Perplexing dream of destruction... a vision for myself or humanity???

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Perplexing dream of destruction... a vision for myself or humanity???

Post by flowwer » Fri Nov 20, 2009 7:02 am

Peace, and Thankyou for your help.

Two dreams sort of connected. Please excuse the haziness of details.

The dream, as I can remember, begins with me out shopping with friends. This part is vague, one of my companions becomes unhappy because of something I say or do and there is a bit of disagreement, I dont think much of it, both in the dream or now.

Not sure how the transition goes but we end  at a house that is one of our homes or the home of someone we know, there is a man we know is evil and he knows alot about the physics of electricity. He kills one person with a knife, a small blade he picks from the floor during the struggle. He is setting up a contraption to kill another person or something using electricity. For some reason we believe the contraption will kill him or that he wants it to kill him when he kills the next victim(s) (perhaps we rigged it??) It comes time to use the contraption and we gather to watch. I have some suspicion and sense that maybe he wants to kill us so I keep my distance. The explosion does not go off when we anticipated, it goes off when he presses another button. Before he presses the second button, he looks at me significantly as if to see what I had anticipated, at this point i run, I believe he intends to kill us all including himself. He presses the button, the explosion goes off, I escape. When I walk on to the street, in a bad sort of neighborhood, I walk up it and a boy tries to talk to me, hit on me. He gets out of his car, im not interested, I begin walking back home. he calls, "come situate yo ass in the house", (an odd statement, is he entreating me to come to his house or telling me to go home?) I encounter another boy as the first follows, they follow me closely I try to get rid of them and walk up the porch steps of another house, pretending its mine, they follow up me then I walk back down. I walk into my house and am astonished to find that my family/ friends have been killed while the murderer is still alive. there is another present, i don't remember who but I try to kill him because I know he is evil but he over powers me and i stop. I ask "are you going to keep trying to kill me?" (in a pitiful tone with sad face and voice for sympathy) he replies, "probably, yes." I decide  (internally) that i'd better get my phone charger and leave, (I already have clothes, etc at another house from shopping earlier) and I am thinking that I can escape quietly through the bac door he probably doesn't know about (its not his house) in case he is planning to prevent me leaving or a sneak attack

[Note: I use this backyard as escape in many of my dreams, it is the backyard of my estranged fathers house which has a large yard and is overlooked by a large park at the top with the yards of neighbors to each side, sitting on a hill. It appears in many forms]

I ask, Is there anything I can do to prevent that?? "yes, come to the chemistry/ electricity club and stay involved, well see how it works." i say okay and go to the back room for my phone charger open the back door and am met with a mdium brown shaggy dog that I am leery of (just because i dont usu. get close to dogs) but doesnt seem harmless. I move to leave and at the bottom of the steps, the dog taes my hand in its mouth, biting but it is a sort of numbed bite like one with blunt teethh, doesnt hurt alot. I am scared and squeal loudly then i am afraid he will hear me an come. the another large dog leaps from the shadows, it is a sort of dark shadow I dont see and takes me in its jaws and runs with me to the yards gate and drops me on the other side. I see police when I get up with my charger n hand and am nervous because I assume the murderer will think I called.  he asks loudly from the steps, "who called the police" a woman says "I did", "why?" she says it seemed strange to her and the family had alot of life left in it and the bodies dont look like a wire hit someones face and they were electricuted on aciddent, it seems like they were "buzzed" or electricuted to death, (I could feel myself, in the dream, thinking up a retort) I continue walking nervously on at the end of the block, they sky changes its sort of cloudy gray daylight (it had just been night) and there are many people walking I walk past an old, tent or onning covered building whos yellow awnning reads "underground barbecue" (or something) then I am walking under a large yellow topped tent with screens on the side, it is drizzling I walk beside a small asian family the little boy asks can I borrow some bbq (or some food/ candy)?? the parents laugh you dont borrow bbq, ask may i have some, they give an analogy that is a reference t a quote rom previously in the dream i dont remember and he says oh may i have some? I come to the tents end and am in the rain, I wake up.

This scene is reminiscent for me of another dream in which the world was sort of coming to the end and there was weather catastrophe and fear

It was loong right??? sorry. But I think it means something....

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Post by sweetsunray » Tue Nov 24, 2009 9:59 pm

I will try to explore the possible meaning of your dream this weekend, when I have more time to delve into the details for a reading as well as typing it out.

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Post by flowwer » Sun Dec 27, 2009 8:54 am

have you researched?

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Post by sweetsunray » Fri Jan 08, 2010 7:34 am

Sorry, real life was way too busy for a while before and during the holidays. I remember I already had a general impression of the overall meaning, but not to omuch in detail yet. I will answer your querry this weeked, finally :-) Best wishes.

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Re: Perplexing dream of destruction... a vision for myself or humanity???

Post by sweetsunray » Sat Jan 16, 2010 5:30 pm

flowwer wrote: The dream, as I can remember, begins with me out shopping with friends. This part is vague, one of my companions becomes unhappy because of something I say or do and there is a bit of disagreement, I dont think much of it, both in the dream or now.
To go shopping in a dream is a symbol for you trying to fulfill your personal needs and desires. That you go shopping with friends though implies that your needs and desires affect not just you, but also your friends. You may have your needs and desire, but so have your friends. And this is where the conflict arises: you trying to fulfill your personal needs and desires does not coincide with those of one of your friends. Your response to the disagreement seems as if you don't care much that you following your own needs and desires may not be good for your friend. Whether these were needs that ought to have priority over those of your friend remains to be seen. But that the dream starts with this reveals that this need conflict sparked the rest of the dream, and so is not as unimportant as you may have thought originally.
flowwer wrote:Not sure how the transition goes but we end  at a house that is one of our homes or the home of someone we know, there is a man we know is evil and he knows alot about the physics of electricity. He kills one person with a knife, a small blade he picks from the floor during the struggle. He is setting up a contraption to kill another person or something using electricity. For some reason we believe the contraption will kill him or that he wants it to kill him when he kills the next victim(s) (perhaps we rigged it??)
We have a house, a killer and electricity. Electricity represents life energy. You say this man know alot about it, so this killer uses his own energy to hurt others. This killer imo is a part of you, is in fact you. And the act of killing symbolizes wanting to end certain stuff in your life in a dramatic way. It indicates that on the one hand you are standing up for yourself, and on the other hand may be hurting others.

The first murder happens with a knife. This indicates cutting ties with someone, wanting to remove someone's influence in your life, and that this desire to remove someone out of your life follows from anger.

At some point though, you seem to think that the killer's own actions will turn against him, aka turn against yourself.
flowwer wrote: It comes time to use the contraption and we gather to watch. I have some suspicion and sense that maybe he wants to kill us so I keep my distance. The explosion does not go off when we anticipated, it goes off when he presses another button. Before he presses the second button, he looks at me significantly as if to see what I had anticipated, at this point i run, I believe he intends to kill us all including himself. He presses the button, the explosion goes off, I escape.
It moves to an explosion that would kill everyone involved or standing near. The anger involving the incident over your needs with one of your friends has risen so high that not only is it hurting that friend, but in the act of wanting to remove that friend out of your life, the other friends have become involved (taking sides?) and it has "blown up" beyond proportion, possibly removing even more friends than the one out of your life, and possibly hurting you more than anticipated.

flowwer wrote: When I walk on to the street, in a bad sort of neighborhood, I walk up it and a boy tries to talk to me, hit on me. He gets out of his car, im not interested, I begin walking back home. he calls, "come situate yo ass in the house", (an odd statement, is he entreating me to come to his house or telling me to go home?) I encounter another boy as the first follows, they follow me closely I try to get rid of them and walk up the porch steps of another house, pretending its mine, they follow up me then I walk back down. I walk into my house and am astonished to find that my family/ friends have been killed while the murderer is still alive. there is another present, i don't remember who but I try to kill him because I know he is evil but he over powers me and i stop. I ask "are you going to keep trying to kill me?" (in a pitiful tone with sad face and voice for sympathy) he replies, "probably, yes."
I think this bit of the dream shows that while you survive the explosion, it leaves you feeling alone and unsafe from strangers. Without your friends, you now have to deal with the outside world on your own. This outside world seems dangerous to you, as if it's full of sexual predators and people aiming to abuse and hurt you.

flowwer wrote: I decide  (internally) that i'd better get my phone charger and leave, (I already have clothes, etc at another house from shopping earlier) and I am thinking that I can escape quietly through the bac door he probably doesn't know about (its not his house) in case he is planning to prevent me leaving or a sneak attack

[Note: I use this backyard as escape in many of my dreams, it is the backyard of my estranged fathers house which has a large yard and is overlooked by a large park at the top with the yards of neighbors to each side, sitting on a hill. It appears in many forms]
Hmm, you use the back door as your escape route regularly... this implicates that after a heavy confrontation, you tend to wish yourself away, go into hiding and leave the situation as inconspicuously as you can. In this case it seems poignant, because the dream reveals your own angr has been majorly the cause of the confrontation.
flowwer wrote: I ask, Is there anything I can do to prevent that?? "yes, come to the chemistry/ electricity club and stay involved, well see how it works."
Here, you get direct advice to avoid this rampage in your personal ties with friends and even possibly family: stay involved, don't blow it all up. And this may have been the same advice you already got from the boy on the street: get your ass to the house, your life.

flowwer wrote: I say okay and go to the back room for my phone charger open the back door and am met with a mdium brown shaggy dog that I am leery of (just because i dont usu. get close to dogs) but doesnt seem harmless. I move to leave and at the bottom of the steps, the dog taes my hand in its mouth, biting but it is a sort of numbed bite like one with blunt teethh, doesnt hurt alot. I am scared and squeal loudly then i am afraid he will hear me an come. the another large dog leaps from the shadows, it is a sort of dark shadow I dont see and takes me in its jaws and runs with me to the yards gate and drops me on the other side.
You say "ok", but you still want to sneak out, leave everyone behind, the backdoor way, so nobody will notice. And there we have the dogs awaiting you. Dogs are symbols for loyalty, something you need to have between friends to remain friends. And it is this that comes to bite you like a reminder when you try to escape. The second dog punishes you for your disloyalty, by kicking you out of your own home.
flowwer wrote:  I see police when I get up with my charger n hand and am nervous because I assume the murderer will think I called.  he asks loudly from the steps, "who called the police" a woman says "I did", "why?" she says it seemed strange to her and the family had alot of life left in it and the bodies dont look like a wire hit someones face and they were electricuted on aciddent, it seems like they were "buzzed" or electricuted to death, (I could feel myself, in the dream, thinking up a retort) I continue walking nervously on at the end of the block, they sky changes its sort of cloudy gray daylight (it had just been night) and there are many people walking I walk past an old, tent or onning covered building whos yellow awnning reads "underground barbecue" (or something) then I am walking under a large yellow topped tent with screens on the side, it is drizzling I walk beside a small asian family the little boy asks can I borrow some bbq (or some food/ candy)?? the parents laugh you dont borrow bbq, ask may i have some, they give an analogy that is a reference t a quote rom previously in the dream i dont remember and he says oh may i have some? I come to the tents end and am in the rain, I wake up.
The police shows up to help you put your personal life back into order, and someone accuses you of being responsible of the catastrophe in your personal life. You want to defend yourself, however, since you took the backdoor and snuck out, you made the choice to forget everyone, you are in no position to defend yourself for what happened. And almost life a refugee you are bound to wander through a camp of makeshift shelter without any surety of lasting bonds, dependent on the goodwill of others in order to get what you need (big contrast to you originally able to shop around for it and have your pick).

In short, I think you had a conflict with a friend over her needs and your needs, and you felt you were in the right and did not need to consider her needs. You rather wished her out of your life than compromise. The conflict was blown out of proportion, and you may have lost more than one friend over it, in so much that now you feel alone and dependent on others to even fulfill the most basic of needs.

Perhaps instead of staying in hiding, there is still a chance for you to go back and "involve yourself" and "stick with the club".

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Post by flowwer » Tue Jan 26, 2010 6:02 am

OMG EXCELLENT! I really appreciate this, it really sparked some in depth reflection. Everything sounds right.

As i described in this post,  viewtopic.php?p=263051#263051 I struggle with allowing people (friends, etc) to pollute my life with negative energy, and just lack of motivation or apathy toward spiritual or intellectual growth or world concerns. I and VERY quick to cut the few ties i build as a deem people useless or detrimental to my end goals. I sense that I will have partners, and associates along the way but there will never really be anyone there, I will be alone.

I have always been loyal and a good friend by nature, but have come to exist in a sort of limbo where no one deserves my loyalty if that makes sense. While I am a good friend and look out for/ protect those I care about, my low tolerance for nonsense/ foolishness/ recklesness (im just noticing) has come to play a prevalent role in life events for the past year or more. While I was more secure in my connections when I was younger I have always been alone, and though I have received the help and "good will" of others, I have done everything myself. I don't see this as disloyalty, once I end the relationship, I no longer have any obligation to you. I see no reason to leave myself in a relationship where the other person will bring me down or destroy me, or inhibit my progress in any way.I never had family ties became emancipated because my father was seeking to destroy my life (I have large goals and a destiny to fulfill) In the end, there is no relationship that I will not end if it comes between me and my progression. That is why i didn't care about girl's feelings because (i think i have an idea of who the girl is in my life and) she is on some bullshit, she has many issues to sort through which I tried to help her solve (with much resistance) and I didnt see it being worth the stress of trying to help someone who know they need help but being met with backlash. I am aware that my brash nature makes people want to fight the advice i give them though end the end they know I'm right.

Any how, I have questions and comments.

Also, when I told the killer yes, i considered trusting him, but sensed he wanted to murder me and knew it would be to volatile/ vulnerable a situation for myself what do you make of this?

"This indicates cutting ties with someone, wanting to remove someone's influence in your life, and that this desire to remove someone out of your life follows from anger."
These decisions (there are many) aren't usually anrgy but very calm, logical, levelheaded.

"wander through a camp of makeshift shelter without any surety of lasting bonds, dependent on the goodwill of others in order to get what you need"- very interesting, I am most likely to be the one to break the bonds, the structure of my relationships in life is frail, though I ALWAYS get what I want and need, mostly through my own efforts. hmm

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Post by sweetsunray » Tue Jan 26, 2010 9:20 am

There is something like "cold anger"... Sometimes an incident can anger you so much you turn deadly cold to people. It's still anger causing your reaction. I understand that cold anger, and cutting ties. I've cut "friends" out of my life overnight myself, when their flaws had messed up my own life a few times too many. And each time it were people who felt very insecure at the time and tried to feel more secure by meddling in my life, thinking they were doing me a favour or something. They were all cold, self-defense decisions, and yet I admit that I was livid too. Despite those cold wrath feelings, I could still feel compassion and sympathy for them too.

Flower, are you saying that you don't need people in your life? That all you need and want is impersonal stuff for the rest of your life? I doubt it. If you treat people as you claim to do here, look at them so harshly then you will end up being poorer over it... emotionally poorer. And that is the message of your dream.

Yes, people can make drama, people can mess up their own lives and meanwhile shrug at your advice. But they have a right to do stupid things. It is their life eventually. Only when those stupid events directly have an impact in your life (like say gossipping to your friends, making you lose a job or boyfriend/date, lending money they never pay back) would whatever they do matter to you. You may not mean it this way, and I'm sure you're not, but I'm reflecting back with feedback how you sound when speaking about your almost machiavelist approach to people: it sounds arrogant, devoid of feeling, heartless, using people for your own ends, ... I think it's a brave and very honest post. But it doesn't present a humane nor wise picture of yourself.

It seems your own dream wants to warn you about this too... that a part of you wants to kill this "I can do it all alone!" personality within you, before it's too late.

ETA: I've read your latest reply to your other dream where you repeat and say things as "looking down on society", your goal being "to dominate the world", using relations for your own means, and that combined with fast "spiritual growth". I'm sorry, but "world domination", "looking down on people" and "using people" is far from being "enlightened." Whichever religion or philosophy you admire, but examples such as Jezus Christ, Buddha, etc talk of compassion, having a heart for everyone.

But you are young I see, and only starting your journey. I wish you well and learning to enjoy still


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Post by flowwer » Tue Jan 26, 2010 9:41 am

Hmm thankyou. I am not about using people at all, that is fake disingenuous, dishonorable I don't like such things. Did you read my last post in the other link? I don't want to do it all alone, but and everyone I cut out is because of something they did to me, not because of how they live their lives although that annoys me. If i cut out everyone whos lifestlye annoys me, i REALLY wouldn't have any friends lol. but what you said about a warning makes since. Ive been making more of the dreams I posted recently because they are so powerful, ive never really had such dramatic dreams, that AFFECT ME and stay with me, at least not in recent history. and I'm glad i wrote the longer post you refer to, it (and you) helped me identify a lot of trends in my life.

as for the anger, I have a pretty good grasp of my emotions. I know when i'm angry and the majority of the cuts are just "im through" matter of fact cuts though a few have involved anger. Its never really over specific incidents like the example you gave (money, boyfriend) nor as common. I dont have typical friend problems because I dont have typical friends. most of the splits are triggered by one final thing after I have been coming to the realization that this person refuses to grow and my trying to help (as i always do because I work hard to bring those around me up, aid there progression in any way i can like i try to further mine)/ their general energy will slow my growth (when you surround yourself with people that dont believe they can accomplish anything, they dont believe you can accomplish anything and it affects your progress, on a more practical level, the activities of the group will not be progressive, but stagnant) do you see what Im saying, so I have come to a point where I find diffuclty finding people on the same page as I. Everyone is so content with mediocrity and complacence, something i NEVER want to rub off on me. so when something happens and its time for them to go, I let them go easily (most not all) its also funny that you mentioned insecurity because i loathe insecurity, esp insecurity masked in an attempt at coolness, it is one of the most detestable forms of weakness. It is one thing to doubt yourself, it is another to not admit that you doubt yourself. *grimaces* but thank you again, please read my last post in the link, and I hope to come to terms with this issue soon.

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Post by flowwer » Tue Jan 26, 2010 9:49 am

I think you are misreading my character, which is not difficult to do.
When i say "dominate the world" i mean excel in earthly material, superficial things, as opposed to spiritual progression, meditation, introspection

"look down on society" has to do with shunning complacence, ignorance, lies, murder, shallowness, purposelessness etc that has come to be embodied in society and as i went on to explain, I believe it may be my job to understand these flaws and influence positively, that is why i consider "dominating" earthly things, so that I can use these tools to influence positively

If i were to "do it on my own" i wouldn't really be doing anything; i would just be learning, cleansing, growing, without extensive social involvement (but of course social interaction) that is what I mean

also i did not say "fast" spiritual growth, I said rapid, only meaning, that I was growing, learning, realizing fast at that time, more than usual and in quick succession.

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Post by sweetsunray » Tue Jan 26, 2010 1:18 pm

Hi flower,

I'm not judging you. :-) I only responded on this, because this was the topic of your dream. Your own subconscious is trying to indicate that something is amiss with how you deal with the social world. And all I wish to do is reflecting how certain opinions you express can be related to this. I note particularly you express yourself in very strong wording. For example "domination", whether spiritual or material, implies the idea of telling other people what to do, and you indicate you want to do this because you think you know better. Even if you do know better on everything spiritual (including mind, emotions, body and spirit), then that does not empower you to decide for other people. Yes, there are many people who do not have much of a higher awareness, and many never will. But maybe they do not have it because they are not yet ready for it. Forced spiritual growth can have serious health (mental and physical) consequences. I only have to think of people who seek actively after kundalini when they are not yet ready for it. It even is recognized in psychology as kundalini syndrome. And these people willingly seek it, and still get out of it damaged. This is not even a situation where someone else tries to force it onto them. And in my experience, people will backlash negatively when you try to force them into a direction they did not ask for (yet), nor can handle (yet), beginning with "given unasked advice". In any case, when people are not ready, to try and force them into it, has more destructive effects rather than constructive ones.

Another strong expression is the word "loath" for example. Why do you "loath" humans who neither have the capacity for the insights nor the experience you may have had? It would be like loathing a baby for not being able to talk right or walk yet. It would be like loathing a paralized person for not being able to use his or her body optimally. Growth comes from within and is intrinsically motivated. A parent can put a baby as often as they want on its two feet and force it to walk while holding it, or keep repeating words to it in the hope it will repeat it, but the baby won't start crawling, walking or talking before it is ready. Spiritual growth is no different.

I also get the sense that you see material, emotional and spiritual as separate goals and one morally good, whereas the other is morally wrong. Flowwer, one cannot implement spiritual insights in the world without knowing how to deal with the material and emotional world. Your bodily, emotional, mental and spiritual needs, talents and achievements are interwtined. Someone who can make a spiritual difference in the world is someone who is a whole person on all those 4 issues: they know how to enjoy life materially (enjoy does not mean greed or excess), they know how to love (including those people that may not seem worthy of it for their lack of understanding), they know themselves and use their intellect.

I do think this is a strong issue for you now, also in your spiritual learning path: when and what can you teach, what do you still need to learn yourself, as well as accept the restraints and capacities of everyone around you, and to whom you are ultimately connected. But you are starting to realize all this too recently.

:-) Kind regards

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Post by Rook » Wed Jan 27, 2010 4:32 am

I am glad I read this post before I posted on the other dream.

SweetSunRay has said exactly what I wanted to say and more in a far better way, I don't think I should go and put my foot in this now.

But I will say between all these dreams there is a recurring theme of devastating events and destruction on the verge of coming about, but not yet manifest, or narrowly averted.  This is just my impression of what you have stated, but get the feeling it may apply to your scenario.  I am not sure who made this quote but it sticks in my mind.

"They who move a mountain, starts by carrying away small stones."

I don't think it is even possible to change society in a single lifetime, let alone purge what is deemed as the darker sides of society ever.  But what every single person does, even the smallest act, it makes a difference.  It can have big impacts that you may never even see.  From my reading of your posts you are looking to make a big splash in that big picture.  You seem driven towards that.  Its not a bad thing, but it is a mammoth task.  Its not impossible but it is a lot of work, and not everybody will want to put their energy towards that goal, and as SSR says not everyone is ready for it.  There are so many different people out there and each and every one has different drives and desires.

In my youth I had a lot of people telling me I could be a male model, and get a lot of money from it.  It could lead to bigger and better things and I was crazy not to take it up.  But that is them.  They want a big house on the beach with a ferarri, fine wine and a piece of fancy cheese.  I would be miserable in that lifestyle, doing that for a living.  Firstly I didn't have the ego for it (like to hide in the corners away from the spotlight), and secondly I value my analytical scientific mind, and considering I spend most of my time at work I will want to enjoy doing what I do.  In a job where I dont' use my brain as much as my body (though I might have enjoyed the artistry of modelling) I think I would have quickly got sick of it.  I dont' want a big house and fancy things.  I want a nice small house filled with happy memories and the pitter patter of small feet.  And thats what I am getting out of life.

When I did decide to follow my dream of a simple family life I had people tell me it was stupid and I was throwing my life away.  My best friend at the time actually told me how sad she was for me, how my life was over.  She said some very blunt hurtful things about my family to my face.  To this day when I so much as see her from a distance I want to puke.  All because she didn't understand that I didn't want the same thing she does (that being the big house on the beach).  What she said still hurts a lot, and she has never shown any compassion at all for it, and I don't think she cares how much it hurt to hear those things from someone you once considered your closest friend.  I got hurt, and lost a lot of friends over following my dreams, but like you, I cut ties with whatever stood in between me and those dreams.  It is part of the sacrifice I made for the life I have now.  And I would do it again given the choice, but it would have been far better to share my gifts with those people, instead of forging new ties.

But what I am trying to illustrate here is that people have different drives and desires, and purposes in life.  The spiritual drive is a personal thing, it is something to be savoured internally, you can share it externally, but it is not for everyone in the same way nor at the same time because different people have these different drives.  I probably would have had the same reaction with someone who was upset with me because I was not baptising my children in their faith even though I am not of any religious affiliation (which has happened, but only asked "when will he be baptised" - and not pursued after I explained that I was not a Catholic).

In terms of bringing up those around you, I think that is a worthy ideal, but how you go about that is important.  I think if you want to bring those around you up into believing that they are capable of more, is not by talking them into it, but by being that shining beacon of inspiration.  Lead by example, not by mouth.  That is what I suggest.  Whether or not you take that up is entirely up to you.

Best wishes,

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Post by flowwer » Thu Jan 28, 2010 6:25 am

Thanks Rook, that was really helpful, Im glad you see where I am coming from. I especially appreciate "example vs mouth". You say you regret forgoing those ties... you also say that old friend makes you puke. Do you think it would have been healthy for you to continue surrounding yourself with people like her? How would you have gone about blocking out her energy/ negativity while still being connected to her and still being true to yourself. That is my main concern. Also, people are around us so we can learn/ share in their experiences. how feasible do you think it is to take from someones experience/ learn from a person with negative qualities/ energies without being affected by them. I think that is what i need to learn most. I push people away because I am unable to deal with them otherwise, many people have messy relationships that are detrimental but they dont let go, I avoid that at all costs and like things clear cut.

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Post by Rook » Thu Jan 28, 2010 8:52 am

Hi Flower

I do regret cutting those ties.  You don't realise the value of people until they are gone.  What happened occured because she tried to impose her views values and beliefs onto me.  She failed to recognise that I was a different person with different desires and a different destiny from her.  I don't even mind what she thought of my decision.  It was how she expressed it, with no regard for my feelings and emotional wellbeing.  She isn't even a negative person, I would say she is quite positive, confident, and quite probably going to be a high achiever herself.  But as you say, it would not be healthy for me emotionally to see her around when she has made such hurtful remarks about how I choose to live my life, that has left me with emotional scarring.

I would never actually consider blocking out anothers energy.  To me people who are in a negative frame of mind are in need of support, and I have regularly helped people through such times in the past.  I feel good about myself when I help these people, not by telling them what to do, but by listening to their problems, and being there for them.  I have had a few people come back to me in the past saying that I helped them so much when they needed it most, and inspired and helped them to get through what they were going through, but to me I felt like I did nothing but listen.  It is heart warming to hear these things, and very rewarding for me.  I can do this without being overwhelmed because my focus is not on making their problems my problems and trying to solve them, but simply by being an outlet, someone they can go to and forget these things.  Enjoy themselves for a bit.  People are usually quite profound at learning lessons themselves, and if their problems are solved for them, they don't learn a thing.

I think this is partly what I was saying about example v mouth as well as what Sweet Sun Ray touched on about knowing what we can teach.  Teachers are not there to tell people what to do.  They are there simply as guides.  They point the way, suggest things, not simply handing out answers.  It is not until they have traversed the path themselves that they should guide others down it.  Otherwise they are like the blind leading the blind.  And even if a guide has traversed the path people have to respect them, believe that they have walked it, before they will come to the teacher / guide for advice.

I think Sweet Sun Ray's post delves very well into what the dream is trying to show you, which is what this is all about in the end.  I think it is definitely worth re-reading.

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Post by sweetsunray » Thu Jan 28, 2010 11:28 am

The people who I cut ties with were those who meddled in my life, who acted for me. They were people I met when I was learning crucial things in life regarding balancing out emotions with reality and philosophy. And as I have knack of almost always taking the most difficult road, this sometimes caused people to think they should solve it for me. Aside from the fact that their meddling always backfired and messed up what I was trying to do and achieve, I could not abide by the fact that they would take the experience away from me. I cut them out of my life, not because they were negative (they hardly were), but they were, as rook said, themselves blind (but thinking they had vision) trying to lead me when I neither asked nor welcomed it, because they could not respect the boundary of where my life and responsibility to it starts. Most of them returned back into my life years later, or at least attempted contact again out of their own accord, and I welcomed it, because by then they had learned to recognize on their own accord where their responsibility stopped when it comes to the lives of other people.

As for "negative" traits... I don't believe in positive and negative traits really, just negatively affecting/destructive versus constructive/positive behaviour and actions. Most people have good intentions, and everyone has vices, flaws and talents. But sometimes, depending in situations, a vice can turn out to be helpful, while a talent may be used negative. For example, most people would associate "stubborn" with a "flaw". But stubborness enables that person to have a strong will which in some situations may be a virtue. Likewise, being empathic may be a virtue, but it can make a person lose their own identity too.

Anyway, I also wanted to say I do realize you want to protect yourself as well as are concerned about the wellbeing of the world. And if you take on the responsibilities of the world and other humans' lives (which is in fact their own responsibility), then yes you would end up being drained. I don't think it's necessarily their flaw. You can be around insecure people who struggle emotionally to get through life without feeling drained by not considering their issues your problem to solve.

I wish you the very best :-)

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