Eerily Catostrophic Dreams Martial Law + Planes falling from sky PLEASE INTERPRET

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Eerily Catostrophic Dreams Martial Law + Planes falling from sky PLEASE INTERPRET

Post by flowwer » Tue Oct 18, 2011 3:15 am

There is a lot here

My dreams have been extremely powerful as of late and seem to warn of destruction and shifts. I would greatly appreciate the help of the community in interpreting these. It is a lot, so please bear with me.

The following is long, but if nothing else, please share with me what you think planes falling from the sky means as I have come across it many times.

Dream A

In real life I am searching for a place to live. In the dream, I go to see a big extravagant house. Rap artist Drake is also looking at the home along with a few others including with two middle aged men who seem crazy or off and rough/ poor looking  for different reasons one is very vocal. He makes a comment about the establishment and Drake sort of shuts him down and everyone laughs at him

At a time after the viewing we are sitting down I sort of make fun of the guy “remember he was at the house showing in you said...” to establish we had been around each other or in company before [my thoughts: while I am quite rebellious (scorpio sun) the socializer, (leo/ libra) in me knows how to get what I want the nice way] hes like oh u were there i'm like yeah.. sort of awkward moment then back to discussion being less true to myself as I am trying to gain favor but I am not being aggressive enough in getting my points across, telling others, "no its okay you go" when I have something to say. I agree with the old man/ know hes right but water that perspective down for the sake of the favor of a famous person.

A more quiet light skinned girl long wavy black hair is true to herself and shares openly that she agrees with them when she comes to the center to share her thoughts Drake picks her up and puts her in his lap her fly is accidentally open he closes it or touches her inappropriately at least passed off as helping her on to the couch [note: In real life, drake speaks frequently of his preference for light skinned girls] The girl is better received and understood by the people in the circle.

Drake and I interact more and for some reason lifted/ touched his ankle seemed light, kind of hollow.

The house/ loft we viewed is nice on the inside but is like a former warehouse or industrial building [another common theme in my dreams has been buildings] the space is darker grungier, with a sort of cold rusty metal feel. I decide to take it and move in.

There is a hurricane. I had seen people drifting around earlier didn't think they would come to me and assumed they partially knew other residents.

Just as I'm listening to an account of a woman saying “i didn't think he was a serial killer I knew that he would come and I didn't want him there but I didn't want him there but didn't think that,” (there is either a knock on my door or I decide i should lock it?). I think to myself that serial killers are a sort of myth in our society.When I reach the door, a rough sinister looking hispanic(?) long haired man and his young daughter are trying to come into my home tell, I tell him he cant but ill bring blankets etc can sleep in the front area/ lobby Another man in the building comes out tries to explain he cant come in my apartment/ should go somewhere else.

It is if the bldg belonged to a clothing company, our bldg let the man know that company x is sponsoring supplies during the hurricane so he can get as many of the company x clothes that are in my lofts as he likes.

My house had no blinds and you could see my clothes hanging up high on walls, from the outside (I wondered how they got so high going by). I had color polka dot sheets (never in real life)

Where it gets real

I am outside talking with the others in the building after the storm and gas or something toxic make us run away from our homes. I'm eating/ chewing so it doesn't get in my mouth and I'm able to hold by breath until I get far.

Everywhere there are officers/ military apprehending citizens to get them to walk around with bar codes that tell where they've been/ where they're going. They are on stickers that sort of look like big shipping labels.

I see my friend Mark and we are separated/ he leaves me because he doesn't approve of my conduct. I end up on a sort of shuttle bus [buses come up in my dreams as well] with people from my building. The people on the bus gossip about how one of the girls in my building pays over a thousand in rent a month. She defends herself by saying "well I deserve it, Ive been living crappily my dad needs to pay for it he owes me" I defend her by stating its the same as a we pay for the dorm.

I begin running from the bus in clogs from others are impressed by my ability "ooh girl those are nice, see she can run in clogs" I run into a former graduate professor on phone I ask if hes running. a car pulls up hes like "No Olympia, i'm not running im about to get in this car" He tells me to get in, the car is full we drive somewhere the somehow we get out & somehow run across some causcasian liberal/ middle class people who are discussing implications of all of and suggest to themselves this might be slavery. I open my mouth inarticulately to comment, the professor distances himself, and I no longer have a ride.

I continue on foot running through neighborhoods disabled people are being pushed out of their homes in wheelchairs with officers immediately throwing bagged clothes over their faces once the door is opened. I am unsure whether they are dead or off to be executed but I am horrified.

Officers are screaming saying they'll keep doing whatever they're doing in 90 minute intervals and to get the hell of the street get to where your going. (The whole while I have been running away from my home pretending to officers that I was trying to get home)

I end up back at my apt bldg and other girls stuff is packed out of her place.  The landlord cites various financial/ credit issues, saying 'we gotta get outta here' I just moved in and have not yet signed my lease, though I paid and have less rights because if it.

I beg him not to pack me out, trying to explain to him that I have way too much stuff and that it would be beyond a hassle for his team to move it all (This is true in real life)

I have decided to create a separate post about the planes tomorrow.

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Post by spiritalk » Wed Oct 19, 2011 2:51 pm

This is not one continuous dream.  You came out of the dream and went back to another but brought some of the same from the earlier dream.  There is a theme here - it is about home which represents your comfort zone.  You are not comfortable with a lot of what is happening in your life and the scenes are inner fears.  As the dream is about your emotions to be resolved, handling your own fears is a good start.

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