my dream nov 28

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my dream nov 28

Post by jspwe » Sat Nov 27, 2010 8:27 pm

earliest i can remember.  I was in jail and a few people broke out and I tagged along.I was in jail for minor things, like fraud or something, compared to murder which my company had been charged with.  We make it out and split up.  Its rainy and Im by myself looking for clothes and food at my place.  Suddenly my mum appears and shes laughing at how I escaped.

My memory is a bit hazy after this point and I find myself dodging police who are attempting to catch me.  It feels easy and casual, the situation  of eluding capture.  I have thoughts of returning myself to jail but I dont think I do.  Im standing outside the jail with a fence to my right. Police are running at me.  On the other side of this fence was a familiar man to me.  It feels like only I can jump this fence and I do.  The police chasing me cant follow me.  The man and I walk up to a door and my old science teacher is there, although I cant remember the conversation, but from the door came a dim light which seemed to be the brightest thing I came across.

Throughout this whole dream its really dark and dull and rainy but I feel so happy throughout it all.

The dream jumps to a beach scene which Im on a gold sandy beach with my family and although the water looks clear,it isn't.  Soon we realise the beach is really dirty.  We begin to clean up and I dive below the surface and I find a dog looking at me through some coral.  my first thought was that somebody killed their dog but I soon see it is a stuffed toy, and I see there is a lot more.  I pull them all out of the water and we take the rubbish away leaving the beach clean.

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Post by spiritalk » Sun Nov 28, 2010 2:49 pm

Dreams are about our unresolved emotions from the conscious state.  The symbols, people, places, things, all represent you to define these unresolved emotions.  

The second part with the beach represents you cleaning up your emotions.  Water is representative of emotions.  Finding stuffed animals is a clear indication that some of the things you were holding on to were not reality and need to be jetisoned.

The first part is about a specific situation in your life where you feel locked into and locked up - as in jail.  The release from jail, finding 2 people that actually make you feel emotional valid, are signs that you are gaining your own free will choice.  

It would seem that some relationships are causing you to feel locked in and once released you find you can make some good choices yourself.  Going into the light is a good start - it will invoke the spirit within in your decisions.  There is something from science that is important to remember.

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Post by srimathi29 » Tue Nov 30, 2010 8:26 am

About a week back had a dream of cats fighting surrounding me,was about to shout my voice were not coming at all calling my dads name,he is no more.Can you tell me what it indicates?

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