Stuck In Between

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Stuck In Between

Post by LoveFallenAngel » Sat May 28, 2011 1:08 am

I always believe in my dreams and follow them, but usually, I can interpret mine pretty well. However, in recent events, these dreams I have been having, have me feeling like I'm stuck in between. There is someone that I truly love, and I'm hoping to be with soon. But recently, someone I've known since last year, came out and told me a while ago that they've liked me. Which, I've known since last year. But, my whole problem is, I don't like them in that way, because I'm in love with someone else. But I've been dreaming every night about this person from last year. I haven't been dreaming of the person that I love. So, now I am lost. I'm not sure what these dreams are telling me. But when it comes to astrology and compatability, the two of them, are so close in range of the same zodiac or are the same. I know for a fact the one I love is the same zodiac as I, the other I'm not quite sure. But anyway. I cannot tell, if my dreams are telling me that I belong with the person from last year, or the person I love. I have the psychic ability and all, but I'm beyond clouded up right now.

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Post by spiritalk » Sat May 28, 2011 1:50 pm

Feelings are rather intense in hormonal changes.  Dreams are about our UNresolved emotions.  This could be an indicator not to put all your eggs in one basket and ignore a love that may have a place in your life.  Not all love is about relationship love.

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Post by earth2bella » Sat Jun 04, 2011 5:32 am

I don't think this dream is telling you which one you need to be with. Your heart should tell you that. You said you didn't like the one from last year, so what's the question? You know who you love. Dreams are often symbolic and aren't literal, as I'm sure you know. Maybe it's just a guilty concious because you know you can't return the love. Is there something the two of you need resolve before you can move on? Forgive any hard feelings you have toward this person, etc.

Also I agree with spiritalk. You're "hoping" to be with the one you love soon. Whichs means there's a chance you might not be, and because you're holding out for whatever reason you could be missing out on something great.

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Post by Evard » Sat Jun 04, 2011 6:30 am

You believe your dreams .,. and modern dreaming is more a technical advent thn
the older value on promise~n the spritual value of dreams was known as harbine
to Medieval thoughts of the advent angels were sent to pervade blessed dreaming
and spirits or demonia were the thoughts of Renaissance astrologers who would uh
say there was a bogie or goblined spirit who bothered the nightmares of alchemic .

The "law on dream attraction" was known for the Arthurian time on sorceren ways:
a drift or wind of change was not always the proper forsooth of dream.end and we
know the dreams may be enspelled to say who will be the "attractor of sleep.want"

so I wonder if you are the attractor or the attracted .  Modern Magical includes the
technical advent of "magnetic law of visual program including the dream desires .,"
and I wonder what water sign you are .,. as the Mississippi flooding would be Anew
drastic effect on the Earth Nature of Dreaming on water sign 'believed' "forecast" .,     Evard . follow less your casting and prevail .

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Post by LoveFallenAngel » Mon Jun 06, 2011 10:31 pm

Thank you, to all of you. Your words are helpful.
My dreams are highly unresolved emotions most of the time, but then later balance out, but since I moved to where I live, things just changed a bit too much.
From the person from last year, I do feel somewhat guilty, but then yet again, in the same turn, they should speak up from the start, but also this person is at times hard for me to understand. And I tend to feel mixed up in emotions.
I am a Scorpio, the person that I have strong feelings for is a Scorpio and the other person is a Libra. In other cases, I dread the meaning of my name majority of the time, because I don't see myself as that, but due to all of this, it somewhat makes me feel horrible, I don't do anything to attract anyone, because I am a person who is devoted to someone when I meet them.

Anyways, thank you all once again.

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Post by Evard » Mon Jun 06, 2011 11:17 pm

Scorpio in regard to feelings for their own "brazen kind of regard to the armor or toxin they imbue"
would be the interesting mix of battling their resolve if they are not the same likeness rather liken:
Attraction by Similarity : would not be the best choice to consider the tolerant to emotion would be
the Scorpio steadfast offering a resolve of the firm attitude not to pair off with own kind .,. in other
words , the Scorpio tends to develop defensive thoughts and noticeable "feelings" toward Scorpio .

Did you check your astrological compatibility for a hidden Aries .  It might be your "light tolerant" :
to consider the humidity in this Spring and Early summer air and thoughts about climate which may
bother you with the problem you see as the dreams of [what I see as the water forecast] clarity .,.
in fact a Modern Magical concern of your following of the dreams of peace and Nature rather thn uh
nurture which could be considered as almost "Arthurian" enspelling of your personal thoughts . Aum

Evard .,.  not one to interpret dreams , so don't be offended by Scorpio antagonist nor "Arthurian" ,.

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