Difference in recurring dream

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Difference in recurring dream

Post by FaceValue » Tue Aug 03, 2010 7:51 pm

I've had a dream about the same person more times than I want to remember, and they've all been almost the same. This morning it was very different though.

I remember it starting with me in an open field. Maybe a grass field that was recently harvested, as the stalks were light brown. A helicopter was approaching me and started shooting. I was able to dodge it and grab on to the back, causing it to fall and crash. I aimed it near the house of the person whom I keep dreaming of. I went inside and met her sister and her mother who asked me, "Why do you look troubled? She said she would give you them when she had the money?"
"I know. I've heard it before though, and I don't trust that she will."

After I said that she appeared, and there was a cigarette on the table she had been smoking that I inspected. Not because I was disappointed that she was still smoking, but because it had a strange lighting mechanism on it. She inquired I think silently about why I was looking at it, meaning to imply that she knew I was disappointed with her, and I corrected her. After that, she showed me this very strange candle holder which I might be able to draw. She said it was made from water, and that it was clean. I told her that was amazing, then the alarm went off.

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Post by FaceValue » Thu Aug 05, 2010 9:37 pm

I had a few dreams this morning which have yielded interesting results in my day's actions.
They aren't very (G) rated, but I'm sure for the sake of interpretation it will be allowed.

One of them was of me reading my email at work. One of my supervisors sent me mail which had a lot of sarcasm in it. I can't remember the first part of it, but after the sarcasm part ended, he said that he left paperwork on his desk for me about my 8 hour lunch break. He then accused me of being involved in the rape and murder of some girl. Instead of being frightened or hurt about this, I felt excited that something new and different was happening. I felt confident that I would be found innocent.
Another in the same dream session was of me and a girl I never saw in the dream going to Savannah's(the topic of most of my dreams such as the one mentioned in the first post)dormitory to get a few of my things back from her. I didn't want her to see me so we waited outside for her to leave, which I saw her do. I went up to her room and snuck inside with the girl I was with. I guess she was there to help me, but she ended up distracting me the entire time I was there. I don't know why, but we had sex on her bed as well, and I thought (Oh no! If she comes back and sees this she is going to be so angry!). I didn't feel anything though. I just know that the act happened. Anyway, we didn't end up finding my things, and we left(or hid in her closet. I can't remember)before she came back.

These two people have nothing in common in my life at all. No correlation.
Today the same person came in to the office today after being away for weeks, saying he's about to leave for Minot. Minot is where Savannah is, and he's going to see her today. I figured that there was a sign in there somewhere, so I gave him 10 dollars to give to her so she can "have the money to mail me the items I left". Her last email stated that she would send them when she had the money, and since she's going to have it, there's no excuse. Somehow I don't think I'm going to hear from her, but I can never predict what she's going to do...Ever.

Did I do the right thing, or the wrong thing? The dreams I know have subtle meanings in them, but for the life of me I can't read them. I really hope someone can help me with this...

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Post by FaceValue » Sat Aug 07, 2010 5:53 am

Last one was about my father boasting to me about how much money he's making. Possibly disappointed in how much I was making. I felt ashamed.

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Post by spiritalk » Sat Aug 07, 2010 2:51 pm

Dreams are mostly about our unresolved emotions from the conscious state.  The symbols (people, places, things) help us to define those emotions.  So we are not looking at them literally, but symbolically in the dream.

Dreaming about the same person, whether you know them or not, is about looking for someone to help take on my burdens, so I don't have to carry them.  Also you may respresent a part of you as the people in your dream.

Being attacked is going through a time in your life when you are feeling out of control of your circumstances.  You feel there is no joy from anyone or anything as you struggle with your own place in life.

Being disappointed in others means we are judging and wanting them to be perfect, even as we seek our own feet.  It would appear that relationships in your life are not meeting your expectations.

Water is represenative of emotions.  Lighting a candle is seeking higher guidance.

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