Could you help me analyze this dream?

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Could you help me analyze this dream?

Post by Leeser » Tue Jan 11, 2011 12:24 am

Good Evening All,

My name is Lisa, I'm new here to the boards.  I was wondering if any of you could help me decipher this dream?

Some background information to help.  My mother has an amazing psychic gift.  My entire life I've felt more "intuitive," but never had clear pictures, just that "gut," feeling that was pretty much on point.  In the past six months I've had a lot of visions in the forms of dreams.  My mother tends to think my "gifts," are growing but I guess I give myself a lot of self doubt.  Nonetheless, I've had this incredible reoccurring dream since last September of a little girl with dark hair and light eyes.  The dream isn't very interesting but I am very much enamored with this child.  I "feel," her spirit as very carefree and joyous, she's just so happy :)  

Last night I had this dream and I cannot decipher if it's literal in meaning or if it's leading me elsewhere that I am not seeing;

I dreamt of being in a physician's office, not one I'm familiar with. I was told I was pregnant, heard the baby's heartbeat but could not see anything on the ultrasound screen. I was handed a piece of paper with three very specific dates. "Today's" date which was 2/5/11, Gender Ultrasound scheduled for 5/2/11 and Due Date of 11/7/11. The details of the dream were pretty vague I don't seem to really remember much about it except for that paper and the dates.  The writing really stands out in my memory as it was written in all most an Old English/Caligraphy style of writing. The ink was of a golden/shimmery type and the paper was pure white.

I am not currently trying to concieve so I'm not sure what to make of this?

Thanks in advance for your help!

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HI Leeser!

Post by kybunker » Wed Jan 12, 2011 2:32 pm

I do not have a comment of my thoughts on your dreams, but please keep up date us on 2/5 to let us know if it was a precognitive dream or a symbolistic one.
How exciting!

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Post by Leeser » Thu Jan 13, 2011 12:53 am

Thanks for commenting,

I will definitely post an update after 2/5, it was such a bizarre, intense dream for me!  I just remember sitting straight up in bed and rambling the dates to my husband and demanding a pen LOL

It's definitely lingering in my mind!  I can't ever recall dreaming about specific dates or numbers in general, but I can still see those golden letters and dates pretty clear in my mind!

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Post by kybunker » Thu Jan 13, 2011 1:09 am

My husband doesn't even ask me what I'm doing anymore
The other day I was measuring my forehead and he stopped everything he was doing and came to read the measurement lol
He even brings me home rocks he finds neat lol Hilarious! how he has changed with me lol

The dreams he's pretty sick of though, lol he tells me, Kelley Stop it, Go to bed. LOL

How is your husband handling it all?

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Post by spiritalk » Thu Jan 13, 2011 2:26 pm

Dreams have symbols to help you resolve your emotional issues from the conscioius state.  Check out numerology on the dates as one direction.  Also look for fun things happening on those dates.  As babies are a symbol of new beginnings you might find some doors opening this year to new and exciting adventures in your life.

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Post by Leeser » Sun Jan 16, 2011 8:06 pm

Spirit--Thanks for your reply, very good suggestion, I never thought to check the numerology for the dates!  Now to find someone/somewhere to help me in that spot!

Ky--My  husband is elated........strangely enough I feel the same but I'm starting to get a bit bummed as I think I've taken a pregnancy test everyday this week with nothing but negatives! Amazing that our soul craves something that we may not so much in the here in now.  I guess I never realized how much I wanted another child until this all came about!  Who knows though?  It's still rather early!  

On an interesting front, I am to be transferring positions at work and it's been delayed numerous amounts of times  :smt013 I just "heard," that my new date will be 2/7......not exact but pretty close.  I know a lot of times in dreams, pregnancy symbology is often to a new idea, birth of change?  

Either way, I think something is telling me to get on the baby ball, although I didn't think we were quite ready!

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Post by caithiggs » Sun Jan 23, 2011 2:53 am

Reading your dream description about the girl, I felt like you were going to have a baby before you mentioned the pregnancy part. That's what I think. I want to know what happens too.

Also, I think that Freud or Jung did a lot of dream analysis with numbers. I can't remember which one. Although I was reading a book on his interpretations of clients' dreams and they were all absolutely obsessed with sexual repression (probably due to the time period). So I don't know if that would be helpful at all. I couldn't figure out how they could know what significance numbers in dreams have. But maybe check out those two just in case it's helpful.

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