Hair and teeth falling out.

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Hair and teeth falling out.

Post by IStareAtGoats » Sun Dec 13, 2009 11:52 am

Hello :]

I have a lot of dreams where my hair comes out in big chunks or my teeth fall out. The dreams are never the same but when its my hair its always that I touch it or take out a ponytail holder and it comes out in my hands, when its my teeth its always that theyre loose and Im trying to keep them in but they end up coming out anyway. Its never the main focus of my dreams either but since it seems to happen a lot and its pretty much the same every time even though the main part of the dreams are different I thought it was kind of weird.

Could it mean anything or is it just nothing?

Thanks for reading and may earth bless you with everything you desire :]

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Post by happyme » Mon Dec 14, 2009 12:19 am

Hair and teeth loss usually relate to insecurities and a lack of self confidence usually in relation to some specific matter. You are experiencing fears or insecurities about a situation, and perhaps worrying you will embarrass yourself or not measure up in some way. Whatever it is stop allowing it to overwhelm and pressure you. Just keep calm and cool and be assured in yourself and it will work out. Lovee and light! :)

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Post by Rook » Tue Dec 15, 2009 4:33 am

Hiya Stares

I would tend to agree with happyme.  Without a specific dream it is difficult to pinpoint the exact issue, but since it is hair and teeth falling out, I would guesstimate an issue with the eventual aging process.  On top of that it seems to be about a struggle, but ultimately it seems to be a change that is out of your control.

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Post by sweetsunray » Wed Dec 16, 2009 2:27 pm

Hair and teeth falling out is a very common dream theme, a theme that happyme explained. Hair and teeth are to us facial features that make us look pretty and acceptable. Hair loss and a mouth without teeth or ugly teeth is something any person fears, because they risk the chance of being ridiculed, losing face, ousted by society. I see you are 16, and at your age appearance of personality and character to your peers is very important. It is an age where you become very susceptible to wanting to belong and accepted by a large group of people, regardless of whether they are likeable themselves or even whether you will ever get to know them. Having social status is just very important, and so rises the chance to fear rejection, and this is translated into the symbolism of hair loss and teeth falling out.

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Post by IStareAtGoats » Wed Dec 16, 2009 6:18 pm

Thanks so much guys :] I actually havent had one of those dreams in about a month and now I see why.

Again, thank you and may the earth bless you with everything you desire.

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