are only really aquainted to phsyical life that you never really think about your spitual self or your dreams. Over the years the subconscious mind will realise your neglect do dreams, therefore you will start remembering them less.

Your subconscious mind works with you and reminds you all the time though. It will tell you when it's time to do something, whether good or bad. (time for coffee, time for tea, time for a cigarette and so on). Also It can nudge you to feeling guilt when you forget to do something that you said you would.

You can help make the subconscious mind work in order to help you rather then to be against you all the time, by giving a conscious effort to not give in to some old bad habits. You can do the same in reverse to help REMEMBER things such as dreams.

Okay, Now for Some MORE USEFUL TIPS.
This information is taken directly from my own website

Keep something to write with and something to write on next to your bed. So that when you do wake up you can quickly scribble your dreams down. Also it may help you to remember your dreams if you write the Date down on the paper, this will send a note to your subconscious mine. If you awake during the middle of the night, it may be useful to have a very faint light near your bed so that you can write your dreams down with out waking up fully.

When you have got used to this then start limiting what you write down on the paper, until you get to key words, key words that just help jog your memory. When you have got used to this stage then hopefuly you will not need anything to prompt you.

Also I forgot to mention, it does not have to be paper, how about a tape recorder.

When you wake up in the morning, before you get out of bed, take the time to think about any dreams that are still in your thoughts.

Even if you just remember sections of your dream, it's still worth making a recording of it, then the next night you may remember it. Even though you may get annoyed when you can't remember an entire dream, it's important to remember that its normally the single images that you do remember that contain the key or meaning of your dream, this is because your subconscious mind wan'ts you to take spechial thought on this part of the dream. Once the dreamer has thought a recurring dream over and over in his//her mind and taken steps to deal with the issue they may find that they no longer have this recurring dream.

Before you go to sleep REMIND yourself you want to remember your dreams tonight. Think of things that challenge yourself at this point of life, and tell yourself that you want to dream of solutions to help you.

If you pray or meditate then ask for insistance in your dreams.

Dreams are the Language of the Soul.

If you suddenly find yourself remembering a dream during the day, make a note of what you were doing and who with. Also what you were talking about or thinking about at that time. This may be a clue or meaning to the dream which you remember.

When you get familiar with your own dreams then start thinking about lucid dreams.

(c) Copyright by Valchenolf (c)

This information is taken directly from my own website

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Dj I.C.U.
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Post by Dj I.C.U. » Sun May 21, 2006 12:53 am

I usualy remind myself in the dream to remember it and it works. Dreams are 50% controlable and the other 50% imposible to control.

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Post by Vishwas » Mon May 22, 2006 9:14 am

Well my dreams are more uncontrolled that controlled. It is full of violence, repression, killing & lots of talking, & mostly stuff which are too confusing sounding. & in the mornings i don't know if it is the dream anymore, or my mind making up stuff, (that is when i am in semi-consciousness state).

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Post by Sophe » Mon May 22, 2006 11:11 am

Well I pretty much remember all of my dreams. The other night I dreamed around 5 different dreams and I can detail the specifics of each dream and when they jumped from one dream to another. I have had this ability since I was a small child and always thought my dreams give me good information about where my life is right now and what I need to understand to move forward.


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Post by Figaro » Tue Nov 14, 2006 12:33 pm

The funny thing is I usually remember only the last dream, and after 5 minutes the memory starts to fade...but I will write down my dreams from now on.

Devil's Storm
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Post by Devil's Storm » Tue Dec 19, 2006 7:31 am

I can remember my dreams sometimes. The more vivid they are, the more I remember of them. When I wake up, if I replay it in my head, I'm able to remember it when I have the time to sit down and write it down.

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