Being lowered down in some dark water

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Being lowered down in some dark water

Post by kRenee » Wed Jun 23, 2010 10:02 pm

Hi guys, I had a weird dream last night. Please excuse my english, it's not my native language.
I dreamt I was hanging head down towards some dark water, back to back with my dad, also hanging with his head down. A few metres from us, my sister and my mum were hanging in the same position. Slowly we got lowered down in the dark water, and I was so scared, I could literally feel it. We hit the bottom, it was dark to all sides, with a few fish swimming by. The bottom was dirty and with trash here and there, for example old cans of cola. In real life, I hate deep and dark water. Suddenly, we were turned upside down, and then I was all of a sudden sitting in a shallow pool, everything was light and summerlike, and I was happy. What can it mean? Thanks!!!!

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Post by Rook » Thu Jun 24, 2010 12:12 am

It sounds like it is addressing your whole family, either representing your whole person, or litterally your family.

I would say that the dream was addressing some scenario where you were plunged unwillingly into some situation you would not know the outcome of.  Hitting the bottom could be equivalent of hitting rock bottom, esp with all the trash and stuff around.  But things 'turned around' and became bright and sunny again.

In summary I would say it was depicting a change in fortune for your family, from bad to good.

Does that make any sense?  It could also be on a personal level, but my impression from the dream was it was addressing your family externally.

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Post by ConfusedMind » Sat Jun 26, 2010 9:57 am

I'm not being sarcastic. your dream truly seems cinematic. However, all dreams are so.

your dream indicates that you were very seriously concerned about your family. you may also have an evil apprehension. all these things are presented through visions of you and your family members hanging head down.
again, you were somehow conscious of the fact that your apprehension do not have a very solid ground. this consciousness is reflected through your being relieved.

makes sense?

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