dream of being shot

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dream of being shot

Post by SaturninLibra » Wed May 26, 2010 4:31 pm

I had a dream I was in my boyfriends car, he was driving.     We were on our way home when we stopped for a red light...but I thought it was strange that he was several feet away from the white line and we were the only ones on our side of the road.
Also it felt like we were waiting an awful long time for the green light!
I then saw a man driving what looked like a segway, but it was not a segway my bf said it was, what he pronounced as 'locks', he said it was a very difficult thing to ride because it had no wheels but a ball and one had to be in good shape to ride it.     The man riding it looked suspicious!     He was blonde, with long hair and wearing shorts and good shape, somewhat muscly.    He then rode behind our car maybe like hiding, and I saw him pull out a gun from under his shirt.    Then he shot at a crowd across the street!    I heard the crowd scream.   I then heard cops and sirens from the other side of the street to the right of us.   I saw my bf take out a gun (I was shocked because I did not know he owned a gun), but I think the gun was fake because some fire flared out of the gun...the man must of heard his gun or something because he turned around and shot my bf in the chest.   I heard no noise from the gun, nothing at all really!    I asked my bf was he shot he said he yes and then I saw a red dot from his chest then I knew it was blood and he had been shot.   I then yelled at the man...'why did you do that?, I said'  he then shot me in the head because I felt my head get very warm, but no pain, didn't feel we died though because we woke up.
I looked up some information about shooting.  I read that shooting is about goals or feeling a victim.    This is the third time I had a dream about death (about myself and a friend of mine) and a murder of my bf!    I wonder what it means concerning my bf?   My bf are making a big move, to a new city this summer but only for this summer!   I wonder if its warning me it will be bad trip?   Also we are relocating abroad this fall...that is the major change we are going through, I wonder if these trips will make or break our relationship!!!    I know death could be interpreted positive, transformation but my dreams are more like nightmares...so negative and they are so violent and shocking and sad.
Any interpretations will be helpful!!!

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Post by Rook » Sat Jun 05, 2010 12:02 am

Hi Saturn

First of, I just want to confirm that in this dream neither of you actually die?  Hence the symbol is not death, the symbol is being shot.

I suspect the dream may be about your relationship and where it is going (you and him in the car).  I suspect the white line could be a symbol of marriage.  That is what you may be waiting for the 'green light' on.  You are still some distance from this line, but perhaps you feel it is what is necessary to take the next 'road' in your relationship together?  I feel this could be especially true since he is the one driving, he has not proposed yet?  He is the one in control of when this happens, but he is taking his time.

The other man I see as perhaps another man competing for your affections.  A more athletic type than your partner...  Note, you do show an interest in the car, and he says it is very hard work that one.  You seem to feel a sinister vibe from him - could be a clue to who this man represents in your life.  Now the shooting begins.  Guns are often symbols of aggression - something some men do to try to attract female eyes.  ie act big and tough, and that seems to be the story here.  Your partner tries to compete with the man (aggression - something you don't associate with him?) but his is just fake.  Sounds like the classic story line of the beach bully.  Anyhow, you get shot in the head.  You don't die, and it is not painful, but your head is warm, possibly to do with being confused or something similar?

Does that ring any bells?

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