Countless Unknown People - Living or Dead?

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Countless Unknown People - Living or Dead?

Post by ammo » Thu Dec 24, 2009 2:04 am

I tried looking around for a similar post but was unable to find sorry if this is repititious. For about a year now I keep having the same type of dreams. Rarely can I remember them in much detail but I am able to remember the same general situation. It's like I have conversations with countless random people in my dreams. Usually they are the ones doing most of the talking. Generally they give me advice (none of which I seem to recall in the morning) and tell me about their lives. I am very confused as to whether these people are alive or dead. I don't think my brain would just "make up" so many people I have never seen before and so many stories to go along with them. Alot of the time I find myself in large groups, talking to 5 or 6 of them within one dream. Is it possible for living people to enter your dreams and talk to you? Anyone have any references with more information on this particular subject? I can't seem to find any :( Thanks in advance to anyone who replies.

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Post by ammo » Wed Feb 10, 2010 5:31 am

I'm really utterly convined now that these people are all -once living? I just had a dream last night that one of my clients passed and was telling me that everything was OK now that she had moved on. Later in the afternoon when I went to go see her---well her son told me she had passed. I don't know how to feel. She told me everything is fine but somehow I feel like I could have done something to prevent this. It seems like if this is a gift of some is a very burdening one. Why would I want advanced notice of someone's death if it will only make me feel guilty and at-fault? I couldn't trust the message and my instincts enough to take action while there was still time to help her. It's difficult to cope with, honestly. If I had been wrong about the whole dream and it turned out to be just some silly dream---well I would have seemed nothing short of insane, I'm sure.

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Post by sweetsunray » Fri Feb 12, 2010 10:47 pm

ammo, I think thus far nobody has replied because without much dream example specifics it's hard to say which is which and secondly because people want to respect other people's beliefs.

If you want my personal opinion... yes I do think the mind is able to come up with all kinds of people's lives and stories without them needing to be true.

It's also hard to judge factually whether it's your brain using imagined life stories to help you, or true life stories told by ghosts who come and visit you, unless you can verify what they are telling you in your dreams in your waking life.

I do think it's possible to have a precognition that someone will die and receive this warning in a dream. But whether they are truly ghosts visiting you, or this persons are incorporated in your dreams by your brain for its own dream purpose will remain hard to find evidence for either way.  It is up to what you believe yourself, and some might agree. But nobody can believe it either way for you, hence no replies thus far.
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Post by ammo » Sat Feb 13, 2010 11:02 pm

I don't really care to try and convince anyone of anything, you all can beleive what you will. I was just trying to see if there was anyone who had simillar experiences. I never said it was a definite thing anyways, just that I was more convinced now. I probably wouldn't have posted anyways if it weren't for the grief I was going through but thanks anyways. Great insights!

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Post by ammo » Sat Feb 13, 2010 11:04 pm

Oh, by the way....after having had the same experience 4 times in my life.....I dream someone dies then the next day I find out they have passed, that's gotta be some hell of a coincidence right. But hey, since you say it isn't possible then who am I right, just the person living it.

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Post by Rook » Sun Feb 14, 2010 4:43 am

Hi ammo

Sorry to hear about your loss.  Death can be a painful thing for those left behind, but I like to think of it like the tarot card, a death leading into a new beginning.

That said, I do believe she said "I DO believe it's possible...".  I don't think anyone is judging you here or saying you are right or wrong, what I gather from SSR's post is that she believes it is possible either way, and it is hard to tell, so it is probably not likely that people will try to interpret the dream - though thats not to say there won't be any discussion on it.

If it has happened to you 4 times then perhaps you are having some form of precognitive dream.  I don't usually approach dream interpretation from a precognitive warning sense, unless there were some warning symbol used perhaps, but that said I have had one such experience in my life, regarding a death, and a similar coincidence involving my brother (I dreamt a bum stabbed him in the shoulder, told him the next day about the dream, before he told me he had been to the doctor that morning and had a mole cut out of the same shoulder as in the dream.  I would be really freaked out if that Dr became bankrupt.)

Best wishes,

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Post by sweetsunray » Mon Feb 15, 2010 2:11 am

Hi Ammo,

Please reread my post and rook's correct review of my post:
- I DO believe that precognitive dreams are possible. I DO believe it's possible that you dreamt of someone being dead who turns out to be dead the next day.
- It's very difficult to determine whether it was an actual ghost physically visiting you in your dream, or simply your own brain having a precognition and dreaming of it on its own accord. Whether it can be proven or not might or might not be important, depending on your own beliefs regarding the existence of ghosts. Any discussion on ghosts would involve beliefs versus beliefs. And perhaps the dream analysys section is not the ideal place for such a discussion, although some other sections of this forum might be ideal for it :-)
- and lastly I DO believe the brain is well equipped to dream up all kinds of life details that are not related to reality.

So, as Rook said, in a nutshell, everything is possible, and it's hard to determine...

There was no need to be defensive, nor did I see your posts as trying to convince me or others of your beliefs. I'm sorry for your loss. I was trying to be curteous to the points you brought up in your posts, especially after they had been left unanswered for such a while.

I've had my own 2 precognitive dreams, regarding my loved ones and relationship events, somtimes shocking but luckily for me always with a positive result. Some research in dream and sleep science shows the phenomenon of precognitive dream warnings has been at least tested and there are indications that it happens in these test environments.

And just like Rook, I feel that precognitive dreams without much symbolic detail or message are perhaps not analysable. And when I analyse a dream I don't start out assuming it's a precognitive dream either.

All the best and hugs for your grieving heart  :)

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