Another weird dream of my dead boyfriend

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Another weird dream of my dead boyfriend

Post by krystalkl » Tue Sep 14, 2010 5:41 pm

I was sleeping and he walked in and layed beside me and we were talking about something...then one of his creditors called and said he owes the money but we received his death certifcate and I said yeah cause hes dead and hung up.  Then he told me he got a job at walmart and I said how are you going to work, your dieing and he said no im dead, i said exactly. Then he said he wanted to asked me a question since I broke up with him, I was like I didnt break up with you, you broke up with me and he laughed and said I know.....then he pointed to the calander on the wall and it flipped to the next month...not really sure what month but im thinking october.  Anyway i had things wrote down on it but couldnt read it and couldnt tell what he was pointing to....then he asked if I was going with his mom and someone else somewhere before he goes to europe....i told him I wanna go to europe and he said no europe kentucky then his mom was walking into the bathroom and she was just laughing at us....i think we were being stupid like usual and then I woke up.  But all day had a felling he was laying next to me.

This was the first dream Ive had of him since the accident on Aug 20 2010......any help would be much appreciated

Also not sure if I can post here about a daydream or not but I normally dont have them and last fri I was sitting at work and had a day dream that I was coming back from were he used to live when he was younger and a deer ran out in front of me and I swerved and crashed my I laid there dieing....I seen a bright light and heard his voice that it was ok and I can come with him

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StormGirl Blue
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Post by StormGirl Blue » Tue Sep 14, 2010 11:15 pm

I am reading this on the face value of things and not going into dream symbol interpretation mode due the history of your dreamings about Chris's passing previously.
To other people reading this please remember that dreaming of a loved one as if they have passed is not at all common.

I dont know why this one makes me smile..
Im sure he would get a giggle about being blunt with a dept collector like that..
Do you have any joint loans, bank accounts etc.. that you should tend to.. maybe something he was paying for out of his wages..
I have heard a few horror stories like banks and things not getting the message clear enough after someone passing, ie bills kept being sent etc even after they have been informed.. A heads up, this could happen, dont over stress over it. just tell them again and let them deal with their system.
I think I get a sense of his character in it. Im also getting a sense of past and future mixed up together... ie before he goes to Europe, ( some place else ), Europe Kentucky ( this some place else isnt as far as it sounds )... I recommend taking the opportunity to be doing something with his mother if it comes up. She might need a hand with his personal things etc.. give her a call maybe.. Ask her is there is anything you could do for her...  Maybe try to plan some time with her in a few months.

side note: the past present and future getting blended here explains why you may have got the heads up in a dream before his passing.. ( time in the celestial plane is not exactly as we know it here )..

It doesnt matter to me where you post on your day dream. .. Im still reading it. :)
Please please please dont think this is a prediction. this would be very unlikley..
Dreams and even day dreams dont always have some deep hidden message, they can oft be snippets playing out in only our imagination.. ie you are thinking of him, wanting to be with him, in your day dream you were given the opportunity.. Much like imagining a wedding to a crush as a girl longing.

this one has a whole lot more depth.. Im not belittling what you saw to mere fantasy..
he has already told you directly that it is not your time.. its not your time to go.. you just have to wait... until, we dont know when.. by telling you that its not your time, means that your time is quite a while away in time as we know it..
But you will be meeting up in spirit when that time is..
the senerio with how you came to be there dying  is also not likely a prediction but a way of just presenting that piece of information.

Love to you Krystal.. I really really wish I could do more to help you though this journey..
It seems that Chris is doing that job pretty good anyway. :)
A HUGE HUG from me.

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Post by krystalkl » Wed Sep 15, 2010 8:33 pm

StormGirl Blue......Thank you so much for replying back.....your posts made me cry cause what you say seems so true  lol    We had some joint accts but those have been taking care......except his stuff that put him into debt that he was worried about.  Me and his mother (who never got along for at least 8yrs out of the 10 me and chris were together) have been talking everyday almost and hanging out maybe once a week.  For some reason we are leaning on each other because it feels like nobody understands how we feel.

Yeah im trying to chalk up the day dream as that.... just a day wishing we could be together.  Do you think there is a way of knowing your connected on a different level than most?  We had a great relationship but we had our moments, even broke it off a few times, but for some reason always end up back together .....its like a feeling in my gut, heart etc that we were meant for each other....which I know a lot of people say.

Im really not sure what to believe anymore.....which I guess in matters like this that happens....sometimes I feel hes around and other not so much or that Im losing my mind.  Im still in the "I dont want to believe that hes not here phase"  Seems like it will hit me all later.

I have some strange things happen at home as well......My dog acting funny but hasnt recently, found a dish towel on the floor that has no reason to be there or how it got there.....but as of that nothing else.  I feel as he is mad at me or something....Ive read that if your too upset or angry spirits will not be able to communicate with you.....what do you think about this?  sorry for the long post  lol

And thank for the hugs!!!  I can use all of them I can get

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Post by StormGirl Blue » Thu Sep 16, 2010 4:17 am

You are more than welcome Krystal, with the depth of your pain I feel inadequate, any small help I can give is my honer.

I noticed a typo in my first passage.. It should read for anyone else reading this that these dreams as a prediction is not common, though its not unusual to have these dreams, this doesn't mean a loved one will die.

It sounds to e like your relationship with his mother, and the one you can Chris shared are very normal. Friction between two women that love a man is normal, mother in laws ( she was in a sense) are tricky :). The both of you are very exceptional that this has been able to build a bridge. There will be some moments that you could cut the tension with  a knife.. keep in mind that she is a mother who has lost a child. Each of your hurt is unique, no one can know what it feels like to be a mother that has had to lay their child to rest. The bond is drawing you each to the person that loves him as intensely, but still her pain is different, you will empathise with each other and each not be alone with it, but do be aware that really knowing her pain is another thing again.. just in case that subject arises between you.

Most certainly you and Chris share a special connection, just look at the history of your dreams, they were not ordinary.. and also look at the physical history between you.. you guys grew up through early adult life together, as much as you are lovers you are also sooo like siblings. You dont have to wonder if there is a profound connection there, that's a fact. You fought and even went separate ways.. lol, this was an opportunity to grow stronger individually so that you grow stronger together.
 You dont need to deal with just yet, but be aware that there will be a time when you will be ready to enter a relationship with someone else. Chris was the one you were meant to be with.. when he was here.. but he is not the only one you will ever form a bond with. We human beings have an incredible ability to accept and bond with many different people, each will have their own unique role to play in your life, there is room for more loves.. different loves.
Chris will always be a very very special love, with a bond that will always be with you.. no-one and nothing can take that away or lessen the importance.
But dont close the door... this is a long time away yet.. I only bring it up now so that you know you will not be left living your life feeling that a part of you died with  Chris. This void is not forever, but Chris's place in your life will not be taken, dont be afraid of that. There is room to expand when the time is right.

I can tell you that he is not at all angry with you for anything. I believe when we pass between here and there we are gifted with divine knowledge and  realize divine love .. and all that goes with it.. compassion, understanding, a knowing that is beyond us in our human ways.
There are no skeletons in the closet that you think he can see now and judge you by.. no secrets that could hurt him.. there's no room for disappointment, anger, regret, feelings of jealously, ownership, .. All this stuff is ours who haven't evolved in spirit.
There is no room for anger with this knowing.

This is knew the feelings you are going though are not unexpected. Grieving is an ongoing process, in a sense your relearning a life that Chris isn't beside you in the physical..  Dont be hard on yourself that you havnt picked it up right away.. If you do find the grieving process deliberating please look up a grief counsellor .. I have no doubt that they have trained in their many years towards getting that degree to a point where they can assist you in a way we who are not specifically trained in grief can.
I think the first step is all about being functional..the rest follows... Your not loosing your mind.. Its a huge ordeal you are facing..allow yourself breathing space and accept gently.  

Spirit communicate with us in so many ways I would not like to say that they dont try.. I just think when we are all tied up in knots that we dont hear them in the subtle ways they most usually communicate with us... intuitions, conversations in our mind, small signs that appear so normal we do usually notice though the goings on of every day life. This doesn't stop them.. they'l keep on keeping on...
When ot feels too much, stop, and remember to breath...

What you described is what I believe to be the goings on of someone in the pre-awakening stage.. Sometimes it stops as suddenly as they passed, sometimes it comes and goes over a time... but also on a practical level consider that at this time in your grieving process we are given to being vague from time to time.. and our energy is somewhat erratic, your dog will pick up on this and get a little silly in a sense.
My personal belief is that your dog did sense him around in his pre-awakening stage. That it has stopped doesnt mean that Chris as vanished out of your life, only that he is on a higher plane that isnt in view of the one your dog and sense.. higher isnt further way.. but kind of closer, being omnipresent and more awake in the celestial..
While they are in the pre-awakened stage I believe they would be aware of freaking us out and would avoid this, I think being in the grips of first stage grief and having a visual or audio communication would be much too much for us to take. Even gifted mediums may not have a physical visual or audio communication with a loved one.. some do, some dont.. I have no idea what determines the whens whys or hows of this.

These are just my beliefs.. I cant claim right or wrong until its my time to receiving the knowing, it wont happen in this life, psychic or not.. some claim it.. but ha--I think they think it.

I was thinking more of your day dream today... Even though I do believe that this is not predictive.. still take care on the roads.. if you get a strong sense of something not being right, avoid going that way, or stay off the road until it passes.. Just because I say its not likely to be a prediction, which I stand by.. doesn't mean its not at all possible... no advice from anyone should ever replace your own intuitions...

BUT dont live a life freaking out thinking its a given.. because its not..
If you find yourself having reoccurring strong feelings about not driving, or find the feeling deliberating, find yourself not functioning well, particularly stressed for extended periods do speak to a grief counsellor this could also indicate post traumatic stress..
Only a trained therapist can tell you if it is or not.

More hugs and thoughts for you Krystal X0X0
I have faith that you will continue to cope.
This is no ordinary challenge, but you can stand up to it, I know it...

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Post by krystalkl » Mon Sep 27, 2010 3:16 pm

Hey Stormgirl Blue
Thank you for responding again and sorry it has taking me so long to get back with you!!  Its been one thing after another on my end.  

Yeah I don't know the pain that his mother is going through and never will unless one day that happens to me.....we haven't been talking as much which is fine but I think she is trying to blame me for chris not being around or being distant....she wasn't the best mother to him....I'm just ignoring it....I know who was there for him and who wasn't and that's the last thing anybody needs right now.

As far as feeling chris around....I haven't but I'm still upset about everything and still don't want to believe everything that has happen.

Yeah I think at first if he was to acually show himself or talk to me it would have freaked me out but I don't think so much anymore....I figured hed be haunting We joke about that all the time.

I did dream about him again last night.....yesterday was just a bad day for battery in my car died and had to get jumped and buy a new battery....which is no big deal but chris always dealt with car it hit me kinda hard.  So after that I got home went to bed and dreamt that I was late for work and I called chris to pick me and take me.....(we weren't together in this dream) so he said he would but just let him know what anyway he came and took me but we didn't talk the whole way there, then he dropped me off at what was a hopsital/school and walked in with me. (I work at a law firm) then apparently I call an ex neighbor of mine to bring me a I seen him coming and went outside to greet him (he's gay by the way) so as I was talking to him and neighbor said we shouldn't smoke due to post 9-11 so we moved and then chris walked outside to smoke with us and I just looked at him and said I can't believe your gone and then I woke up.

I'm so happy when I get to see him....but I never get a chance to talk with him about things....even the other dream we talked but I don't really know about what....its was all jumbled up.

Thanks again for any insight that you have had on all this and being there for really has helped and I really do appreciate it!!  I hope you have a great week!!

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Post by krystalkl » Mon Sep 27, 2010 5:49 pm

Also I forgot to add that in the dream when he was standing there smoking......he didnt look happy, like he was sad or angry that  he wasnt here anymore

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Post by StormGirl Blue » Thu Sep 30, 2010 6:00 am

Absolutely no problem Krystal .. lol, Im psychic remember, I know that life happens, and I know how tired you are, I feel what is in your heart.
Your dealing with his mother the right way.. thats one argument you cant win and don't want to.  Best just to wear a shield and know what you know with confidence inside...
Which is what you are doing.

The grieving process is still very much in the early days for you right now. Dont think that you are expected to be completely with it just yet.. At this stage you just need to put on a mask for the outside world, while still letting in your closest and dearest friends and relatives.  Letting them how you are feeling helps you and them to understand you.

Seriously a visual is something you dont want to have.. be content to just know. I have had a couple and in all honesty even knowing what I know these leave me frozen with fear.
I lost my brother when I was young ( we were close, even sharing a birthday ).. I used to have visuals of other things, but never directly of him. The only time I actually saw him was a few years ago when i believe he made a visit before passing into another phase or whatever it is they do.
He was always with me, but I diddle notice it until he was gone from my immediate side. It was then I knew it was time. He never actually left my side until it was time, and when it was time I was ready .. mind you that took probably 25 years.

Chris will be there with you.. but his presence as it should not, will not consume your awareness.. its more a quiet  support, not over whelming. Our loved ones being with us is a very gentle, and natural thing, its not like we should expect to feel something unusual.. because its not.

This dream.. The smoking seems to be a regular occurrence in your dreams ( Im a smoker also )..

Your probably seeing your own feelings in a reflected from Chris. I dont believe he would be angry or sad.
BUT If you feel strongly that he is, that the feelings you see in him in this dream are his own you may want to try giving him permission to live in spirit instead of physical, and reassuring him that you will be ok, and can accept this, you dont have to like it.. but accepting should help..
Theres no hurry do do this.. just when you are ready. If it takes a year, it take a year.. just as long as you are functional in your life and are not suffering prolonged depression.
Dont expect to come good too fast, but dont slow down the process either, if a moment of joy crosses you accept it and be joyful in that moment without guilt.
Your in the grieving process but this is no reason to deny yourself happy moments either, let them in when you can.

ie... :) the gay friend.. every girl deserves one. I love them.

Hospital/school .. learning and healing .. I guess it is a job.. or at least a task.

I saw your request in the picture reading thread but didn't respond Because I wanted someone else to have a shot for you... and its kind of hard reading someone from scratch when you feel you already kind of know them.

I will go find that and post on it now also.. But only in brief ....

OO that reminds me.. You said here you work in a law firm..
This dream had you dropped off at a hospital/ school..
I was going to mention child care studies on your picture reading thread !..
lol. doesn't match your real life.. I wont be including that when I post on there.

Working in the law firm would be cool!.. I wouldn't trade that for child care studies :))

Last edited by StormGirl Blue on Thu Sep 30, 2010 6:09 am, edited 2 times in total.

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Post by StormGirl Blue » Thu Sep 30, 2010 6:01 am

OMG I posted triple!
Last edited by StormGirl Blue on Thu Sep 30, 2010 6:04 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by StormGirl Blue » Thu Sep 30, 2010 6:02 am

oops double post
Last edited by StormGirl Blue on Thu Sep 30, 2010 6:03 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by krystalkl » Mon Oct 04, 2010 1:43 pm

StormGirl Blue.....Im sorry to hear about your brother!! even if its been 25yrs its still tough!!

Yeah were both   I think if I didnt smoke, Id go insane  lol

The law firm is ok....its more just a job than anything.....not really sure what I want to do in life.  I did want to be a teacher when I was younger but I dont think I have the patience to deal with them  Kids kinda freak me out....Im not sure what to say to them even babies but they do stare at me all the time.....anywhere Im at....they just stare  lol   maybe their telling me something?

Chris might not have been mad or angry.....its was more of just a blank stare.....I could have just preceived him to be that way, like you said.....All this is still new to me!!   I do remember a couple yrs ago....I woe up in the middle of the night and seen a little boy standing at the side of my bed,  it was a dark figure and I thought it was chris....he was sleeping int he floor at the side of the bed....just figured he was playing a joke on me, so anyway I was reaching out to touch it to see what it was then something told me not I drew my hand back and then yelled for chris.....I could tell I woke him up cause he was freaking out as to what was wrong and I asked him if it was him and he said no....then he told me I was probably dreaming.....but I know I wasnt....after that it never happen again!!

Yeah I do have alot of regret.....with Chris, life etc.....Im not sure why. Tired doesnt even explain it....Im flat out exhausted even before the death of chris.....Im just run down mental and physically
Ive had alot of arguements with girls over the past years.....and i wouldnt be opposed to punching them  lol   There was one girl that was more significant then the others!

"People like you because you say what you say, not for spite, but for honesty.. If someone needed and honest opinion, they would do well to ask you... but in asking you they should be ready to accept the truth.. your not going to sugar coat it."  Haha.....this is so me.....I dont try to be mean about it, even though others think I am, but the truth hurts!!  Yeah im definitly the keeper of secrets....both mine and others.....sometimes Im ok with it and other times Id just like to get it out but still never do or will.

Thank you for the complement.....yeah I get that alot about looking younger than Iam.....Im sure I will appreciate it more when Im

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