anyone willing to interpret my nightmare?

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dragon_of _shadows
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anyone willing to interpret my nightmare?

Post by dragon_of _shadows » Wed Feb 10, 2010 7:30 pm

In my dream i am the same age as i am now. my friend asked me if a could model for her. we walked off and we were by a dark green car(to unclear to tell what type) She didnt take any picture, she wasnt even holding her camera. after that i saw my fiances mom. then things faded out and went black.

im assuming the dream started up again. i was in my house(which isnt my house now but the one i lived in with my stepad, mom and my stepdad's ghost uncle). same age still. i was sitting outside my fiances, mother's stepson( age 3) my cat who is like a child to me and some other child i do not recognize. she looked about 5 or 6, shoulder length brown hair( brown is the color of my fiances hair significant?)

fades out a little

the boy, john-john was screaming in his room at night. the girl was standing up terrified. an invisible something was pulling at john-john. i grabbed the girl and then john-john. i was playing tug of war with the invisible force. i got downstairs and as i opened the door my cat shot out and coward by the mailbox. i was screaming at the top of my lungs "let go of my children! let go of my children!" people were coming out of their houses and one man with brown hair down to his ears came up to me. the invisible force then let go and the man to me asking what i was doing to the kids. i lifted the boys shirt and told him "i thought is family did this to him, there is something following and harming these kids. i took them away from their mother to save them" then the man told me to hide in a church. i asked Luna (the girl: first time hearing me call her name; which is also the name me and my fiance want to name our child if we have a girl) but i asked Luna to grab the cat and we left

then i woke up. if something is unclear let me know and i will try to fix it up. sorry its so long. i dont know anyone who can do a dream interpretation, and i cant find any good sites that would help.

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Post by sweetsunray » Fri Feb 12, 2010 10:51 pm

I read your dream and will let it sink in for a bit, before I come back to it and attempt to analyse it.

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Post by KingAcePD » Mon Feb 15, 2010 10:13 am

There seems to be a lot of fading in and out. Maybe your subconscious is having trouble connecting to your conscious mind, or ego. I think that there is more to this dream (message) but for some reason, you can't recall those breaks that seem to fade out.  I don't think I've sensed conflicting dreams like this in others before, so I'll try my best.

The key to half of this dream is your fiance's family. Especially his mother. How do you perceive her? What does she represent to you? In the dream, you were asked to model. This including standing by a dark green car. I'm guessing the car was not moving. Green is a color of material wealth and fertility, but the fact that it was dark symbolizes more negative matters such as materialism or distrust, possibly betrayal. You said the dream faded after you saw your fiance's mother, so I want you to try not thinking about HER in general, but instead, think of her as an idea. What does she represent to you? YOu said you were modeling right? Were you modeling to try and become more like her? Or were you modeling to become more appealing to her? ASk yourselves these questions.

The next part of your dream is most interesting to me. Were you inside, outside, or both? This part is unclear to me. The home represents state of mind ,both conscious and unconscious. The fact that there was a little girl sitting with your cat, yourself and the stepson, gives me a feeling that your cat and the stepson serve as aspects of yourself. Again, I'm going to ask you not to look at them as who they are in waking life, but what they serve in your dream. Cats are simply feminine aspects of our selves, but the fact that it was your own cat, may indicate that there is some deeply rooted deceit or feelings of hurt. The little girl also may have been your inner child. Since you were the same age, I don't think it was an indicator of a possible future child. I think the girl, Luna, is a part of yourself, the part you want to keep dear and close but is being torn apart by this situation. Perhaps since you were sitting outside with these characters, suggests that you are focusing too much on what's going on around and letting it tear you apart...literally. The cat, the girl, the stepson, yourself....imagine four versions of yourself sitting aside one another. That's the feeling I'm getting.

Another interesting part was the invisible force. Maybe there is something harming your inner child, that you do no recognize. The brown haired man might have been a distraction (Some excuse in your waking life) that caused that invisible force to stop momentarily for you to think that there is no problem, when indeed there still is. What feelings were you getting from this man? What could he be in your waking life? Again, it doesn't mean he's really a man, he could simply represent a job, a current situation, even a thought you my have in your head.

Whatever this man represents, it is a neutral influence. Everything in this dream, says that YOU need to take some serious action. The time has passed for others to get involved in your personal growth and now it's up to you to take action. The fact the the man told you to go to the church and you did, says that you want whatever negative emotions to go away. YOu want to feel nourished both spiritually and mentally. Maybe you need some time to yourself to figure things out. I see a lot of outside forces in this dream, but it still all circulates around you.

I really hoped I helped. Like I said before, this is the most conflicting (feeling) dream I've ever interpreted. And please know that dreams can be seen many different ways, so what I say is only how I see it. There may be other messages in there that I have missed. Best of luck.

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Post by sweetsunray » Mon Feb 15, 2010 11:58 am

I'll let KingAce's interpretation serve for you.

I do want to shed some light on the "fading". People dream 3-4 dreams per night of 7-8 hours of sleep. These dreams may be unrelated to each other, or they might follow up on each other. If you happen to wake up enough to remember the dream, but not long enough to remember you woke up and continue your sleep again, and the different dream are a follow up story or build on one another, then you might have this sensation and memory the next day of a very long dream but strangely cut into parts, a feeling that perhaps there might have been dream parts in between but they faded out of memory (and they might have). The use of your words "fading" and "start up again" suggests this to me.

If I use the following symbols for a timeline
* = dream stored in memory because you woke up enough, but not long enough to remember you woke up
? = dream not stored in memory because you did not wake up while dreaming it
- = no dream sleep

you would have this result


The way you remember the dream afterwards would be

************ fade ****************** fade ********************

I would personally not wonder about the meaning of what is just the result of a physical memory process and interruption during sleep.

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Post by dragon_of _shadows » Tue Feb 16, 2010 4:24 am

thanks king i will think about that. some people think i'm crazy... suppose that could be one of the negatve things thats eating away at me. everyday i feel like i become more and more insane. constant nightmares night after night.... odly enough when my fiance leaves before me i can sense he's gone and then the worst of them come out.

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Post by sweetsunray » Fri Feb 19, 2010 10:33 pm

If you feel very confused perhaps you ought to talk with someone professional about it.

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