Really Bizarre Dreams...

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Really Bizarre Dreams...

Post by ImperfectBeauty » Thu Apr 26, 2012 8:20 pm

Hello everyone, first I'd like to say that I read a couple stickys before posting this and this is my first post but I won't be a one timer and not even be back to see any responses. I would contribute too but I don't really know what I have to contribute? I mainly was looking for somewhere someone could possibly help me understand the meaning of a couple dreams I've been having. So I appreciate any and all responses and want to thank you in advance for taking time to reply, I really appreciate it.

I'll give a little background, maybe it will help? I've been with my boyfriend for almost four years now. We have lived together for almost three. I don't have any problems doubts or fears about the relationship.

I won't go into detail because I don't know exactly who could be reading this (age wise) but they are sexual dreams. Both dreams reoccur and happen the same way every time. They are vivid, realistic, and leave me with an really unsettling feeling when I wake up. I also wanted to mention I have watched porn before nothing like.. fetishes or out there just basic sex/oral or whatever but lost interest in it long ago because it didn't do anything for me. I'm not prude to it and don't know why in the dream its so shocking. To my knowledge my boyfriend doesn't watch it either, we spend a lot of our time together I think I'd notice(pretty much work/school and home)... but even if he did I couldn't care less I'm not that type of girl to be jealous of a video or picture(s).

The first one is my boyfriend leaves the room and I'm using the computer and its nothing bad at all and then some porn thing pops up and it won't go away and then more show up and they won't go away. I get a confused feeling and panicked like what is going on?! But when I wake up its not that bad its just porn and I shrugged it off as a weird dream. But I had it couple more times.

Then the most recent dream kind of scared me and I don't understand why I had it. This time I was walking by and my boyfriend was using the computer and as I was walking by something popped up again only it was like.. sadistic porn... there were just like five women hurting themselves with things and it was really shocking, detailed, and scary and I woke up like really.. what the hell...  :smt017

The dreams were never arousing, it never had me or my boyfriend doing the sexual things, I don't understand why they keep reoccurring though. I am happy in my sex life if that makes any difference in an interpretation? I'm pretty sure my boyfriend is as well, we have an extremely open relationship and talk about anything/everything. He has no idea why I'd have dreams like these either.

I'm sorry for the length of this and again appreciate any and all responses. Thank you.

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Post by Rook » Thu Apr 26, 2012 11:22 pm

Hi Imperfect

I might find it hard to say exactly what the dream is related to.  I would be looking at the emotional content - something that makes you feel unsettled, regarding not your sex life but sex itself perhaps.  I would say from the second dream it could be something related to sex being painful, but difficult to say since it seems anothers pain.  The other key symbol in the dream may be that it is on a computer.  What could that represent?  Computers are used to store data, so it could be relating to something you are repressing (something stored in the unconscious that you don't want to confront) - especially since the box pops up and wont go away.

It could be relating to something sexual that happened in your younger years, not necessarily something that happened to you, but it could be something that you were exposed to that associates pain and sex (such as stumbling on parents etc and thinking that what they were doing was painful).

There might be more that can be read into it if you provide more detail - if you don't feel comfortable posting here I am happy to discuss via PM.

Sweet dreams,

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Post by ImperfectBeauty » Fri Apr 27, 2012 6:23 am

Thank you very much, Rook for your reply. I am not uncomfortable sharing more details and I will privately message you. I'm just not sure of what age range would be seeing this post and that's why I didn't go into it all. I saw some option when I registered for younger ages and I certainly don't want any of them to come across something like this in detail.

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Post by spiritalk » Sun Apr 29, 2012 3:29 pm

Dreams are mostly about your own unresolved emotions from your conscious life.  Sexual dreams are about vulnerability.  The sex or the acts performed in the dreams are merely symbols.  Your open attitude to porn seems to have overstepped its boundaries.  Perhaps as symbols it took more to make you take the time to understand your own vulnerability.  

Instead of looking at your relationship, perhaps there are other places you have been feeling vulnerable.  (Here I feel you are vulnerable to someone else making the decisions you wish for your life but are vulnerable to their opinions and decisions?)

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Post by ImperfectBeauty » Sun Apr 29, 2012 5:30 pm

spiritalk wrote:Dreams are mostly about your own unresolved emotions from your conscious life.  Sexual dreams are about vulnerability.  The sex or the acts performed in the dreams are merely symbols.  Your open attitude to porn seems to have overstepped its boundaries.  Perhaps as symbols it took more to make you take the time to understand your own vulnerability.  

Instead of looking at your relationship, perhaps there are other places you have been feeling vulnerable.  (Here I feel you are vulnerable to someone else making the decisions you wish for your life but are vulnerable to their opinions and decisions?)
All I can say is WOW and thank you. Thank you both very much. In the private messages rook suggested maybe it was some unresolved issue and reading your response spiritalk it was a really clarifying moment. Wow...

Your feelings were spot on, that's so crazy. Thank you both again so very much.

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Post by ElizVanZee » Sun May 13, 2012 5:20 pm

The scene suggests a situation in which something computes or makes sense to you (using the computer)  but it may make sense because some aspect of your mind (represented by any male) - an aspect conveying thoughts that can work to your benefit (the boyfriend) is not being used. (boyfriend has left the room)

The porn ’popping up’ implies that the idea of porn is making its appearance without being specifically called for or wanted. This means that in a situation in which something makes sense to you, you have unintentionally left yourself open or receptive to the idea of porn. The problem the dream is showing, is that by not providing a definite block on the idea of porn in your own mind, the idea can become much more intense and will not go away. [Note how you reacted to the images of porn. You said to yourself, “its not that bad its just porn”, which implies a high degree of acceptance on your part.]

The most recent dream is showing that there is a scary aspect of porn which you have not yet understood. Where your mind sees a situation that  makes sense (boyfriend is using the computer) [perhaps not wanting to appear as a prude or not jealous of a video or pictures ?] the idea of porn that makes an unasked for appearance is no longer “just porn” but in time becomes sadistic porn. The 5 women hurting themselves, can simply represent the idea of women hurting themselves through porn – an idea that needs to be changed. The 5 women also indicate changing feeling regarding porn, in this case probably as a result of the idea pf porn being a long standing idea that the mind was willing to entertain (since no mental block or strong objection was ever implanted in your mind).

What the recent dream shows is that from a man’s, or even simply from your own boyfriend’s perspective, what makes sense to him when the idea of porn pops up, is a more sadistic form of porn. [Because sex is psychologically speaking a form of male domination over women, sadistic sex can give a male an even greater sense of domination.] In the scene you are simply by passing this issue (walking by).  [Where an idea is truly undesirable – in this case porn being a means through which women are demeaned and hurt – a human is expected to make their objection strong and clear in their own mind. There is no need to try and dictate what a boyfriend can or cannot watch because the battle is won in the mind not in the flesh. The Lord sees cause for you to take a stand mentally about the issue of porn. “What the hell” – damn the idea well!]

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