The Hermit

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The Hermit

Post by Theonewithnoname » Tue May 05, 2009 9:43 am

Whilst this dream is still fresh in my mind I want to write it down. It was strange and I feel it held messages that I must interpret.

I remember I was in a school.. a university and I was learning things there that I didn't really need to know because I already knew them. I had been put into a childcare course, which I wasn't too happy about because I've spent all my life bringing up children. Still I accepted that I had to do it and was on my way to the classroom but I couldn't find it. I had to go through the art rooms and up stairs and everything, eventually I did find it but all they were talking about was what to do if the baby is "bad". Then I as suddenly outside and there were these four men, who looked like druids, all wore these long grey hooded cloaks and I remember one of them carried a sword and was wearing a brown tunic underneath that with boots and he also had curly hair and was called Thuriaz. He was very volitile, but strong and protective as well. Another one was an old man, like the Hermit from the Tarot cards and he had a long grey/white beard and carried a staff - I had the strange sensation that this was Myrddin - though that was not his real name, that was what they called him. (His real name was Anzus) He seemed to be their leader. One was a horseman, though he didn't have his horses with him, he was called Ridho, and the other seemed to be very silent, didn't say anything or make any noise. His name was Uruz. I remember they were sort of invisible sometimes and not everyone could see them, but I could see them. They were like magickal ghosts. Next thing I knew I was somewhere windswept on a cliftop near the sea, and there was a small inn where the locals sat and drank mead and talked together, so I went there. With me was a young boy, no more than about 13 so I thought he was my son Gareth. We waited in the inn for some reason, then the four druids came into the inn and sat down, nobody seemed to notice them, or care that they were there, even though they had to move some things out of the way to sit down. They were near me and my son. I felt compelled to turn to Myrdinn who was almost behind me. He looked at me and it was if I knew him, like a father or an old friend, someone I was close to. He spoke.. he said.. look up.. so I did.. and then he tapped me on my right shoulder. At that moment everything went completly black and I was afraid, I heard his voice soothing and deep and he said "Do not be afraid, let it come, do what needs to be done, relax... relax..."
Next thing I know I was awake and the inn was empty, there was no one there and it looked as though it had been deserted for many years. I ran out on to the clifftop, there was no one there, Gareth was gone too, I was the only one left. There was a storm coming, a big terrible storm, the waves beat at the cliffs edge hard. It was as though I could fly or something and I could see the cliff edge from the view of the sea. There the four druids Myrddin, Thuriaz, Ridho and Uruz, seemed to be in these little alcoves, each of them held a sword in front of them, upwards, each were whispering something, and as they did so, the cliff rocks seemed to close in around them.
Suddenly it was like I awoke, and I was back in the little Inn and it was evening, the storm was raging outside, but everyone was back in the inn. I was confused and I said "Where am I.. what day is it?" Gareth answered "Are you okay? You looked like you were far away for a second..." I tried to shake it off .. a young man behind the bar said.. "Dont worry, I know the feeling.. I was in Saltcoats again." Saltocoats is my home town and this young man was Scottish.
Gareth was standing in front of me and I heard the voice of Myrddin say "Arthur..."

In the Runes - Anzus, Ridho, Thuriaz, Uruz


These mean... God, Rider, Stregnth, Purity.

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Post by Rook » Tue May 12, 2009 2:08 pm


What an intriguing dream.  I look forward to pondering it some more, particularly in regard to the progression of events.

I get the feeling the studying of childcare is not referring to the need to know more about looking after children, but is referring more to caring for your own inner child.  The journey to the classroom is also significant, I think the method of doing this is through a creative artform - outlet.  Do you have one already?  Do you feel you are bad at creative arts (ie discussing what to do when the baby is bad)?

The druids are indeed an enticing symbol.  I assume you have studied occult lore to some degree due to your recognition of the symbol of the Hermit of the tarot.  From my understanding the outer order of most occult mystery schools that I have seen are all about balancing the 'four elements'.  I believe this is what the represent.  Anzus - God, fire, the divine higher self.  Ridho - Rider, earth, the animal instincts (also Pan, Satan).  Strength and Purity would be air and water?  Perhaps strength would be fire and God air...  And purity water?

Also are you interested in Celtic lore?  (I know nothing of it but I think the Irish in me has always earned a curiosity towards these people).  And what about medieval / fantasy literature?

Do you feel I am on the right track?


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