
Learn to analyse and understand the meaning of your dreams.

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Post by danamichele » Sun Apr 10, 2011 12:30 pm

What does it mean when the action in a dream is applied to someone else?

For example, I had a dream where someone was walking toward me.

Have no other details of the rest of the dream.

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A few questions to interpret better.

Post by SeekingHelp » Mon Apr 11, 2011 4:44 pm

Can you please provide some more info on this if you remember..

1. The person walking towards you, was it you or someone else?
2. What was the feeling you got from the person approaching?
3. Was it male or female?
4. What did u feel like doing when that person was approaching, run or face or any other emotion you felt?

If you can answer these questions, I can help you with interpreting it.

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Post by danamichele » Tue Apr 12, 2011 2:12 am

It was another person, a recent ex boyfriend. I had a dream about him several weeks ago, when we were still together, we were walking and he kept falling down, and i could not do anything to help him up. This time in my dream, he was just walking toward me, walking perfectly fine, with no assistance.  I remember just standing there, like i was waiting for him.

I really cannot remember much of what i felt or thought, hope that brings more clarity though.

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Hi danamichele

Post by SeekingHelp » Tue Apr 12, 2011 5:21 pm

I your previous dream, when you both were still together (I presume you have broken up since you wrote ex BF)... did you feel like he is falling short of your expectations in one or many areas of you waking life? Did you also feel sad for him that he is not up to the mark in that/those area(s). That would explain why he kept falling down and you could not help him. Secondly, in your current dream, you were waiting for him to come to you, and he was walking fine... without falling down any more.... I think, this symbolizes that you want him back and you want him to have learned new things, to have grown up to your expectations. So he was walking towards you without falling down. I also feel, that you still want him back in your life, and changed for you. You don't have to give me details about any of my questions.. just let me know if my answer helped you understand your state of mind better... have a good time.

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Post by danamichele » Tue Apr 12, 2011 5:30 pm

yes, helpful, and i agree with you :) thanks!

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