Mason - Bushfire

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Mason - Bushfire

Post by Rook » Tue Jan 19, 2010 6:43 am

I had a dream I was a mason, learning from a higher ranking officer.  I went to a group / church like session.

The dream then cut to home.  I was at home looking after the children.  A man came in and started playing with my son, a man who I see a lot in the city outside my workplace.  A man I am aware of, but I do not know or trust.  I see him with younger people, usually teens to young adult and I suspect he is somehow involved in the darker sides of the ‘night life’.  But that is all suspicions based purely on appearances.

He was playing twirly whirlies with my son where he swings him around.  He swung him up onto his shoulders and started to run off with him so I chased in pursuit.  I knew I would catch him because I was fast and he could not out-run me and carry my son.  The man ran into a chemist, and I came in after him.  I knew he was stronger than me, but he was holding my son and I knew if I attacked him in the stomach he would double over.  My attack works perfectly, I take my son back and run back home.  I know he will come back for my son so I hide with him underneath the house until he leaves.

The dream then cuts to the Aussie bushland.  A bushfire is spreading across the countryside and I know it is heading my way and will arrive imminently.  I am on the phone to my partner and tell her I will wade into a stagnant lake that is there so that I will be safe from the fire.  As I walk into the lake I can see the bushes starting to burn around the border of the lake.

The waters of the lake start to retreat and I have to run to keep up with the water, and stay ahead of the fire.  I am running behind the water along the dry river bank.  The waters finely reach a flowing river that forms a circle around the edge of the bush fire.  The water is not retreating anymore but flowing in a series of tiered rivers, each river moving out is stepping down.

By the river is a big glass building, inside of which is a pool with a boat.  The boat is being held on display by the higher ranking mason officer.  I want him to use the boat to travel around the outside of the river saving people from the fire.  He refuses and I rebel breaking in and taking the boat to try to help the people.

The dream then cuts to a college.  I am a lecturer there, and have become a high ranking Masonic officer.

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Post by sweetsunray » Wed Jan 20, 2010 5:42 pm

There are several circling motions and symbols referring to transformation and changes in your dream: the swinging around in circles, the chemist, the stomach, the fire. And I think that the man in your dream is not the child predator you suspect in him in RL, but embodies "transformation", and you just see him as hostile and dangerous, rather than the inevitable.

And in the first half of your dream after being a mason student, most of these symbols involve your son. Your response to these signals of transformation is protective. It makes me wonder whether your son is going through a growing up stage that makes you feel protective and resistant to transformation. While you may have some RL suspicions about this man, in the dream he doesn't do bad things: he swings your son which refers to the boy experiencing satisfaction and a new freedom; he "shoulders" the boy and takes him into a place of transformation a chemist. You hit your head in his stomach... stomachs are about emotional transformation, but butting him there is like saying you can't "stomach" it. You mention how you know he will come back... you may have grasped your son and saved him from transforming and growing right now, but ultimately it will come back to take your son. You can't even live in the home which would be safe enough, but instead need to hide UNDER the house. How will you both live there?

Your son is not necessarily your son literally, but your ideal self, the hopes for yourself, your potential that needs to grow up. The later part of the dream where the fire centers around you suggests that this may be the case.

In the fire part of the dream your son is not present anymore. But the transformation as fire seems out to get you. Here you contact your partner, as if you are assuring her that will try to stay out of the fire's transformation way. Are you worried that your transformations may affect your home life, for your wife and children in a negative way? Do you fear that it might alter you so much that it will take you away from them? You are even willing to stand in a stagnant emotional situation (the pond) in order to avoid the change.

But you cannot stop the fire from evaporating the old emotions. And in the end even the water takes on the form of circles. And this is the first time you try to cope with the unavoidable changes, working with it... by  staying on top of it and conquer the boat that can ride the emotions.

In short, you were still learning, a student regarding a growth stage in your life, but became fearful how it may alter you and therefore affect your famil life. You try to fight it, hide from it, run away from it, even opt for emotional stagnance... but the transformation could not be stopped and eventually has reshaped your emotional awareness. You don't trust it yet, still fear it, but you are trying to work with it now. Eventually you will learn that it's not your enemy and once you do, you will be the master and lecturer teaching others and not the student anymore.

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Post by Rook » Thu Jan 21, 2010 12:11 am

Thank you SSR!

I saw the bushfire as a symbol of transformation, but I didn't pick up on any of the others.  The mason's as a 'school of transformation', despite my interest in the transformative symbollic science of alchemy I failed to make the connection with the chemist.  I struggled with the man for a while, but came to the conclusion it was an aspect of myself that I feared before I even got to know it.

I also took that my son was an aspect of myself, I have two sons and the dream didn't really specify which one.  His details are sketchy, and I felt was a metaphor for some new development in my psyche or my inner child.

But there is so much transformation going on at the moment its hard to specify precisely what this dream is referencing.  My first son is turning three and is certainly transforming.  He is communicating quite clearly, and full of opinions about what he wants to do "in the morrow".  My second son is three months going on four and starting to become vocal with angellic cooing and laughter.  He is starting to kick and grab things to look at them and shove them in his mouth.  I reckon he will roll probably within the next two weeks, but I am not sure when (I had a day off work the other day and so glad I did, it was the first day he laughed.  It is so hard being the working Dad and missing a lot of the firsts, hearing them over the phone.  I need a job from home.)

Speaking of work, that is going through huge changes as well, I am starting to come out of my shell a bit more (I am a bit of a social hermit crab) but also get more responsibility and I feel more trusted than ever by my bosses / supervisors.

I am also going through a massive lifestyle change, where I am basically giving up my 'me' time, or leisure time to do physical exercise.  It is working out quite well, but I have always struggled with balancing this with my family life, and it can impact here as I strive to do some form of exercise every day.

But I get the feeling this dream is referencing more spiritual transformation.  This is harder to see and feel, but looking back over a longer period of time it is easy to track progress.  I think that is the case also due to the symbology of the masons.

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Post by sweetsunray » Thu Jan 21, 2010 7:29 am

Yes, I see the spiritual transformation as most likely... the circle pattern in the dream suggested chakra work to me

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