Odd dream about twins and needles

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Odd dream about twins and needles

Post by Ravenswood » Thu Jan 05, 2012 11:28 pm

I never dream in first person, only third. Although I always know that one person is always supposed to be me. A bit odd. I know. Anyway I had a dream last night that I was about eleven or twelve years old. I had a twin and we were both very sick. I was terrified of needles (much like I am in real life) while she on the other hand was much more calm. Anyway... I can't remember much except for them having to insert an IV into each of us. I was whimpering long after the needle had been inserted into my arm. Of course she was much calmer, simply resting on the other bed. We were also injected with this blue liquid. I'm not entirely sure what it was.

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Post by Rook » Fri Jan 06, 2012 10:03 am

Hi Ravenswood

I would say the dream is referencing something that happened to you when you were about 11 or 12 years old.  It could be related to the event that produced your fear of needles as this is the point where the you that was afraid of needles split from the you that is calm?  Or it may just be illustrating something that caused fear in general, something that needs healing.  The liquid could be related to emotion, blue depression / sadness?  Can you think of any significant events around that time that caused sadness or depression resulting from a fearful encounter?

The whimpering long after the needle went into your arm could be the emotional pain extending beyond the event - sort of like post-traumatic stress.

I am wondering perhaps if the twin could be two you's - the one that is you and how you felt would be your inner feelings, and the twin may be that which you showed outside.  Ie you repressed these feelings (a pretty standard response) and acted calm, although you did not feel that way inside... perhaps (as the twin you you only see but do not feel, where the other you that is you does show these feelings).

What do you think?


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Post by Rook » Fri Jan 06, 2012 10:04 am

Hi Ravenswood

I would say the dream is referencing something that happened to you when you were about 11 or 12 years old.  It could be related to the event that produced your fear of needles as this is the point where the you that was afraid of needles split from the you that is calm?  Or it may just be illustrating something that caused fear in general, something that needs healing.  The liquid could be related to emotion, blue depression / sadness?  Can you think of any significant events around that time that caused sadness or depression resulting from a fearful encounter?

The whimpering long after the needle went into your arm could be the emotional pain extending beyond the event - sort of like post-traumatic stress.

I am wondering perhaps if the twin could be two you's - the one that is you and how you felt would be your inner feelings, and the twin may be that which you showed outside.  Ie you repressed these feelings (a pretty standard response) and acted calm, although you did not feel that way inside... perhaps (as the twin you you only see but do not feel, where the other you that is you does show these feelings).

What do you think?


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