Can anyone explain the meaning of this dream please.

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Can anyone explain the meaning of this dream please.

Post by cameo » Sat Jan 02, 2010 9:51 am

Im not a person who dreams, hardly ever in fact.  But last night I had this long long long dream which was going on over and over in my head, and it was so realistic that I woke up exhausted this morning because I had spend most of my night running!   Anyway, this is the dream......

Im in a helicopter and being flown over very hot sandy terraine, a bit like I imagine certain parts of Australia would be, red sand and the occasional huge craggy rock here and there.   Anyway, I have to be lowered down from this helicopter to deliver these huge boxes to people who live below.  The boxes are about the same size as a large coffin, but they are not coffins ok.  They are full of stuff that the people need.

Now the problem that I have is that every time the helicopter gets over head and Im being lowered down with the boxes this allerts a pack of tigers who all come running.  Somtimes I get off the rope and get the boxes into the houses, but then the tigers come and I have to run for my life, away from the house and try to get back to the rope to be lifted up to safety.

This dream went on and on all night, and whilst in my head I knew it was a dream, I still had to continue to deliver the boxes.   I was totally shattered when I woke up this morning, and have not regained my energy at all, I feel worn out.

Im not one to think about having dreams interpreted, but this one has left such an imprint on my mind that I have to wonder if it actually has any meaning.  So any of you into dreams who feel that they might know the meaning of it, then I would be most interested to hear.


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your dream is about

Post by ozzylinda » Sat Jan 02, 2010 10:26 am

Your dream is talking to you about your caring nature and your willingness to help others.  I feel your dream is telling you that you are rather overwhelmed and need to learn to say no as once you loved to help others but now it has started to become to much and somewhat a burden and even caused unusual bouts of anger and regressed emotional feelings within you.  I feel your dream is asking you to set some boundaries and asking you to balance your load.  Riding in a helicopter, this might mean you need to slow down and stop trying to please everyone. Boxes in dreams mean the dreamer has been trying to control strong feelings. Dreaming of a tiger symbolizes repressed feelings or emotions that frighten you.  The landscaping describes the range of emotions as it is dry and hot it usually indicates that there is anger, or some form of annoyance.  It could also indicate someone feeling a little exhausted or feeling tired of all the commitments around them.  The rope indicates you are doing somewhat of an exhausting balancing act.  The dream ask you to look to your boundaries and not to be afraid to say no.  

cheers ozzylinda :smt006

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Post by Rook » Mon Jan 04, 2010 2:19 am

Hi Cameo

I agree with a lot of what Ozzylinda says, but might have a couple of alternatives.

Overall the dream seems to speak of being 'above people' and helping those who are 'beneath you'.  This does speak to me of charity.  I am not sure if you are involved in charity or not, or how or what charity this involves.  The specific message I see are the tigers as being sort of 'predators' that are preying on your charitable side.  ie that which you are giving you are trying to keep to the needy, but when you start giving, people who don't really need your services come out for a free feed so to speak.

Some food for thought in regards to this symbology. What stood out to me is the nature of the desert scenery, the stark lack of water.  Water is a significant symbol of emotions.  Could it be that this charitable action is lacking an emotional attachment?  I suppose what I am saying is that the dream could potentially be questioning the motive behind this charity.  Whether it is for your ego (helicopter, rotates around itself) or perhaps a spiritual requirement (Australian desert = sun burnt country; sun = spiritual energy; burnt = overdone?).

Let us know if this applies at all, more information might lead to better associations and context of the symbols present here.

Sweet dreams,

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Post by cameo » Mon Jan 04, 2010 9:05 am

Thank you all very much for your input on this, and I 'take onboard' everything that you have all said, and find it quite facinating to be honest.  As requested by the last poster Im going to give you a bit more information now on myself and my life, and then maybe you can see other meanings too.

Right, well as for the giving side of me, well yes that is an integral part of my natural make up, and I do try to help people whenever I can, and hope to do t his on a daily basis if possible.  I find that by helping others this helps me to feel better about myself, as I try to live my life by the standards of one on my favourite songs, which goes a bit like this........

have I done any good in the world today?
Have I helped anyone in need.
Have I cheered up the say
Made someone feel glad
If not.... then I have failed indeed.

Have the sick and the weary been helped on their way
When they needed my help, was I there?

So yes, giving is part of my nature.  However where I live at the moment is a very claustrophobic situation (for various reasons waaay too long to go into on here), but hubby and I want to sell up our house and move elsewhere, somewhere where we can have some privacy, as we have no privacy at all where we live, with a constant stream of unwelcome visitors at the house every single day.  So this is the thing that is uppermost in my mind most of the time, every single day.  So I was wondering if there was something in the dream that pertained to this, but it seems that there was not.

Hope this added info helps.  But would like to say again, thank you for the interpretaions, I found them facinating.

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Your Dream

Post by ozzylinda » Mon Jan 04, 2010 9:42 am


I thought your dream was relating to the season of being xmas and newyear where it is really busy for most at this time of year.  It sounds like you do have a fairly busy lifestyle with many visitors as you said.  I think your dreams are trying to help and give you options to find a happy medium for both you and your hubby.

My brother cares for his family and he was wearing himself out and was exhausted with caring and doing everything for his family and friends.  I was concerned with his wellbeing and said to him you cant please everyone brother your wearing yourself out and if you get sick then you will be no good to anyone. You need to change things I told my brother to my surprise he agreed and my brother decided how much time he was prepared to give his family and friends allowing himself free time and he also whent on a trip for to try and break the patterns as well. He loves to fish so it was a fishing trip lots of time to think.  My brother said it took some doing but he now has a program that suits himself and is far more relaxing as he like yourself got truely exhausted with the constant visitors and the demands placed on him.  My brother is more relaxed and seems to be alot happier with how his life is going these days.



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Post by Rook » Wed Jan 06, 2010 3:51 am


I get the feeling this dream could be related to these events in your life.  Could the tigers represent the unwelcome visitors that frequent your home?  What you said about this coming every single day concurs with the dream sequence being repeated over and over and over and over.  A question, are all the visitors unwelcome?  The dream seems to be saying that you 'extend (drop down with the boxes)' this welcoming nature to the needy, but the tigers (unwelcome visitors) come when they see this hospitality being offered.  Does this reflect the situation?

You are offering this to people in situations of dry, rocky, sandy natures?   Perhaps they are needy of things that you can provide?  Be it physical, emotional or spiritual I am not really sure.  That is a question best answered by you.  I guess I am asking the motivations behind these visitors (both welcome and unwelcome) are.

The real question is, is this dream telling you anything, does it have any guidance?  Could the helicopter be a symbol of your desire to get 'up and out of there'?  Could it be saying that it would be better to approach the current problem in a 'fly in fly out' basis so that when the tigers come you can get out of there?  I don't know how that would apply to your situation not knowing the full nature of it.  Perhaps rather than having the visitors that you are providing for come to your home, perhaps you need to go to where the needy visitors are?

Does that speak any sense?

Sweet dreams,

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Post by cameo » Wed Jan 06, 2010 2:57 pm

Wow Rock, you have really got the meaning of the dream.  I can see how it applies to my life right now.  I have sent you a PM with all the details on it so that you can see what I mean.  I did not want to put personal stuff up on the boards.

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Post by Sir Mullich Vn » Sat Jan 09, 2010 8:49 am

I don't dream often. And if I dream some dreams often I don't remember them when I am awaken. In the past when I used to dream I knew at that time my health was in a bad state.

You agree with me that the people who are having more troubles with their healths often dream more than those who have less troubles with health.

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Post by Rook » Sat Jan 09, 2010 2:57 pm

Hi Sir Mullich

I would both agree and disagree with what you say.  I personally believe that the strength of the dream is related to the urgency of the message,  and personal interest in dream messages (if you start doing dreamwork and actively trying to remember dreams, I have found that dream recall improves.  The first thirty seconds of what you do upon waking makes a huge difference).

So according to me there would be increased urgency in the dream message if it was addressing health issues.  Physical, mental and spiritual.  Thus dramatic symbolism dredging up strong emotion may be used to bring the dream to the dreamers attention.  But I don't believe that this is the core variable, in my opinion dream recall is far more complex than this.

Such as some event or person that is dredging up powerful emotions, either positive (such as a love interest) or negative (such as "I HATE THAT GUY").

But that is all my theory and I wouldn't class myself an expert.


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Post by cameo » Sat Jan 09, 2010 3:16 pm

Hey Rook, I would like to put you in the 'expert class', as the interpretation you gave me for this dream was so correct in every aspect.  I could see how it was pointing out what was wrong with my life, and how it was being effected by the actions of others.  It has also given me some advice on what I need to do to rectify it.

So to me........ your an expert.

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Post by Rook » Mon Jan 11, 2010 6:10 am

Hi Cameo

Thanks for the compliments, but I must say my favourite goofy quote "Even a broken clock is right two or three times a day."


I would say I am experienced now, but I certainly don't know everything.  Progressing along the learning curve, and enjoying helping out folk like yourself.

Kind regards,

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