Dreaming The Female Wolf

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Dreaming The Female Wolf

Post by Alchemyst » Wed Jan 20, 2010 12:49 pm

This morning I dreamed I was flying above the forest, but then I departed and got lost in the woods. While trying to find my way out I sensed there was something behind the bushes... and it was a wolf. I got scared a bit, but then tried to tame the wolf and was a success, the wolf started getting confidence in my caressing and felt pleasureful.

On my surprise the wolf turned into a woman, starting to feel sexually aroused. The I thought: "Well this wolf has been ages in the woods, so why not give him/her the pleasure he/she wants!" So I started touching the intimate parts of her (those were now woman's body parts, not wolf's anymore).

Then I woke up and now I don't have an idea what the hell I was dreaming! I thought maybe I should've killed this wolf, but somehow I feel that this wolf is a positive symbol.

Any thoughts?

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Post by Alchemyst » Wed Jan 20, 2010 1:08 pm

I just read some interpretations and here is something that caught my eye: "When something gets nearer to us in a dream, it means that it is moving nearer to consciousness". Got, the wolf got so near to me that I could even see it's nostrils and the tiny hair around his nose. But the more he approached me, the more I was sure I'm going to tame him, although I was scared to do so.

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Post by sweetsunray » Wed Jan 20, 2010 2:05 pm

The flying part of your dream indicates that at the start this was a lucid dream. You're only able to fly (without an aid such as a helicopter or plane) in a dream when you are aware that you are dreaming, and only when you feel super confident about yourself. However, lucidity in a dream rarely lasts and we end up being sucked back into the dream with our consciousness with the acceptance that the dream is the reality of that moment.

The trigger to lose your lucidity, and thus the ability to fly, is the forest. First of all a forest represents fears we have. To fear the woods is probably a primal survival leftover instinct. You never know what lurks in the woods that may harm you. The primal fears the forest represents breaks down the self confidence you need to fly in a dream, and thus why you lost the ability to fly in the dream. Now to walk through a forest also indicates you started to investigate your instincts and unconscious, but as you say you lost your way. By the time you meet the wolf, that confident person who could defy gravity and fly in the air is vanished.

Forest - primal fears - what lurks in the woods ... and out comes the wolf. Since the time we've been toddlers we've been instilled with the image of the big bad wolf who comes to eat the pigs (and the old Disney wolf version of that story is indeed a fearsome creature) or little red riding hood. And it's understandable and sensible to fear predators. But wolves we've certainly learned the past 40 years are admirable animals: they hunt in packs, are great caretakers for their offspring, are more often more scared from us than we of them and necessary for a balanced ecosystem (less deer -> more and healthier trees -> more material for beavers to make their nests -> water flows -> salmon population -> bears -> etc).

The confrontation of the wolf is first the worst nightmare for your primal and instinctve fears, but then you find the confidence again to rise above those primal, unconscious fears and use your higher human understanding... your higher self masters the primal survival instinct. And you become so confident again, that you not jsut want to admire the wolf, but even want to master it. Now extra meanings for the wolf are beauty, mystery, self-confidence, socially adept, intelligent, but also symbolzes a loner.

You say how the wolf becomes a woman, is in fact a woman... then we can deduce what you fear and at the same admire and want to master: a socially adept woman (or women) who to you are beautiful, mysterious, with a lot of self-confidence and intellect. And yes, such women can indeed represent quite a challenge to most men. Even when attraction, sex and love are not in play, it can always be intimidating to having to relate or work together with someone who's smart, self-confident and handsome/beautiful. They might expose to ourselves we may not be as bright, self-confident and physically attractive as we would like to imagine ourselves to be.

However, the dream shows that you are able to resist this ego-fear and are self-confident enough to take the challenge of such a woman on. You become aroused even by it, and even are so confident that you feel you can tame this wild wolf of a woman.

In short, did you recently meet a single woman who at first intimidated you because of her self-confidence, her intellect and social skills, but at the same time attracts you? This dream would indicate you did, and that you have conquered the original feeling of being intimidated, and replaced it with feeling self confident enough about yourself that you can attract her, please and appease her... in so much now that you feel you can master/conquer her.

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Post by Alchemyst » Wed Jan 20, 2010 2:34 pm

Wow, it seems you are quite adept in dream interpretations. Yeah, just few minutes ago I came to the same conclusion - that the wolf was actually a woman and the wolf is the wild part of her. I also made a few parallels with the little red riding hood. How is this possible both of us to think in the same direction! :) Aside from that, I forgot to mention there were also 3-4 squires jumping happily on the grass while I was flying.

How can a flying dream be a lucid one? I never thought of that it can be, and I wasn't aware that I was dreaming while flying. I also didn't mentioned that this is a recurring dream. I've been flying at that hill a few times, and it seems I know every tree in the wood and I still get lost when I departure, but I've never met a wolf so far. In my other dreams like this one I get out of the wood from the other side and I see a foggy panorama. I always continue to fly above the fog which gives me very unpleasant feelings.

Also, since you seem very much into dreams interpretations, I must admit you this: Everytime I fly in my dreams, it's not like superman flying, but I must flap my wings (arms) in order to stay on course. Interestingly, I always find it hard to turn right, while with ease turn left. And when I usually need to turn right, for example 60 degrees, I decide to turn 300 degrees left in order to get the right direction to the right I want. It's funny I know :) Also, most of my flying dreams are connected to powerlines, and I usually tend to fly beneath them, and since my flying by default tend to rise, if I can't stay on course and fly beneath, then I decide to fly above the powerlines.

Anyway, in answer to your question... I haven't met a woman recently, in fact this period I feel very lonely because I mostly stay at home and focus on studying for my exams. But there is a woman... I haven't met recently but it seems I constantly think about her in order to get out of this monotonous period. She is very attractive, talkative and the way she dance... it's so Wild. That's the part she attracts me most :) Maybe even scares me, because I'm anti-talent for dancing, but I feel very confident in words. So if I'm in a quite place with quiet music and talk to a girl, although I'm quite shy, I think I can make a girl feel comfortable in my company when I talk to her, even if it's the girl who scares me.

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Post by sweetsunray » Wed Jan 20, 2010 4:11 pm

The reason why it's connected to lucid dreaming is because normally when we dream sleep part of our left brain abilities (the more rational parts that we use to make sense of the physical waking world) are having a time-off. One of those that gets to doze off and not be working is the awareness that the dream produced by our brain is not real. This causes us to experience the dream as reality no matter how crazy and illogical it gets, how we can jump from being one place then another without needing to traverse the distance in time; it's the reason why we never stop to think and say to ourselves... this is so strange, the physical world doesn't behave like this, I must be dreaming. We are thus able to accept its strangeness, and therefore experience the dream as emotionally strong as we would experience a real life event in the waking world. Another effect of this particular brain part being shut off is that we cannot even second guess our actions much in a dream. If dream aunt Nelly tells you that you must jump on one leg and do a turn to be out of danger of a ticking rabbit, and you are in the dream emotion of saving your life and solving the danger of the ticking rabbit, then you will do what Nelly says without ever wondering, "that's nuts... why should I do that... this is just a dream. Let me think about it some more." Our brain is set up to keep our solving abilties, our emotions, our experiences and the way we act, react and think within the dream's story.

However, the idea of gravity is deeply instilled in us: ever since we started to crawl up and learned the hard way that if you make a mistake in walking you end up hurting a knee. And this non defiance gravity belief exists in the dream world too. In order to fly in a dream there must have been a point where your mind knew that the dream is a dream, and that it's a product of your brain, and therefore you can do anything you wish to do, including flying. It may not last long, but it may have been just enough for you to start flying once you learned how, and afterwards let the dream take over control again. Do you ever remember taking off? Or are you already flying of the parts you remember? The take off would be the moment of lucidity.

With regards to your steering solutions, and it beaing easier to turn left instead of right...This would have to do with the brain half that is working best at that moment, or perhaps always in you. The left side of your body is controlled by the right brain half, the creative, symbolic, emotional side of your brain. When dreaming this is the most active half of the two: dreams are about your emotions, full of non-literal symbols of association that need to be created as well as translated, experienced and so on. You may find it strange you're not flying the superman way, but that way seems the most unnatural imo. Superman flies as if he has burned fuel coming out of his feet, like a rocket... this is an industrial product. Everything else in our world flies with wings and needs to flap them.

Fog would be unsettling, because of 'not having the foggiest' in a situation in your life confusion, unability to see what's going on, clouded mind, loss of direction in life

Well, good luck on that woman you find attractive... perhaps next time you see her, think of that wolf tamer feeling and become a hunter :-)

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Post by Alchemyst » Thu Jan 21, 2010 10:42 pm

Good explanation about the lucid dreams and the gravity stuff. Thanks a lot! I've been having really strange and bizarre things happening to me while in different stages of sleep, so whatever happens next I guess I won't be much surprised.

Yeah I'll definitely think about the wolf tamer when I'll meet this girl :)

I just wonder how can you know so much about these kind of stuff. Do you read some kind of literature or maybe personal exploration?

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Post by sweetsunray » Fri Jan 22, 2010 1:58 pm

Alchemyst wrote:I just wonder how can you know so much about these kind of stuff. Do you read some kind of literature or maybe personal exploration?
I'm a bit of a storyteller, and always loved fairytales, I write and paint and use allegories ever since I can remember etc, so used to make lots of symbolic associations. I've been translating dreams for 8 years now when I feel like it in my private time (perhaps an average of 2 a week or so), although the click came during some big spiritual growth steps. And I recently researched peer reviewed science literature on sleeping and dreaming.

So, I have developed some skills which make it easy to see the plot/theme through the symbols over the years ever since my childhood (includig in other fields) and out of pure interest read some solid literature on it. Of course, I also have a dream dictionary that I use to check what it may be as well as alternatives. But often one symbol supports or is a copy symbol for another, and therefore logic to realize what it may mean.

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Post by Rook » Mon Jan 25, 2010 8:31 am

I find SSR's logical approach very strong over relying on a dream dictionary for every single symbol.  I think it is useful as a basic guide for clues to what a symbol might be talking about, but nothing beats human intuition and focused attention & thought.

I have been looking into dream interpretation for probably a little over a year now, and feel that I am only just starting to become confident in my abilities.  I find that nothing beats actual experience in trying to interpret dreams.  You will miss the mark, especially in the beginning, but the more you practice it and learn the more 'hits' you get.  It is also very beneficial to read through the analysis of others and try to 'read between the lines', see how people like SSR make the connections that they do, how they pull the dream apart and put it back together if you will.  Its a fantastic journey if you are interested in it, very eye opening and rewarding.

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