Sink Holes

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Sink Holes

Post by Moon_Dancer » Mon Aug 09, 2010 9:51 pm

I had a wild dream a few days ago.....I have been thinking about this dream over and over trying to figure out just what it means. I work at a library and was trying to scan thru books of symbolism, I just can't figure it out.

In this dream it was like I was watching a movie, with familiar actors also. What I remember most was people walking down the street buildings, possibly downtown...busy....all of a sudden people were running and screaming and falling down sink holes. It was like no matter where they turned sink holes were just appearing everywhere. The 2 people that I seem to have been following (men) were running frantically trying to find a safe place not to fall. Going up and down escalators they were jumping gaps, running from building to weird part was while they were looking for safety they ran into an investigator (Spec. Agnt Gibbs and the forensic spec. Abby both from N.C.I.S.) MY FAV. T.V. and she was trying to determine to figure out what was going quickly the 2 gentlemen were running down to the street and end up in a building, tall strong brick with some kind of granite or tile flooring and they realized that it was safer for a little compared to the streets and other buildings..... Has anyone ever played tetris or something similar. While they were standing there just looking on with very few other people watching sink holes appear everywhere, they can feel the sink holes below..It was as if a layer was being taken little by little. I can feel the building moving lower and lower to the ground....The voices of the men sounded familiar. I did not see their faces just heard their voices.

Does anyone know what any of this means? I feel like it is significant, or some kind of hint for me. I don't usually remember dreams..I forget to write them in a journal, but this one I remembered almost vividly after I had it even now days later. This is not a recurring dream, but his one seems to be eating at me.

Thank you!


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StormGirl Blue
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Post by StormGirl Blue » Mon Aug 09, 2010 11:11 pm

I believe you are remembering it so vividly because you were actively looking for its meaning while having it.. ie Abby ( LOVE her )
What we have here is a whole lot of chaos with things getting lost in the mayhem.
Your not sure what you want to keep and what you could do without.. ie aspects of you, and people that have been close to you in the past.
You may be afraid that letting one thing go, means having to let go of everything that you know.
Change isnt the most comfortable thing for you.
Relax.. let the changes happen, what is necessary to take forward with you will remain with you.
Its funny in all the chaos of our lives, when they are busy even, and the things that we don't have control over continue to happen in the chaos that we can still keep ourselves grounded... as long as we have faith that the things and people that are truly important to us will not be lost.

I hope this has help.
Best wishes
StormGirl Blue

Posts: 19
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Post by Moon_Dancer » Wed Aug 11, 2010 5:42 pm

That makes soo much sense. And you are right I am very uncomfortable with change. I think in a way I am afraid of letting go and it might be the wrong decision. Think it is one of my worst fears, weather it be in my lifwe or love, and even frnds.

Thank you this interpretation made much sense. I was going crazy trying to figure out what it all means.

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