big spider dream

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big spider dream

Post by YoshiSol » Thu Sep 20, 2012 4:55 pm

I had a dream I was at work and
my boss brought his family.(I've
never met his family in real life)
apparently his son was a big
spider. about the size of my
foot. he would be in random
places every so often I would
catch him watch me as I worked.
everytime I saw him for a split
second I got shivers down my
spine. at the end the boss ask
me to take him outside. I was
apprehensive so my coworker
kept rambling on about how
nice he is and how everyone
gets along with him. as he's
talking the spider crawls on my
leg really slow. I start to trust it
and before I could head out
side it crawls really fast up my
body and attacks me in the
neck. I woke up scared. can
anyone interpret please. thank

*note- I just started my job and love it. so I don't think it has to do with work or my boss. but who knows.. thank you.

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Post by spiritalk » Sun Sep 23, 2012 1:21 pm

Dreams are mostly about our unresolved emotions from the conscious state, played out in symbols.  All people, places, things in a dream represent yourself.  

Spiders are often considered something to fear by most people.  They weave a web to catch their prey.  To me this represents you being caught in a web of fears where your job is concerned.  Relax into the work and enjoy your workplace.  There will always be someone who wishes to usurp our place through jealousies, etc.  Just hold your ground and enjoy where life is taking you.  We get back what we put out - no one can make you fear - you do that for yourself.

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Post by Rook » Wed Sep 26, 2012 1:48 pm

Hey Yoshi

The way I see it the family with the boss as the father figure - given that you haven't met his family - actually represents the other staff in the work environment.  The "workplace" family in other words.

The spider likely represents someone in the office that you have consciously or unconsciously become aware of showing an interest in you / checking you out.  I get the feeling this has given you something of an uncomfortable feeling - hence the spider and not being comfortable in the dream environment.  The encouragement from others could be other colleagues trying to paint this person in a positive light.  After this you become more trusting.

The spider takes advantage of this to bite you on the neck.  I get the feeling you aren't interested in this person romantically.  That's where I think the waking up in a panic comes from.  Acceptance of his advances may cause more problems further down the road.

Does that make any sense?


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