I should of written this down

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I should of written this down

Post by Zaewyn » Mon Jan 04, 2010 4:23 am

As the title states I should of written it down but its fresh in my head even from like 7 years ago.

It starts off I'm able to see myself but im not a Human im a wolf. a grey timber wolf to be exact. it looks like Alaskan back woods snow covering the ground and the trees, moutains in the background and nothing but white clouds cover the sky. i slowly take a couple steps towards the woods off in the back ground and out of no where i spot a "white wolf" female. it walks to me no threatening sence about the wolf from me or the white one. it walks over to me rubs against me and slowly walks towards the woods. i follow the wolf it starts to move a little faster through the woods. We eventually get to running speed, nothing to run from and at the point of the dream it doesn't seem like we are really running to anything. just clearing my head as it seems. then we suddenly slow down come to cave/den what ever you wanna call it. we walk in and the white one lays down and stares at me as i stand in the door way. sorta like the white one wants me next to it. i walk over and lay in front of it as to protect it from the wind coming in through the entrance. me as a wolf falls asleep next to the white one and then i wake up. it ends and i have never seen the end of it. it has never left my mind. honestly i don't remember any of my dreams after that one.

My short interpretation was, it was telling me i missed my loved one. not long before this dream my sorta be girl friend left me and moved to florida. to me it seemed way to detailed for me to just miss her like that though..

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Post by Rook » Mon Jan 04, 2010 8:27 am

Hi Zaewyn

What you stated sounds like a pretty strong interpretation.

The dream could be relating to other potentialities (in my experience dreams can often refer to more than one thing in life).  First the frozen landscape could be relating to frozen emotions, perhaps brought on by the loss of your girlfriend.

But the dream also seems intensely spiritual in nature, particularly the white wolf.  The feminine often speaks of intuition / emotion.  The cave, the unconscious.  I think this may be an anima image, your inner feminine.  An invitation into your own inner 'den' to establish a relationship with your own intuition / emotional side... Possibly.  To be honest I need to reflect on this dream more, but that is a start anyhow.


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Post by happyme » Thu Jan 07, 2010 3:24 pm

Hi Zaewyn,

I absolutely agree with Rook. In addition to that I want to add, that wolf animal spirit medicine was visiting you in your dreams. You can read up more about it at this link  - http://www.sayahda.com/cyc5.html.

It is helping you to set yourself free from these depressed feelings or lack of emotion. You running through the woods refers to your positive advancement in connecting to those currently unknown or shielded aspects of yourself. You are running behind the white wolf with the white wolf representing victory, the goal at the end, which in this case would encompass getting in touch with your innerself to connect with your feminine energy.

Running through the woods also have a reproductive aspect to it. I think it is saying you will love again, and in doing so, this will bring further spiritual elevation to your soul. The cave represents a protective womb-like cocoon for the feminine self. It represents your innerself. You lying with the woman speaks to your masculine and feminine aspects merging as one to complete your total self. The wolf guide will help you to delve in your innerself to explore the feminine side of you, which involves your emotions and feelings.

You will learn to strike the balance between both sides - rational/logical/authoritative and emotional/passionate/creative. Your intuition will be further honed and you will learn to depend more heavily on it, as Rook suggests. The lessons to come will help you to do this, with the main lesson involving you learning how to love again. That is my take. I hope it works out! :)

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