What does it mean?

Learn to analyse and understand the meaning of your dreams.

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What does it mean?

Post by albertasahm » Wed Feb 16, 2011 8:48 pm

In 2004 I had a VERY vivid dream. I will never forget it; any of it. Every single detail will remain embedded into my memory for as long as I live.

The dream as I dreamed it:

It was a beautiful sunny summer day.
Birds were chirping.
I was happy.
I was in my room, in the house we were actually living in at the time.
I heard my kitchen door open.
I left my room and walked into my kitchen where I met a man who was very much a "farmer".
I'd never met him before.
He was a little on the chunky side, with a bit of a "beer belly", and he was wearing soiled jeans and a dirty red and black plaid lumberjack jacket.
He looked rough, and as my eyes met his I immediately felt uneasy.
He lifted his left arm, without saying a word, and pointed towards the open kitchen door.
I went to the door and looked out.
There was a woman there, who was wearing the exact same clothing as the man inside.
She was leaning against an old beat up Ford truck.
I'd never met her before either.
She was probably mid 40's, and she had dirty blond hair.
She was unhappy.
She looked me directly in the eyes as she pulled a hand gun from behind her back.
She kept eye contact as she lifted the gun to her temple.
Then she said, "I'm going to kill myself now, and you're going to live with my guilt.".
She pulled the trigger!
I saw every bit of tissue and blood that sprayed from her head.
She hit the ground.
I screamed.
Then I woke up.


What does that mean??!

It's got to mean something.. why else would it have been so vivid? Why else should I still remember it in full detail all these years later?

If anyone understands and wants to shed some light on it for me, please feel free. All ideas / views welcome. Thanks in advance.

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Post by caithiggs » Thu Feb 17, 2011 6:53 pm

That sounds so vivid. I wonder if it's connected to a past life in some way because that would explain why you might have to live with someone else's guilt, as a karmic guilt. Maybe it's also a good time to look into any unnecessary guilt that you hold. Obviously it would indicate a guilt that fundamentally has nothing to do with yourself right now.

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