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Learn to analyse and understand the meaning of your dreams.

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Hi Everyone!

Post by happyme » Tue Mar 06, 2012 1:23 pm

Please don't mind if I come on here and share dreams or eccentric experiences. I appreciate any advice/opinions/insight I can get and if you choose not to respond that is fine too. I am just so happy for an outlet where I can put down in words what I am going through and feeling. I don't have friends who really understand when I talk about these things, at least here I am with people who won't think I am crazy and could relate to what I am saying. I went through a spiritual discovery that happened around 2008/09 where I had strange things happened to me, and that included a major car crash, a period of despair and unemployment, a drastic change in diet when I became raw vegan, and more vivid dreams and unusual experiences, this forum was very supportive of me at this time, I eventually moved back to the New York to live and end up studying nursing (new move/new career) something if you had asked me if it would happen, in 2007 I would not have known. I had lots of deja vu throughout the process, and I even had a dream right before going back to New York that told me who would play a major role in all my transitions while I was there. All that fell away and it was like I abandoned my spiritual quest I think part of it is I was just afraid of advancing any further I was afraid of having too much information especially about people. Now in 2012 working as a nurse in a new state/town this world is coming back to me all over again whether I want it to or not, well the empath in me never left, I can't turn that off, but the vivid dreams are coming back or at least I am remembering them and weird things are happening all over again..I think I am suppose to be helping people with this, but I am not sure want that responsibility. I second guess my intuition all the time even when I end up being right, but either way I don't think I am being given a choice..Today something told me to call me friend now urgently when I hadn't spoken to her in months, and when I did, I realized why, but I won't share that on here. The point just putting what I experience in writing will help me to understand more what I am going through and what is being asked of me.

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