Dream about Idol Of God.. Very weird feeling...

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inner peace
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Dream about Idol Of God.. Very weird feeling...

Post by inner peace » Sat Jul 07, 2012 7:29 am

Hello I am new here. My name is Shreya.
I am from India.
I will begin with giving a brief description about the spiritual and religious trends in India because that is relevant to my dream.
In India we  pray Lord Krishna and Goddess Radha as a couple and treat them as our family member. Whatever we make in terms of food we first offer to them and then we have our food. They eat, sleep, bathe like us. As in we bathe them, dress them make food for them. So my mother also does the same.

So now i begin my dream.
I had a dream in which I am trying to put to sleep both the idols of Lord Krishna and Goddess Radha. I am somehow unable to put them to sleep. Sometimes I am not able to adjust the properly in their bed or sometimes i can't just lie them down.
Somehow I put to sleep Goddess Radha but i cannot do so With Lord Krishna.
He sees very irritated with me and somehow i can feel his irritation and see the irritation in his eyes. On the other hand my Mum is scolding me that why can't you put them to sleep. Somehow i put him to sleep with great difficulty.

I don't know how much can you people understand or relate to the dream if you are not from India or you don't understand The concept of worshipping like this.

But when i woke up i did not have a very good feeling about the dream. I felt the same confusion and irritation as there in the dream.

Please help as i m not feeling good about this dream..

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Post by MuDDld » Wed Jul 11, 2012 3:21 pm

Hi Shreya, I'm also from India. I've been trying to find some meaning but I can't say I've succeeded. Anyway, I'm going to make a try.

Gods and goddesses often represent the father and mother. You could put the goddess to sleep, but not the god, meaning you could pacify the mother but not the father. Is there a  problem with your relationship with your father? Also, your mother in the dream is angry with you for not being able to develop a good relationship with your father.

There's something called anima and animus. Find out about that.

Look up this site, the God entry

inner peace
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Joined: Sat Jul 07, 2012 7:10 am

Post by inner peace » Fri Jul 27, 2012 9:48 am

Thanx but my relationship with both my parents is pretty healthy and very cordial.

Thanx for the attempt though.

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Post by spiritalk » Fri Jul 27, 2012 2:42 pm

When we worship our God(s) we are looking to the inner being of ourselves.  That is what is represented here - both the feminine and the masculine.  

You have been able to subdue the inner feminine but it has left you angry.  The inner masculine is not subdued.  

And in that case, the events of your life are in some confusion as to resolution.  You want to resolve feminine as is your gender, but the masculine arises.  Balance is the key to inner you.  Coming to terms with the fact that we all have both inside.  And resolving how you handle your own issues is important to your well being and peace of mind.

inner peace
Posts: 6
Joined: Sat Jul 07, 2012 7:10 am

Post by inner peace » Fri Jul 27, 2012 3:50 pm

This was a very close answer. Thank you so much spiritalk.
Yes I am going through a very mixed phase. With lots of questions and lots of contradictory emotions. I am on a spiritual journey.

inner peace
Posts: 6
Joined: Sat Jul 07, 2012 7:10 am

Post by inner peace » Fri Jul 27, 2012 3:51 pm

This was a very close answer. Thank you so much spiritalk.
Yes I am going through a very mixed phase. With lots of questions and lots of contradictory emotions. I am on a spiritual journey.

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