Help with dream interpretation

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Help with dream interpretation

Post by jspwe » Tue Oct 26, 2010 12:43 am

I actually remembered my dream later on in the day as opposed to right after I woke.  Not sure if that holds significance to the potential message that is trying to get to me but I thought I’d add that.
The scenery is much like another dream I have had before but the events that took place here are different.   The first thing I remember is I am with a someone who, I wouldn’t even call a friend, but I haven’t spoken to this person in a very long time.  We were at his “house” which was a small caravan.  He shared it with an old sweaty man who I assumed was his dad, and a small curly haired kid who I assumed was his brother.  Anyway we are talking about we are gonna go for a drive ra ra ra.  The house is disgusting and it is night time when we leave.

The dream jumps to a scene where we are walking up a road during the day, the skies are clear and it feels like a  nice sunny day.  Due to what I feel in the dream as manmade circumstances, a salt water stream has joined with a freshwater stream and tainted the water.  These streams also feel like roads and the image of a road and a stream flickers back and forth.  I make a comment about how people further down the stream wont have fresh water anymore. We walk further up the stream and walk under a bridge, the dream jumps and the road / stream we were walking up is suddenly murky.  The banks on either side are high, muddy, and slippery and Im in the murky water by myself.  While I keep commenting on how there are possibly saltwater crocodiles in here ready to eat me, I seem cautious, but not really sensing anything was going to happen to me. I move from one back to the other for a while, people are up on the bridge unaware of any danger and just talking amongst themselves.  The dream warps a little bit and the same scene a pathway on either side of the bank appears that leads back under the bridge again the way we came.
We walk under it and what used to be an intersection / the rivers crossing is now a clear ocean view.  Sand is beneath my toes and Im with that person I was with at the start of the dream.  A hole appears in the sand below the water which I can easily see, and it is sucking in water at a frighteningly fast rate.  I feel that if I were to step in I would be sucked right into the hole.   The dream jumps to us driving at night time again, with an extra female passenger who I feel I know but cant remember.  We notice a car driving at ridiculous speeds, swerving around traffic.  We arrive at this guys place again and something is different.  A really sickly disgusting feeling is in the air, yet we are all smiling and laughing.  The assumed “little brother” is locked inside a chest of toys, everyone laughs and the older brother lets him out.

It becomes hazy again and it jumps to a rainy day.  I’m with friends from school in a backyard.  We are being shot at, but my determination to live gives me so much energy and we start sprinting and leaping over fences away from the danger.  Hazy again and we arrive at a military outpost where nobody seems to suspect that we are not of this place.  As time goes by the sense of danger rises gradually and before I know it people are walking hastily towards exits.  So I do something to set off an alarm that would cause the security response to divert their attention to me so that the others could prepare to escape.  I draw everyone to me, then make a dash for a car.  I jump in and we drive off, but there are different people in the car, which is now a jeep with no top.  We drive as fast as we can and the scene around us slowly changes to dense bushland.  An old wire gate appears before us and we crash through it.  There is a large clearing and we all stand around, the feeling that we are going to make a final stand here sets in and then nothing.  I wake up because someone was calling my name.


I don't know where to begin in making sense of this.  Any help would be much appreciated.  ty

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Post by Evard » Tue Oct 26, 2010 2:25 am

set, settin :  parent , odor , driving , sun , sand , road , stream , crocodile ..

The second paragraph of your dream explained .. was an apology without a
new danger until you reach the stress of the mil base and leave with officer.          [new danger : be wary]

The sun and sand (after crocodile) was the notice of the pending coastal ways
the review of the likes of a man with power of apology wants to thank you with      [power of apology : a learned trait]
a mix up (being the dream mildness) about the likes of a "California Day" like:
being on mind enhance drugs and not noticing much of the sun or the heat .. ..

The crocodile was the phrase "eat , belly" and the reason the 'complex' mil way     [mil way : another dream .. peaceful]
was not your likeness of a wanted peace of the protected 'brother' was in fact a
way to say the younger general family will be safe when the unseen will be now
forgiven  by the 'older brother' and (imposing) father figure was sent away with     [imposing : the parent was not good,.]
a better ideal on his likeness as proper with accord of his new good psychology.
The parent was not good ,. the psychology was a mixed up apology ,. and the :     dream was a mix up with 'non friend' .    Evard

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