Orientation trough the basement chambers

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Orientation trough the basement chambers

Post by Alchemyst » Tue Mar 02, 2010 9:22 am

I was dreaming that I need to delve down into the basement, but it was so tight that I could barely enter in. I knew I need to do this so I entered it.

From time to time I got stuck and could barely move trough the dark halls. Down there was a chamber full of antique books and I said to myself: "Next time when I get down I will take all the books with me because they are valuable and this basement is getting tighter and tighter every next day!"

Ah yes, there was my Dad pushing me out to get out more easily from the basement and right in the moment of getting out I was accidentally piked by a drug addict's needle exactly at the spot where the junkies get fixed.  Strange! :smt107

I finally got out to breath fresh air and I felt very relieved. Dream ends!

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Post by sweetsunray » Tue Mar 02, 2010 12:58 pm

Oooh, it sounds like you have a cluttered mind, or more presicely a cluttered "sub"conscious. Basement are about the state of your "under"awareness, and thus unconscoius or subconscious. It seems to be in a dissaray. It reveals you seem to think of yourself subconsciously in not so positive terms than may appear at first glance. Old memories stocked up, and little of value. Are you someone who represses feeling and thoughts about situations that may lower your self-esteem? It seems that is where such confrontational and unpleasant feelings and thoughts are going instead. But they're starting to pile over. At least you are starting to recognize that most of it is rubbish... so why don't you take it out for the thrash to be picked up? It also seems that you may be confused deep down and are forced into the basement to sort things out again for yourself.

Needles and getting a "fix"... Is there something in your life that needs fixing? A relationship or situation? Something that got out of hand, and that involves hurt feelings? But you seem to connotate it with drugs, which indicates a warning that you're trying to solve a situation by escapng reality (and throwing everything in the basement to fester). The way you deal with your problems may be harmful for you in the long run.

Hope this possible interpretation may be of help to you :-)

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Post by Alchemyst » Tue Mar 02, 2010 9:29 pm

Well I consider this period in my life very profound and fulfilled. I do my work, my studies, even take some extra activities. I don't have any problems in my relationship, in fact my relationship is perfect in the last few months.

In terms of repressed feelings and thoughts... I don't know, I think I've had them a lot in my childhood period. I was extremely introvert boy and I'm still struggling with that, but I think I'm coping it well.

The fix, well I pinned on the needle by accident and I was really distress about that and wanted to go to the hospital. So I guess I'm not trying to escape the problems on purpose, but there might be something else.

I give this dream a high emphasis because it's recurring, thought there are different activities, but the settings are always the same, basement, chambers, underground tunnels...

I remember one dream where I managed to go reaaally deep underground and the more I went down the more I felt unpleasant. But the passages were wide enough to pass trough, while recently it seems the passages in my underground dreams area really tight and scary.

Here is one of them: http://www.experienceproject.com/dreams ... ound/63271

Thanks for the interpretation Sweetsunray

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Post by sweetsunray » Wed Mar 03, 2010 12:47 pm

I read your feedback last night, and thought about your dream some more...

Your basement is like an archive yes? I can't help but let go of the impression that the basement is full with old things from the past, and they are not important any more. It seems as if your dream is asking to get rid of it. Maybe exactly because they don't matter anymore, because you've dealt with it and things are going well for you. There's only one room of interest to you, making you consider to bring it up again: the antique books...The stored, but forgotten wisdoms of your past. In one way you were then sent into the basement to recover these wisdoms, knowledge and insights you once stored away in your subconscious, but also to become aware of how much useless archive is left there too. You're doing well, but they're still a lot being carried along as useless weight in your subconscious. The narrowing passages would indicate to me that they may make it difficult to fully realize your potential. If you feel you are fulfilling your potential well now (say 70%), then chucking the needless stuff out will enhance it even more. Maybe you could do a meditation focusing on your grounding and clear out both your root and sacral chakra.

The fix: well let's reverse it then... perhaps you are so busy, that it's time to take some time off and relax?

I'm sorry if I could not have helped you any better... perhaps someone else can?

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Post by Alchemyst » Sat Mar 06, 2010 2:09 pm

It seems you are right. Although I've overcome a lot of obstacles, that have haunted me since my childhood and one thing I want to recover from it, is my open-mindedness and curiosity for everything. It seems in this capitalistic world people are always in a hurry and I believe I've come under the influence of that rush too, overlooking some details that just pass in my life without even noticing them, most of them unique knowledge.

Yes the fix might definitely be the time off, because I'm so desperate to find time for myself and that forgotten wisdom to emanate from me. I know I had that in my childhood. I had the time to invent impossible solutions on unsolvable problems. Nothing was impossible back then :)

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Post by sweetsunray » Sun Mar 07, 2010 2:13 am

And that makes the circle round... what if the old wisdom from your childhood (hte antique books) is how to take the time off in order to digest the heap of experiences, integrate them and then solve them? :-)

Have fun relaxing!

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