Deminc Posession Dream

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Deminc Posession Dream

Post by johnswifey86 » Wed Oct 14, 2009 1:11 pm

I just woke up from this scary dream. I dreamed that I went to this ladies house whose 5 year old daughter was under demonic possesion.I was with my Paranormal Reasearh group. We went down to the basement where the girl was to meet her and her mom. I was already scared to experience this before I even met the girl. So we meet them and the little girl starts having an "episode"...shes growling and speaking in a different voice, etc. I get really scared and walk away, behind me I hear screams and look back and everyone is running. The little girl is following me. Out of nowhere there are more people there and they are running away as well. This little girl is following me around talking to me in a different/scary voice. I randomly find a spray bottle w/ water in it and start spraying her. Shes getting really mad, and continuing to just get angry. So we leave to go get her a priest. He comes back w/ us to exercise her...then I wake up. This dream really scared me and I was wondering why I was having the dream. I thought about it and I know what someone watches on t.v. has alot to do w/ what someone dreams. But the last time I watched anything about possession was 3 weeks ago. Would that still have an affect on me? Or does it acctually mean something?

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Post by sweetsunray » Wed Oct 14, 2009 6:02 pm

Yes, your dream could actually mean something... let's see what it might mean

We start at a house. A house usually stands symbol for the dreamer's state of being: physical, mental, emotional, communication, privacy etc... And it normally stays true even if it's not your actual house, but somebody else's house, including a dream somebody else. And the dream concentrates on the state of the basement. The basement is something underneath the house, hidden, so it points to your unconscious, but also instincts. You know from the start that what is going on there is a bit out of the ordinary... you do no happen on it by chance, but visit it backed up with a whole team of helpers/aids who know a bit about the strange, the 'abnormal', the psychic, the paranormal, etc... Your fear too shares that you're apprehensive of what lives in your unconscious.

In the unconscious lives a 5 year old child. Children often symbolize an innocent part of you, but in this case the innocence has become corrupted. The child is possessed, and it being possessed might mean this part of your unconscious feels helpless and not in control. You mention it growls at you and speaks in a voice not hers. I wonder whether she spoke in tongues too? Did you ever make out what she actually tried to say to you? Is it possible that she asked for your help, and that you never understood that message? When you start to run away from her out of fear (a translation of your feelings of helplesness), then you do not give the help she may have been requesting from you. So, from that point of view her running after you is even very understandable. Spraying her with water could be seen as you trying to clean her from the possession. But if we look at possession as just a symbol of helplesness, then spraying water will hardly be helpful. Plus it adds a sense of rejection of the helpless innocent part of you (which it basically remains, possessed by a demon or not). If you rejected a helpless part of yourself wanting you to help it then isn't it understandable it got mad?

However, the fetching of the priest and doing an exorcism is an act of coming back with help. You do not run away from her, but you leave with the plan to return and get rid of the feeling of helplesness. And an exorcism's possible meanings is exactly that: taking control of things again. And so, the dream ends, because you finally managed to do what the dream wanted you to solve: solve these unconscious feelings of helplesness and regain control.

Hope this explenation may settle your anxiety about the dream's memory :-)

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Post by johnswifey86 » Wed Oct 14, 2009 7:10 pm

Wow Sweetsunray! Thats very cool. What you are saying makes alot of sense. I'm getting on a personal level here just to let you know how much of what yur saying makes so much sense to me. I feel helpless in my marriage and in my battle w/ depression at times. And w/ my depression I feel like I have no control over my emotions at times, and w/ my husband I feel almost like I have no control at all, like he's just taken over my life completely. So maybe that little possessed girl is a symbol of me reaching out for help. I try so hard to help myself but sometimes I get frustrated and walk away from my situation. So ya everything you said matches up to things in my life. Thank you so much for shedding some light on the dream. It really helps to know what these things mean. Yur awsome! : ) Oh also w/ the girl speaking I don't remember if what she was saying was words...I think in the dream I was hearing her but not acctually listening; all I was wanting to do was get away becuz I was so scared. And the water thing is kinda funny...the spray bottle was acctually ridiculous lol. It was a beauty stylists spray bottle lol. I guess I just thought if I sprayed her she would go away, its so silly.

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Post by sweetsunray » Wed Oct 14, 2009 10:37 pm

Thank you for the feedback :-)

I suspect you still have a very vivid memory of the 5 year old girl. Maybe you could start out by recalling her in your mind, and see yourself as an adult give her big hug or take her in her lap. It might make you feel better, because you'll be loving yourself. Sometimes it's difficult to do that to ourselves, but if you project yourself in either someone who can give you a hug in a daydream/relaxation or you are giving a hug to the scared 5 year old, it might be easier to do.

What we do in our dreams - projecting parts of ourselves into other dream characters - we can do in our waking life too. Maybe before you get up for your day, or in the shower, or when you're relaxing in a hot bath, or your lunch time outside on a bench in a park. You know when you have a moment for yourself alone during the day. Use that moment to close your eyes and give yourself that love in this daydream way.

All the best to you,


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